set :secrets_files, -> { ["config/master.key", "config/credentials/#{fetch(:rails_env)}.key"] } desc "Copy secrets files to the server." task :'secrets:upload' do comment "Copying secrets files" fetch(:secrets_files).each do |file| if File.exist?(file) command "[ ! -f #{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file} ] && echo -n '#{}' > #{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file} || echo 'Skiping existing file #{file}'" else command "echo 'Local file #{file} does not exist'" end end end desc "Copy secrets files to the server. Overwrite existing files." task :'secrets:upload:force' do comment "Copying secrets files" fetch(:secrets_files).each do |file| if File.exist?(file) command "[ -f #{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file} ] && echo 'Overwriting existing file #{file}' ; echo -n '#{}' > #{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file}" else command "echo 'Local file #{file} does not exist'" end end end desc "Download secrets files from the server." task :'secrets:download' do comment "Downloading secrets files" run(:local) do fetch(:secrets_files).each do |file| if File.exist?(file) comment "Skiping existing file #{file}" else command "scp #{fetch(:user)}@#{fetch(:domain)}:#{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file} #{file} 2>/dev/null || echo 'Remote file #{file} does not exist'" end end end end desc "Download secrets files from the server. Overwrite existing local files." task :'secrets:download:force' do comment "Downloading secrets files" run(:local) do fetch(:secrets_files).each do |file| if File.exist?(file) comment "Overwriting existing file #{file}" end command "scp #{fetch(:user)}@#{fetch(:domain)}:#{fetch(:shared_path)}/#{file} #{file} 2>/dev/null || echo 'Remote file #{file} does not exist'" end end end