def get_rackup_command(mode) default_mode = 'rackup' unless ['rackup', 'unicorn'].include? mode mode = default_mode end mode end namespace :api do desc 'Create proxy configuration file.' task :create_proxy_config => :environment do |t,args| base_dir = Dir.getwd file = File.join(base_dir, 'config', 'proxy.conf') config_file ="./app/api/proxy_nginx.conf", "r").read, "w+") { |f| f.write(config_file.result(binding)) } puts "Created new proxy configuration file: '#{file}'." end desc 'Start proxy server' task :start_proxy => :environment do |t,args| user = DcmgrGui::Application.config.proxy_root_user nginx = DcmgrGui::Application.config.proxy_nginx exec "sudo -u #{user} #{nginx} -c #{Dir.getwd}/config/proxy.conf" puts "Nginx proxy server up and running." end desc 'Stop proxy server' task :stop_proxy => :environment do |t,args| user = DcmgrGui::Application.config.proxy_root_user nginx = DcmgrGui::Application.config.proxy_nginx exec "sudo -u #{user} #{nginx} -s stop -c #{Dir.getwd}/config/proxy.conf" puts "Nginx proxy server shut down." end desc 'Create configuration file for auth server.' task :create_auth_server_config => :environment do |t,args| base_dir = Dir.getwd file = File.join(base_dir, 'config', 'auth_server.conf') config_file ="./app/api/auth_server.conf", "r").read, "w+") { |f| f.write(config_file.result(binding)) } puts "Created auth server configuration file: '#{file}'." end desc 'Start auth server' task :start_auth_server,[:mode] => :environment do |t,args| mode = get_rackup_command(args['mode']) rackup_file = "#{Dir.getwd}/app/api/" pid_file = "/var/run/" host = DcmgrGui::Application.config.auth_host port = DcmgrGui::Application.config.auth_port command = "sudo #{mode} #{rackup_file} -D -o #{host} -p #{port}" if mode == 'rackup' command = "#{command} -P #{pid_file}" elsif mode == 'unicorn' begin require 'unicorn' rescue ::LoadError => e abort(e.message) end command = "#{command} -c #{Dir.getwd}/config/auth_server.conf" end exec "#{command}" puts "Auth server up and running." end desc 'Stop auth server' task :stop_auth_server,[:mode] => :environment do |t,args| pid_file = "/var/run/" if File.exists? pid_file mode = get_rackup_command(args['mode']) if mode == 'rackup' command = "sudo kill -SIGINT `cat #{pid_file}`" elsif mode == 'unicorn' command = "sudo kill -QUIT `cat #{pid_file}`" end exec command puts "Auth server shut down." end end end