opal_filter "regular_expressions" do fails "Regexp#hash is based on the text and options of Regexp" fails "Regexp#hash returns the same value for two Regexps differing only in the /n option" fails "Regexp#initialize is a private method" fails "Regexp#initialize raises a SecurityError on a Regexp literal" fails "Regexp#initialize raises a TypeError on an initialized non-literal Regexp" fails "Regexp#inspect correctly escapes forward slashes /" fails "Regexp#inspect does not include a character set code" fails "Regexp#inspect does not include the 'o' option" fails "Regexp#inspect does not over escape" fails "Regexp#inspect escapes 2 slashes in a row properly" fails "Regexp#inspect returns a formatted string that would eval to the same regexp" fails "Regexp#inspect returns options in the order 'mixn'" fails "Regexp#source returns the original string of the pattern" fails "Regexp#to_s deals properly with the two types of lookahead groups" fails "Regexp#to_s returns a string in (?xxx:yyy) notation" fails "Regexp#to_s shows all options as excluded if none are selected" fails "Regexp#to_s shows non-included options after a - sign" fails "Regexp#to_s shows the pattern after the options" fails "Regexp.compile given a Regexp does not honour options given as additional arguments" fails "Regexp.compile given a Regexp preserves any options given in the Regexp literal" fails "Regexp.compile given a Regexp uses the argument as a literal to construct a Regexp object" fails "Regexp.compile given a String accepts a Fixnum of two or more options ORed together as the second argument" fails "Regexp.compile given a String does not set Regexp options if only given one argument" fails "Regexp.compile given a String does not set Regexp options if second argument is nil or false" fails "Regexp.compile given a String ignores the third argument if it is 'e' or 'euc' (case-insensitive)" fails "Regexp.compile given a String ignores the third argument if it is 's' or 'sjis' (case-insensitive)" fails "Regexp.compile given a String ignores the third argument if it is 'u' or 'utf8' (case-insensitive)" fails "Regexp.compile given a String raises a RegexpError when passed an incorrect regexp" fails "Regexp.compile given a String sets options from second argument if it is one of the Fixnum option constants" fails "Regexp.compile given a String treats any non-Fixnum, non-nil, non-false second argument as IGNORECASE" fails "Regexp.compile given a String uses ASCII_8BIT encoding if third argument is 'n' or 'none' (case insensitive) and non-ascii characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String uses the String argument as an unescaped literal to construct a Regexp object" fails "Regexp.compile given a String uses US_ASCII encoding if third argument is 'n' or 'none' (case insensitive) and only ascii characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\a'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\e'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\f'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\n'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\r'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\t'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\v'" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a backspace followed by a character" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a combination of escaped octal and hexadecimal digits and \\uHHHH" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a combination of escaped octal and hexadecimal digits and \\u{HHHH}" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a one-digit hexadecimal value" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a one-digit octal value" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a three-digit octal value" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a two-digit hexadecimal value" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts a two-digit octal value" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts an escaped string interpolation" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts characters and escaped hexadecimal digits" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts characters and escaped octal digits" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts characters followed by \\uHHHH" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts characters followed by \\u{HHHH}" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped hexadecimal and octal digits" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped hexadecimal digits and characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped hexadecimal digits followed by \\uHHHH" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped hexadecimal digits followed by \\u{HHHH}" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped octal digits and characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped octal digits followed by \\uHHHH" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts escaped octal digits followed by \\u{HHHH}" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts multiple consecutive '\\' characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\uHHHH followed by characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\uHHHH for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HHHHHH} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HHHHH} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HHHH} followed by characters" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HHHH} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HHH} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{HH} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters accepts \\u{H} for a single Unicode codepoint" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters interprets a digit following a three-digit octal value as a character" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters interprets a digit following a two-digit hexadecimal value as a character" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters raises a Regexp error if there is a trailing backslash" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if less than four digits are given for \\uHHHH" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if more than six hexadecimal digits are given" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if the \\u{} escape is empty" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if \\x is not followed by any hexadecimal digits" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with source String having the input String's encoding" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with source String having US-ASCII encoding if only 7-bit ASCII characters are present regardless of the input String's encoding" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with source String having US-ASCII encoding if UTF-8 escape sequences using only 7-bit ASCII are present" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with source String having UTF-8 encoding if any UTF-8 escape sequences outside 7-bit ASCII are present" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with the input String's encoding" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with US-ASCII encoding if only 7-bit ASCII characters are present regardless of the input String's encoding" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with US-ASCII encoding if UTF-8 escape sequences using only 7-bit ASCII are present" fails "Regexp.compile given a String with escaped characters returns a Regexp with UTF-8 encoding if any UTF-8 escape sequences outside 7-bit ASCII are present" fails "Regexp.compile requires one argument and creates a new regular expression object" fails "Regexp.compile works by default for subclasses with overridden #initialize" fails "Regexp.new given a String raises a RegexpError when passed an incorrect regexp" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\a'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\e'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\f'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\n'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\r'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\t'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\C-\\v'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\a'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\e'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\f'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\n'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\r'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\t'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\c\\v'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\a'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\a'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\e'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\f'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\n'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\r'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\t'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\C-\\v'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\a'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\e'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\f'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\n'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\r'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\t'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\c\\v'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\e'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\f'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\n'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\r'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\t'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters accepts '\\M-\\v'" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if more than six hexadecimal digits are given" fails "Regexp.new given a String with escaped characters raises a RegexpError if \\x is not followed by any hexadecimal digits" fails "Regexp.new works by default for subclasses with overridden #initialize" fails "Regexp.try_convert returns nil if given an argument that can't be converted to a Regexp" fails "Regexp.try_convert tries to coerce the argument by calling #to_regexp" end