=== 0.1 2010-01-30 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release === 0.3 2010-05-11 * Added HTML tag detection * Added IP address detection === 0.4 2010-08-31 * Added filters: * funky_consonant.rb * long_words.rb * naughty_q.rb * naughty_words.rb * square_brackets.rb * urls.rb * Added spam and non-spam samples. === 0.5 2010-08-31 * Added Rails validation sugar (despamilator/validation). === 0.6 2010-08-31 * Corrected Rails validation sugar to work with Passenger! === 0.7 2010-09-01 * Corrected typo in project home page. Big stuff. === 1.0 2010-12-18 * Refactor: * Faster execution (2 X the speed) * Prettier code (3 X sexiness) * Made tests more stable and more easily written for filters. * Updated dev env to use rvm, Ruby 1.9.2 and bundler. * Updated all required gems to their latest versions. * Split out rails plugin (now despamilator-rails). * Added rdoc. === 1.1 * Added new filter to detect a cache busting technique. * Significantly increased aggressiveness of URI and HTML filters. * Added a heap of new spam and clean samples. * Added test string ("gtubs") that will score 100. For use in tests. === 2.0 * Removed naughty_q and funky consonant - replaced with unusual character combination filter. * Rejigged url and html tag scores. === 2.0.1 * Minor bug fix in shouting filter. === 2.1 2011-09-11 * Significant improvement in filtering accuracy. Added... * Suspect punctuation detection. * URL obfuscation detection. * Price detection (dollars only). * Long domain name detection. * Spammy TLD detection. * Added URL negation for many filters to reduce false positives. * Deprecated the "matched_by" method. Replaced by "matches". * Internal refactor to make filters stateless. === 2.1.1 2011-09-24 * Fixed syntax error fo Ruby 1.8. === 2.1.3 2011-11-29 * Added fuelxl's filter for detecting vowel-less text.