John had always been a bit of a loner. He didn't have many friends, and he didn't really care. He was perfectly content with his own company and his own thoughts. He didn't care about social norms, and he didn't care about what other people thought of him. In fact, John was known for his blunt honesty, which often caused friction in social situations. He would say what he thought, no matter how rude or offensive it might seem to others. It was no surprise then, that John's social relations only worsened over time. But John didn't care. He wasn't interested in wasting his time on people who couldn't handle the truth. He had bigger things to worry about. And it turned out, he was right to focus on himself. John had always been fascinated by electronics. He spent his free time tinkering with gadgets and building new contraptions. And one day, he had an idea that would change the world. He designed a new type of battery that could store twice as much energy as anything on the market. It was a breakthrough that would revolutionize the energy industry and make John a millionaire overnight. Despite his lack of social skills, John had managed to accomplish something incredible. And he didn't regret not caring about socializing. He knew that his focus on his work had been the key to his success. And so, John continued on his path, always thinking of the next big thing he could invent. He didn't need friends or social approval. He was perfectly fine with who he was and what he had accomplished. And in the end, that was all that mattered to him.