ActWithBag ========== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( In Gemfile: gem 'act_with_bag' Bag helps when fields in a table are not yet settled down or when many fields without business logic are required. Install (migrate) one bag as a text field in a table to collect many fields. Additional fields or removal of them are easy; no migrations are required for them. Keep in mind that the collection is kept in a YAML bag, i.e. SQL commands can't access the bag fields. Boolean and Date fields require explicit typing. Fields without typing accept any values which YAML can handle (e.g. @order.color = ['red', 'yellow']). Types :integer, :float and :string forces a conversion (.to_i, .to_f, .to_s) before storing the value, a convenience similar to ActiveRecord handling due to migration definitions. Technical background: getters and putters are injected into models. If baggies of type :date are being used then params must be corrected before an update_attributes. Warning: :date fields are not well integrated; avoid them. Obsolete fields are deleted before_save by: delete_from_bag :field Warning ======= Please add a: serialize :bag, Hash to each subclass accessing a bag field from a superclass. Using an "add_to_bag" in the subclass obsoletes the "serialize". Example ======= In model: class Order < ActiveRecord::Base add_to_bag :name, :color, :description, {idx: :integer}, {price: :float}, {active: :boolean}, {paused_at: :date}, {msg: :string} def to_s "Order #{name} #{color} #{price}" end ... In controller: class OrdersController < ApplicationController def create params = Order.merge({}, self.params) # only if type :date is being used @order =[:order]) @order.price = 1.23 "Order #{@order.to_s} repriced to #{@order.price}" ... def update @order = Order.find(params[:id]) params = Order.merge(@order.bag, self.params) # only if type :date is being used @order.update_attributes(params[:order]) Test ==== rake Copyright (c) 2009-2016 [Dittmar Krall], released under the MIT license