require 'spec_helper' describe 'Users', type: :feature do stub_authorization! let!(:country) { create(:country) } let!(:user_a) { create(:user_with_addresses, email: '') } let!(:user_b) { create(:user_with_addresses, email: '') } let(:order) { create(:completed_order_with_totals, user: user_a, number: "R123") } let(:order_2) do create(:completed_order_with_totals, user: user_a, number: "R456").tap do |o| li = o.line_items.last li.update_column(:price, li.price + 10) end end let(:orders) { [order, order_2] } shared_examples_for 'a user page' do it 'has lifetime stats' do orders visit current_url # need to refresh after creating the orders for specs that did not require orders within("#user-lifetime-stats") do [:total_sales, :num_orders, :average_order_value, :member_since].each do |stat_name| expect(page).to have_content Spree.t(stat_name) end expect(page).to have_content( + expect(page).to have_content orders.count expect(page).to have_content(orders.sum(&:total) / orders.count) expect(page).to have_content I18n.l(user_a.created_at.to_date) end end it 'can go back to the users list' do expect(page).to have_link Spree::LegacyUser.model_name.human(count: :other), href: spree.admin_users_path end it 'can navigate to the account page' do expect(page).to have_link Spree.t(:"admin.user.account"), href: spree.edit_admin_user_path(user_a) end it 'can navigate to the order history' do expect(page).to have_link Spree.t(:"admin.user.order_history"), href: spree.orders_admin_user_path(user_a) end it 'can navigate to the items purchased' do expect(page).to have_link Spree.t(:"admin.user.items"), href: spree.items_admin_user_path(user_a) end end shared_examples_for 'a sortable attribute' do before { click_link sort_link } it "can sort asc" do within_table(table_id) do expect(page).to have_text text_match_1 expect(page).to have_text text_match_2 expect(text_match_1).to appear_before text_match_2 end end it "can sort desc" do within_table(table_id) do click_link sort_link expect(page).to have_text text_match_1 expect(page).to have_text text_match_2 expect(text_match_2).to appear_before text_match_1 end end end before do visit spree.admin_path click_link 'Users' end context 'users index' do context "email" do it_behaves_like "a sortable attribute" do let(:text_match_1) { } let(:text_match_2) { } let(:table_id) { "listing_users" } let(:sort_link) { "users_email_title" } end end it 'displays the correct results for a user search' do fill_in 'q_email_cont', with: click_button 'Search' within_table('listing_users') do expect(page).to have_text expect(page).not_to have_text end end end context 'editing users' do before { click_link } it_behaves_like 'a user page' it 'can edit the user email' do fill_in 'user_email', with: 'a@example.com99' click_button 'Update' expect( eq 'a@example.com99' expect(page).to have_text 'Account updated' expect(page).to have_field('user_email', with: 'a@example.com99') end it 'can edit the user password' do fill_in 'user_password', with: 'welcome' fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', with: 'welcome' click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_text 'Account updated' end it 'can edit user roles' do Spree::Role.create name: "admin" click_link 'Account' check 'user_spree_role_admin' click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_text 'Account updated' expect(find_field('user_spree_role_admin')).to be_checked end it 'can delete user roles' do user_a.spree_roles << Spree::Role.create(name: "dummy") click_link 'Account' user_a.spree_roles.each do |role| uncheck "user_spree_role_#{}" end click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_text 'Account updated' expect(find_field('user_spree_role_dummy')).not_to be_checked expect(user_a.reload.spree_roles).to be_empty end it 'can edit user shipping address' do click_link "Addresses" within("#admin_user_edit_addresses") do fill_in "user_ship_address_attributes_address1", with: "1313 Mockingbird Ln" click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_field('user_ship_address_attributes_address1', with: "1313 Mockingbird Ln") end expect(user_a.reload.ship_address.address1).to eq "1313 Mockingbird Ln" end it 'can edit user billing address' do click_link "Addresses" within("#admin_user_edit_addresses") do fill_in "user_bill_address_attributes_address1", with: "1313 Mockingbird Ln" click_button 'Update' expect(page).to have_field('user_bill_address_attributes_address1', with: "1313 Mockingbird Ln") end expect(user_a.reload.bill_address.address1).to eq "1313 Mockingbird Ln" end context 'invalid entry' do around do |example| ::AlwaysInvalidUser = do validate :always_invalid_email def always_invalid_email errors.add(:email, "is invalid") end end orig_class = Spree.user_class Spree.user_class = "AlwaysInvalidUser" Spree.user_class = Object.send(:remove_const, "AlwaysInvalidUser") end it 'should show validation errors' do fill_in 'user_email', with: 'something' click_button 'Update' within('#errorExplanation') do expect(page).to have_content("Email is invalid") end within('.flash.error') do expect(page).to have_content("Email is invalid") end end end context 'no api key exists' do it 'can generate a new api key' do within("#admin_user_edit_api_key") do expect(user_a.spree_api_key).to be_blank click_button Spree.t('generate_key', scope: 'api') end expect(user_a.reload.spree_api_key).to be_present expect(page).to have_content('Key: (hidden)') end end context 'an api key exists' do before do user_a.generate_spree_api_key! expect(user_a.reload.spree_api_key).to be_present visit current_path end it 'can clear an api key' do expect(page).to have_css('#current-api-key') click_button Spree.t('clear_key', scope: 'api') expect(page).to have_no_css('#current-api-key') expect(user_a.reload.spree_api_key).to be_blank end it 'can regenerate an api key' do old_key = user_a.spree_api_key within("#admin_user_edit_api_key") do click_button Spree.t('regenerate_key', scope: 'api') end expect(user_a.reload.spree_api_key).to be_present expect(user_a.reload.spree_api_key).not_to eq old_key expect(page).to have_content('Key: (hidden)') end end end context 'order history with sorting' do before do orders click_link within(".tabs") { click_link Spree.t(:"admin.user.order_history") } end it_behaves_like 'a user page' context "completed_at" do it_behaves_like "a sortable attribute" do let(:text_match_1) { I18n.l(order.completed_at.to_date) } let(:text_match_2) { I18n.l(order_2.completed_at.to_date) } let(:table_id) { "listing_orders" } let(:sort_link) { "orders_completed_at_title" } end end [:number, :state, :total].each do |attr| context attr do it_behaves_like "a sortable attribute" do let(:text_match_1) { order.send(attr).to_s } let(:text_match_2) { order_2.send(attr).to_s } let(:table_id) { "listing_orders" } let(:sort_link) { "orders_#{attr}_title" } end end end end context 'items purchased with sorting' do before do orders click_link within(".tabs") { click_link Spree.t(:"admin.user.items") } end it_behaves_like 'a user page' context "completed_at" do it_behaves_like "a sortable attribute" do let(:text_match_1) { I18n.l(order.completed_at.to_date) } let(:text_match_2) { I18n.l(order_2.completed_at.to_date) } let(:table_id) { "listing_items" } let(:sort_link) { "orders_completed_at_title" } end end [:number, :state].each do |attr| context attr do it_behaves_like "a sortable attribute" do let(:text_match_1) { order.send(attr).to_s } let(:text_match_2) { order_2.send(attr).to_s } let(:table_id) { "listing_items" } let(:sort_link) { "orders_#{attr}_title" } end end end it "has item attributes" do items = order.line_items | order_2.line_items expect(page).to have_table 'listing_items' within_table('listing_items') do items.each do |item| expect(page).to have_selector(".item-name", text: expect(page).to have_selector(".item-price", text: item.single_money.to_html) expect(page).to have_selector(".item-quantity", text: item.quantity) expect(page).to have_selector(".item-total", text: end end end end end