# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module QueryMethods # Base class for different store chains (hstore, jsonb, array). # Provides _containment_ queries methods. # Provides basic methods. class StoreChain attr_reader :store_name, :quoted_store_name def initialize(scope, store_name) @scope = scope @store_name = store_name @inverted = false @quoted_store_name = "#{@scope.klass.quoted_table_name}.#{@scope.klass.connection.quote_column_name(store_name)}" end # Whether the store contains provided store # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {a: 1, b: 2}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1, c: 3}) # # data = {a: 1} # Model.store(:store).contains(data).all #=> [Model(name: 'first', ...)] def contains(opts) update_scope contains_clause(opts) end # Whether the store is contained within provided store # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {b: 1}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1, c: 3}) # # data = {b: 1, c: 2} # Model.store(:store).contains(data).all #=> [Model(name: 'first', ...)] def contained(opts) update_scope "#{quoted_store_name} <@ #{type_cast(opts)}" end # Add negation to condition. # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {b: 2}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1, c: 3}) # # Model.store(:store).not.contains({c: 3}).all #=> [Model(name: 'first')] # # Model.store(:store).not(b: 2).all #=> [Model(name: 'second')] def not(opts = :chain) @inverted = true return where(opts) unless opts == :chain self end # Query by store values. # Supports array values. # # NOTE: This method uses "@>" (contains) operator with logic (AND/OR) # and not uses "->" (value-by-key). The use of "contains" operator allows us to # use GIN index effectively. # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {b: 1, c: 2}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 2, c: 3}) # # Model.store(:store, c: 2).all #=> [Model(name: 'first', ...)] # #=> (SQL) select * from ... where store @> '"c"=>"2"'::hstore # # Model.store(:store, b: [1, 2]).size #=> 2 # #=> (SQL) select * from ... where (store @> '"c"=>"1"'::hstore) or # (store @> '"c"=>"2"'::hstore) def where(*opts) opts.map! { |opt| opt.is_a?(Hash) ? opt : [opt] } update_scope( opts.map do |opt| opt.map do |k, v| case v when Array "(#{build_or_contains(k, v)})" else contains_clause(k => v) end end.join(' and ') end.join(' or ') ) @scope end if ActiveRecord.version.release >= Gem::Version.new("5") protected def update_scope(*opts) where_clause = @scope.send(:where_clause_factory).build(opts, {}) @scope.where_clause += @inverted ? where_clause.invert : where_clause @scope end def type_cast(value) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote( @scope.klass.type_caster.type_cast_for_database(@store_name, value) ) end else protected def update_scope(*opts) where_clause = @scope.send(:build_where, opts).map do |rel| @inverted ? invert_arel(rel) : rel end @scope.where_values += where_clause @scope end def type_cast(value) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote( value, @scope.klass.columns_hash[@store_name] ) end def invert_arel(rel) case rel when Arel::Nodes::In Arel::Nodes::NotIn.new(rel.left, rel.right) when Arel::Nodes::Equality Arel::Nodes::NotEqual.new(rel.left, rel.right) when String Arel::Nodes::Not.new(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(rel)) else Arel::Nodes::Not.new(rel) end end end private def contains_clause(opts) "#{quoted_store_name} @> #{type_cast(opts)}" end def build_or_contains(k, vals) vals.map { |v| contains_clause(k => v) }.join(' or ') end end # Base class for key-value types of stores (hstore, jsonb) class KeyStoreChain < StoreChain # Single key existence # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {a: 1}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1}) # # # Get all records which have key 'a' in store 'store' # Model.store(:store).key('a').all #=> [Model(name: 'first', ...)] def key(key) update_scope "#{quoted_store_name} ? :key", key: key.to_s end # Several keys existence # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {a: 1, b: 2}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1, c: 3}) # # Model.store(:store).keys('a','b').all #=> [Model(name: 'first', ...)] def keys(*keys) update_scope( "#{quoted_store_name} ?& ARRAY[:keys]", keys: keys.flatten.map(&:to_s) ) end # Any of the keys existence # # Example # Model.create!(name: 'first', store: {a: 1, b: 2}) # Model.create!(name: 'second', store: {b: 1, c: 3}) # # Model.store(:store).keys('a','b').count #=> 2 def any(*keys) update_scope( "#{quoted_store_name} ?| ARRAY[:keys]", keys: keys.flatten.map(&:to_s) ) end protected def to_sql_literal(prefix, node) Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new( "#{prefix}'#{node.name}'" ) end if ActiveRecord.version.release >= Gem::Version.new("5") def where_with_prefix(prefix, opts) where_clause = @scope.send(:where_clause_factory).build(opts, []) predicates = where_clause.ast.children.map do |rel| rel.left = to_sql_literal(prefix, rel.left) rel end params = if ActiveRecord.version.release >= Gem::Version.new("5.2.0") [predicates] else [predicates, where_clause.binds] end where_clause = ActiveRecord::Relation::WhereClause.new(*params) @scope.where_clause += @inverted ? where_clause.invert : where_clause @scope end else def where_with_prefix(prefix, opts) where_value = @scope.send(:build_where, opts).map do |rel| rel.left = to_sql_literal(prefix, rel.left) @inverted ? invert_arel(rel) : rel end @scope.where_values += where_value @scope end end end end end