# frozen_string_literal: true require "shopify_cli" module Extension module Messages MESSAGES = { extension: { help: <<~HELP, Suite of commands for developing app extensions. See {{command:%1$s extension <command> --help}} for usage of each command. Usage: {{command:%1$s extension [ %2$s ]}} HELP }, create: { help: <<~HELP, Create a new app extension. Usage: {{command:%s extension create <name>}} Options: {{command:--type=TYPE}} The type of extension you would like to create. {{command:--name=NAME}} The name of your extension (50 characters). {{command:--api-key=KEY}} The API key of your app. HELP ask_name: "Extension name", invalid_name: "Extension name must be under %s characters", ask_type: "What type of extension are you creating?", invalid_type: "Extension type is invalid.", setup_project_frame_title: "Initializing project", ready_to_start: <<~MESSAGE, {{v}} A new folder was generated at {{green:./%s}}. {{*}} You’re ready to start building {{green:%s}}! Navigate to the new folder, then run {{command:shopify extension serve}} to start a local server. MESSAGE learn_more: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} Once you're ready to version and publish your extension, run {{command:shopify extension register}} to register this extension with one of your apps. MESSAGE try_again: "{{*}} Fix the errors and run {{command:shopify extension create}} again.", errors: { directory_exists: "Directory ‘%s’ already exists. Please remove it or choose a new name for your project.", }, incomplete_configuration: "Cannot create extension due to missing configuration information", invalid_api_key: "The API key %s does not match any of your apps.", ask_app: "Which app would you like to register this extension with?", no_apps: "{{x}} You don’t have any apps.", learn_about_apps: "{{*}} Learn more about building apps at <https://shopify.dev/concepts/apps>, " \ "or try creating a new app using {{command:shopify [node|rails] create}}.", loading_apps: "Loading your apps…", no_available_extensions: "{{x}} There are no available extensions for this app.", ask_template: "Select a template to use for your extension", }, connect: { connected: "Project now connected to {{green:%s: %s}}", incomplete_configuration: "Cannot connect extension due to missing configuration information", invalid_api_key: "The API key %s does not match any of your apps.", ask_registration: "Which extension would you like to connect to?", loading_extensions: "Loading your extensions…", no_extensions: "{{x}} You don't have any extensions of type %s", learn_about_extensions: "{{*}} Learn more about building extensions at <https://shopify.dev/concepts/apps>, " \ "or try creating a new extension using {{command:shopify extension create}}.", help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s extension connect}}: Connects an existing extension to Shopify CLI. Creates a config file. Usage: {{command:%s extension connect}} HELP }, build: { help: <<~HELP, Build your extension to prepare for deployment. Usage: {{command:%s extension build}} HELP frame_title: "Building extension with: %s…", build_failure_message: "Failed to build extension code.", }, register: { help: <<~HELP, Register your local extension to a Shopify app Usage: {{command:%s extension register}} Options: {{command:--api-key=API_KEY}} The API key used to register an app with the extension. This can be found on the app page on Partners Dashboard. HELP frame_title: "Registering Extension", waiting_text: "Registering with Shopify…", already_registered: "Extension is already registered.", confirm_info: "This will create a new extension registration for %s, which can’t be undone.", confirm_question: "Would you like to register this extension? (y/n)", confirm_abort: "Extension was not registered.", success: "{{v}} Registered {{green:%s}}.", success_info: "{{*}} Run {{command:shopify extension push}} to push your extension to Shopify.", }, push: { help: <<~HELP, Push the current extension to Shopify. Usage: {{command:%s extension push}} Options: {{command:--api-key=API_KEY}} Connect your extension and app by inserting your app's API key (which you can get from your app setup page on shopify.dev). {{command:--registration-id=REGISTRATION_ID}} The id of the extension's registration. HELP frame_title: "Pushing your extension to Shopify", waiting_text: "Pushing code to Shopify…", pushed_with_errors: "{{x}} Code pushed to Shopify with