# frozen_string_literal: true # AR does not require all of AS, but PT does. PT uses core_ext like # `String#squish`, so we require `active_support/all`. Instead of eagerly # loading all of AS here, we could put specific `require`s in only the various # PT files that need them, but this seems easier to troubleshoot, though it may # add a few milliseconds to rails boot time. If that becomes a pain point, we # can revisit this decision. require "active_support/all" # AR is required for, eg. has_paper_trail.rb, so we could put this `require` in # all of those files, but it seems easier to troubleshoot if we just make sure # AR is loaded here before loading *any* of PT. See discussion of # performance/simplicity tradeoff for activesupport above. require "active_record" require "request_store" require "paper_trail/cleaner" require "paper_trail/config" require "paper_trail/has_paper_trail" require "paper_trail/record_history" require "paper_trail/reifier" require "paper_trail/request" require "paper_trail/version_association_concern" require "paper_trail/version_concern" require "paper_trail/version_number" require "paper_trail/serializers/json" require "paper_trail/serializers/yaml" # An ActiveRecord extension that tracks changes to your models, for auditing or # versioning. module PaperTrail E_RAILS_NOT_LOADED = <<-EOS.squish.freeze PaperTrail has been loaded too early, before rails is loaded. This can happen when another gem defines the ::Rails namespace, then PT is loaded, all before rails is loaded. You may want to reorder your Gemfile, or defer the loading of PT by using `require: false` and a manual require elsewhere. EOS E_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_CONFIG = <<-EOS.squish.freeze PaperTrail.timestamp_field= has been removed, without replacement. It is no longer configurable. The timestamp column in the versions table must now be named created_at. EOS extend PaperTrail::Cleaner class << self # @api private def clear_transaction_id ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.clear_transaction_id is deprecated, " \ "use PaperTrail.request.clear_transaction_id", caller(1) ) request.clear_transaction_id end # Switches PaperTrail on or off, for all threads. # @api public def enabled=(value) PaperTrail.config.enabled = value end # Returns `true` if PaperTrail is on, `false` otherwise. This is the # on/off switch that affects all threads. Enabled by default. # @api public def enabled? !!PaperTrail.config.enabled end # @deprecated def enabled_for_controller=(value) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller= is deprecated, " \ "use PaperTrail.request.enabled=", caller(1) ) request.enabled = value end # @deprecated def enabled_for_controller? ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.enabled_for_controller? is deprecated, " \ "use PaperTrail.request.enabled?", caller(1) ) request.enabled? end # @deprecated def enabled_for_model(model, value) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.enabled_for_model is deprecated, " \ "use PaperTrail.request.enabled_for_model", caller(1) ) request.enabled_for_model(model, value) end # @deprecated def enabled_for_model?(model) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.enabled_for_model? is deprecated, " \ "use PaperTrail.request.enabled_for_model?", caller(1) ) request.enabled_for_model?(model) end # Returns PaperTrail's `::Gem::Version`, convenient for comparisons. This is # recommended over `::PaperTrail::VERSION::STRING`. # @api public def gem_version ::Gem::Version.new(VERSION::STRING) end # Set variables for the current request, eg. whodunnit. # # All request-level variables are now managed here, as of PT 9. Having the # word "request" right there in your application code will remind you that # these variables only affect the current request, not all threads. # # Given a block, temporarily sets the given `options` and execute the block. # # Without a block, this currently just returns `PaperTrail::Request`. # However, please do not use `PaperTrail::Request` directly. Currently, # `Request` is a `Module`, but in the future it is quite possible we may # make it a `Class`. If we make such a choice, we will not provide any # warning and will not treat it as a breaking change. You've been warned :) # # @api public def request(options = nil, &block) if options.nil? && !block_given? Request else Request.with(options, &block) nil end end # Set the field which records when a version was created. # @api public def timestamp_field=(_field_name) raise(E_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_CONFIG) end # @deprecated def whodunnit=(value) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.whodunnit= is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.whodunnit=", caller(1) ) request.whodunnit = value end # @deprecated def whodunnit(value = nil, &block) if value.nil? ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.whodunnit is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.whodunnit", caller(1) ) request.whodunnit elsif block_given? ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "Passing a block to PaperTrail.whodunnit is deprecated, " \ 'use PaperTrail.request(whodunnit: "John") do .. end', caller(1) ) request(whodunnit: value, &block) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid arguments" end end # @deprecated def controller_info=(value) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.controller_info= is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.controller_info=", caller(1) ) request.controller_info = value end # @deprecated def controller_info ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.controller_info is deprecated, use PaperTrail.request.controller_info", caller(1) ) request.controller_info end # Set the PaperTrail serializer. This setting affects all threads. # @api public def serializer=(value) PaperTrail.config.serializer = value end # Get the PaperTrail serializer used by all threads. # @api public def serializer PaperTrail.config.serializer end # @api public def transaction? ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection.open_transactions.positive? end # @deprecated def transaction_id ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.transaction_id is deprecated without replacement.", caller(1) ) request.transaction_id end # @deprecated def transaction_id=(id) ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "PaperTrail.transaction_id= is deprecated without replacement.", caller(1) ) request.transaction_id = id end # Returns PaperTrail's global configuration object, a singleton. These # settings affect all threads. # @api private def config @config ||= PaperTrail::Config.instance yield @config if block_given? @config end alias configure config def version VERSION::STRING end end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do include PaperTrail::Model end # Require frameworks if defined?(::Rails) # Rails module is sometimes defined by gems like rails-html-sanitizer # so we check for presence of Rails.application. if defined?(::Rails.application) require "paper_trail/frameworks/rails" else ::Kernel.warn(::PaperTrail::E_RAILS_NOT_LOADED) end else require "paper_trail/frameworks/active_record" end