module Mosaico class Template SRC_REGEX = /src\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')/.freeze attr_reader :name, :dir, :subdirs, :registered def initialize(name, dir, subdirs) @name = name @dir = dir @subdirs = subdirs @registered = false end def register! return if registered? before_register @registered = true after_register end alias_method :registered?, :registered def template_path @template_path ||= File.join(dir, "#{full_name}.html") end def template_url Mosaico::Engine.routes.url_helpers.template_path(name) end # where the template's thumbnails are stored def edres_path File.join(dir, 'edres') end def template_content @template_content ||= begin do if subdirs.any? { |subdir| $1.start_with?("#{subdir}/") } if replacement_url = replacement_asset_url($1) next "src='#{Mosaico.url_join(prefix, Mosaico.resolve_asset(replacement_url))}'" end end "src='#{$1}'" end end end def asset_paths @asset_paths ||= list_assets.each_with_object({}) do |asset_path, ret| asset_path = replacement_asset_url(asset_path) short_path = asset_path.sub(/\A#{dir}#{File::SEPARATOR}?/, '') ret[short_path] = Mosaico.resolve_asset(asset_path) end end def full_name "template-#{name}" end def url Mosaico::Engine.routes.url_helpers.template_path(name) end private def prefix Rails.application.config.assets.prefix end def replacement_asset_url(asset_path) list_assets.find { |tmpl_asset| tmpl_asset.end_with?(asset_path) } end def before_register Rails.application.config.assets.paths << File.dirname(dir) Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += list_assets end def after_register end def list_assets subdirs.flat_map do |subdir| # only allow images through for now # TODO: what other file types are we going to need? Dir.glob(File.join(dir, subdir, '**/*.{jpg,gif,png}')) end end end end