errors on %s.", push_with_errors_info: "{{*}} Fix these errors and run {{command:shopify extension push}} to " \ "revalidate your extension.", success_confirmation: "{{v}} Pushed {{green:%s}} to a draft on %s.", success_info: "{{*}} Visit %s to version and publish your extension.", }, serve: { help: <<~HELP, Serve your extension in a local simulator for development. Usage: {{command:%s extension serve}} Options: {{command:--tunnel=TUNNEL}} Establish an ngrok tunnel (default: false) HELP frame_title: "Serving extension…", no_available_ports_found: "No available ports found to run extension.", serve_failure_message: "Failed to run extension code.", serve_missing_information: "Missing shop or api_key.", tunnel_already_running: "A tunnel running on another port has been detected. Close the tunnel and try again.", }, tunnel: { missing_token: "{{x}} {{red:auth requires a token argument}}. "\ "Find it on your ngrok dashboard: {{underline:https://dashboard.ngrok.com/auth/your-authtoken}}.", invalid_port: "%s is not a valid port.", no_tunnel_running: "No tunnel running.", tunnel_running_at: "Tunnel running at: {{underline:%s}}", help: <<~HELP, Start or stop an http tunnel to your local development extension using ngrok. Usage: {{command:%s extension tunnel [ auth | start | stop | status ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:auth}}: Writes an ngrok auth token to ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml to connect with an ngrok account. Visit https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup to sign up. Usage: {{command:%1$s extension tunnel auth <token>}} {{cyan:start}}: Starts an ngrok tunnel, will print the URL for an existing tunnel if already running. Usage: {{command:%1$s extension tunnel start}} Options: {{command:--port=PORT}} Forward the ngrok subdomain to local port PORT. Defaults to %2$s. {{cyan:stop}}: Stops the ngrok tunnel. Usage: {{command:%1$s extension tunnel stop}} {{cyan:status}}: Output the current status of the ngrok tunnel. Usage: {{command:%1$s extension tunnel status}} HELP }, check: { help: "Check your extension for errors, suggestions, and best practices.", unsupported: "{{red:%s projects are not supported for `extension check`}}", }, features: { argo: { missing_file_error: "Could not find built extension file.", script_prepare_error: "An error occurred while attempting to prepare your script.", initialization_error: "{{x}} There was an error while initializing the project.", dependencies: { node: { node_not_installed: "Node must be installed to create this extension.", version_too_low: "Your node version %s does not meet the minimum required version %s", }, argo_missing_renderer_package_error: "Extension template references invalid renderer package "\ "please contact Shopify for help.", yarn_install_error: "Something went wrong while running 'yarn install'. %s.", yarn_run_script_error: "Something went wrong while running script. %s.", }, config: { unpermitted_keys: "`%s` contains the following unpermitted keys: %s", }, }, }, tasks: { errors: { parse_error: "Unable to parse response from Partners Dashboard.", store_error: "There was an error getting store data. Try again later.", }, }, errors: { unknown_type: "Unknown extension type %s", package_not_found: "`%s` package not found.", missing_api_key: "Missing api_key.", module_not_found: "Unable to find module %s. Ensure your dependencies are up-to-date and try again.", }, warnings: { resource_url_auto_generation_failed: "{{*}} {{yellow:Warning:}} Unable to auto generate " \ "the extension resource URL because %s does not have any products. " \ "Please run {{bold:shopify populate products}} to generate sample products.", }, } TYPES = { product_subscription: { name: "Product Subscription", tagline: "(limit 1 per app)", overrides: { register: { confirm_info: "You can only create one %s extension per app, which can’t be undone.", }, }, }, checkout_post_purchase: { name: "Checkout Post Purchase", }, theme_app_extension: { name: "Theme App Extension", tagline: "(limit 1 per app)", overrides: { register: { confirm_info: "You can only create one %s extension per app, which can’t be undone.", }, create: { ready_to_start: <<~MESSAGE, {{v}} A new folder was generated at {{green:./%s}}. {{*}} You’re ready to start building {{green:%s}}! MESSAGE }, serve: { unsupported: "shopify extension serve is not supported for theme app extensions", }, }, }, } end end