require 'spec_helper' require 'thegarage/gitx/cli/review_command' describe Thegarage::Gitx::Cli::ReviewCommand do let(:args) { [] } let(:options) { {} } let(:config) do { pretend: true } end let(:cli) {, options, config) } let(:repo) { double('fake repo', config: repo_config) } let(:repo_config) do { 'remote.origin.url' => '' } end let(:branch) { double('fake branch', name: 'feature-branch') } before do allow(cli).to receive(:repo).and_return(repo) allow(cli).to receive(:current_branch).and_return(branch) allow(cli).to receive(:ask_editor).and_return('description') end describe '#review' do context 'when pull request does not exist' do let(:authorization_token) { '123123' } let(:changelog) { '* made some fixes' } let(:fake_update_command) { double('fake update command', update: nil) } let(:new_pull_request) do { html_url: "https://path/to/html/pull/request", issue_url: "https://api/path/to/issue/url", number: 10, head: { ref: "branch_name" } } end before do expect(Thegarage::Gitx::Cli::UpdateCommand).to receive(:new).and_return(fake_update_command) allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) expect(cli).to receive(:run_cmd).with("git log master...feature-branch --reverse --no-merges --pretty=format:'* %s%n%b'").and_return("* old commit\n\n* new commit").ordered expect(cli).to receive(:ask_editor).with("### Changelog\n* old commit\n\n* new commit\n#{Thegarage::Gitx::Cli::Github::PULL_REQUEST_FOOTER}", anything).and_return('description') stub_request(:post, '').to_return(:status => 201, :body => new_pull_request.to_json, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) VCR.use_cassette('pull_request_does_not_exist') do end end it 'creates github pull request' do should meet_expectations end it 'runs expected commands' do should meet_expectations end end context 'when authorization_token is missing' do let(:authorization_token) { nil } it do allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) expect { }.to raise_error(/token not found/) end end context 'when pull request already exists' do let(:authorization_token) { '123123' } before do allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) expect(cli).to_not receive(:create_pull_request) VCR.use_cassette('pull_request_does_exist') do end end it 'does not create new pull request' do should meet_expectations end end context 'when --assignee option passed' do let(:options) do { assignee: 'johndoe' } end let(:authorization_token) { '123123' } before do allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) stub_request(:patch, /.**/).to_return(:status => 200) VCR.use_cassette('pull_request_does_exist') do end end it 'updates github pull request' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:patch, "") end end context 'when --open flag passed' do let(:options) do { open: true } end let(:authorization_token) { '123123' } before do allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) expect(cli).to receive(:run_cmd).with("open https://path/to/html/pull/request").ordered VCR.use_cassette('pull_request_does_exist') do end end it 'runs open command with pull request url' do should meet_expectations end end context 'when --bump flag is passed' do let(:options) do { bump: true } end let(:authorization_token) { '123123' } before do allow(cli).to receive(:authorization_token).and_return(authorization_token) expect(cli).to receive(:ask_editor).and_return('comment description') stub_request(:post, /.**/).to_return(:status => 201) VCR.use_cassette('pull_request_does_exist') do end end it 'posts comment to github' do expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, ""). with(body: {body: 'comment description'}) end end end describe '#authorization_token' do context 'when github.user is not configured' do it 'raises error' do expect do cli.send(:authorization_token) raise_error(/Github user not configured/) end end context 'when config.authorization_token is nil' do let(:repo_config) do { 'remote.origin.url' => '', 'github.user' => '' } end let(:github_password) { 'secretz' } let(:authorization_token) { '123981239123' } before do stub_request(:post, ""). to_return(:status => 200, :body => JSON.dump(token: authorization_token), :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) expect(cli).to receive(:ask).with('Github password for ', {:echo => false}).and_return(github_password) expect(cli).to receive(:ask).with('Github two factor authorization token (if enabled): ', {:echo => false}).and_return(nil) @auth_token = cli.send(:authorization_token) end it 'stores authorization_token in git config' do expect(repo_config).to include('thegarage.gitx.githubauthtoken' => authorization_token) end it { expect(@auth_token).to eq authorization_token } end context 'when there is an existing authorization_token' do let(:authorization_token) { '123981239123' } let(:repo_config) do { 'remote.origin.url' => '', 'github.user' => '', 'thegarage.gitx.githubauthtoken' => authorization_token } end before do @auth_token = cli.send(:authorization_token) end it { expect(@auth_token).to eq authorization_token } end context 'when two factor authorization token given' do let(:repo_config) do { 'remote.origin.url' => '', 'github.user' => '' } end let(:github_password) { 'secretz' } let(:authorization_token) { '123981239123' } let(:two_factor_auth_token) { '456456' } before do stub_request(:post, ""). with(headers: {'X-GitHub-OTP' => two_factor_auth_token}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => JSON.dump(token: authorization_token), :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) expect(cli).to receive(:ask).with('Github password for ', {:echo => false}).and_return(github_password) expect(cli).to receive(:ask).with('Github two factor authorization token (if enabled): ', {:echo => false}).and_return(two_factor_auth_token) @auth_token = cli.send(:authorization_token) end it 'stores authorization_token in git config' do expect(repo_config).to include('thegarage.gitx.githubauthtoken' => authorization_token) end it { expect(@auth_token).to eq authorization_token } end end end