module NewspaperWorks module Ingest module NDNP class IssueIngester include NewspaperWorks::Logging include NewspaperWorks::Ingest::NDNP::NDNPAssetHelper include NewspaperWorks::Ingest::PubFinder attr_accessor :issue, :target, :opts delegate :path, to: :issue COPY_FIELDS = [ :lccn, :edition_number, :edition_name, :volume, :publication_date, :held_by, :issue_number ].freeze # @param issue [NewspaperWorks::Ingest::NDNP::IssueIngest] # source issue data # @param opts [Hash] # ingest options, e.g. administrative metadata def initialize(issue, opts = {}) @issue = issue @opts = opts @target = nil configure_logger('ingest') end def ingest construct_issue ingest_pages NewspaperWorks::ComposeIssuePDFJob.perform_later(@target) end def construct_issue create_issue find_or_create_linked_publication end def ingest_pages issue.each do |page| page_ingester(page).ingest end end private def page_ingester(page_data) page_data, @target, @opts ) end def publication_date parsed = DateTime.iso8601(issue.metadata.publication_date) parsed.strftime('%B %-d, %Y') end def publication_title(issue) issue.metadata.publication_title.strip.split(/ \(/)[0] end def issue_title "#{publication_title(issue)}: #{publication_date}" end def copy_issue_metadata metadata = issue.metadata # set (required, plural) title from single value obtained from reel: @target.title = [issue_title] # copy all fields with singular (non-repeatable) values on both # target NewspaperIssue object, and metadata source: COPY_FIELDS.each do |fieldname| @target.send("#{fieldname}=", metadata.send(fieldname.to_s)) end end def create_issue @target = NewspaperIssue.create copy_issue_metadata assign_administrative_metadata! write_log("Saved metadata to new NewspaperIssue #{}") end def find_or_create_linked_publication title = publication_title(issue) lccn = issue.metadata.lccn find_or_create_publication_for_issue(@target, lccn, title, @opts) end end end end end