module Isomorfeus module Puppetmaster module Driver class Puppeteer include Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Driver::PuppeteerDocument include Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Driver::PuppeteerNode VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1024 VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 768 VIEWPORT_MAX_WIDTH = 1366 VIEWPORT_MAX_HEIGHT = 768 TIMEOUT = 30 # seconds REACTION_TIMEOUT = 0.5 EVENTS = { blur: ['FocusEvent', {}], focus: ['FocusEvent', {}], focusin: ['FocusEvent', { bubbles: true }], focusout: ['FocusEvent', { bubbles: true }], click: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], dblckick: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], mousedown: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], mouseup: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], mouseenter: ['MouseEvent', {}], mouseleave: ['MouseEvent', {}], mousemove: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], mouseover: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], mouseout: ['MouseEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], context_menu: ['MouseEvent', { bubble: true, cancelable: true }], submit: ['Event', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }], change: ['Event', { bubbles: true, cacnelable: false }], input: ['InputEvent', { bubbles: true, cacnelable: false }], wheel: ['WheelEvent', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }] }.freeze attr_accessor :app, :default_document, :url_blacklist def initialize(options = {}) # # init ExecJs context @app = options.delete(:app) @options = options.dup @browser_type = @options.delete(:browser_type) { :chromium } @max_width = @options.delete(:max_width) { VIEWPORT_MAX_WIDTH } @max_height = @options.delete(:max_height) { VIEWPORT_MAX_HEIGHT } @width = @options.delete(:width) { VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_WIDTH > @max_width ? @max_width : VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_WIDTH } @height = @options.delete(:height) { VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT > @max_height ? @max_height : VIEWPORT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT } @timeout = @options.delete(:timeout) { TIMEOUT } @max_wait = @options.delete(:max_wait) { @timeout + 1 } @reaction_timeout = @options.delete(:reaction_timeout) { REACTION_TIMEOUT } @puppeteer_timeout = @timeout * 1000 @puppeteer_reaction_timeout = @reaction_timeout * 1000 @url_blacklist = @options.delete(:url_blacklist) { [] } @context = ExecJS.permissive_compile(puppeteer_launch) page_handle = await_result @default_document =, page_handle,'status' => 200)) ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, self.class.close_browser(self)) end def self.document_handle_disposer(driver, handle) cjs = <<~JAVASCRIPT if (AllPageHandles[#{handle}]) { AllPageHandles[#{handle}].close(); } delete AllPageHandles[#{handle}]; delete ConsoleMessages[#{handle}]; JAVASCRIPT proc { driver.execute_script(cjs) } end def self.node_handle_disposer(driver, handle) cjs = <<~JAVASCRIPT if (AllElementHandles[#{handle}]) { AllElementHandles[#{handle}].dispose(); } delete AllElementHandles[#{handle}]; JAVASCRIPT proc { driver.execute_script(cjs) } end def browser await('LastResult = await CurrentBrowser.userAgent();') end def document_handles await <<~JAVASCRIPT var pages = await CurrentBrowser.pages(); var handles = []; for (i=0; i< pages.length; i++) { handles.push(RegisterPage(pages[i])); } LastResult = handles; JAVASCRIPT end ##### frame, all todo def frame_all_text(frame) await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { return frame.contentDocument.documentElement.textContent; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT end def frame_body(frame) node_data = await <<~JAVASCRIPT var tt = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { node = frame.contentDocument.body; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = null; if (tag === 'input') { type = node.getAttribute('type'); } return [tag, type]; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); LastResult = {handle: node_handle, tag: tt[0], type: tt[1]}; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = 'body' Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end def frame_focus(frame) await <<~JAVASCRIPT await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { frame.contentDocument.documentElement.focus(); }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT end def frame_head(frame) node_data = await <<~JAVASCRIPT var tt = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { node = frame.contentDocument.head; var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = null; if (tag === 'input') { type = node.getAttribute('type'); } return [tag, type]; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); LastResult = {handle: node_handle, tag: tt[0], type: tt[1]}; JAVASCRIPT if node_data node_data[:css_selector] = 'body' Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster::Node.new_by_tag(self, document, node_data) end end def frame_html(frame) await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { return frame.contentDocument.documentElement.outerHTML; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT end def frame_title(frame) await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { return frame.contentDocument.title; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT end def frame_url(frame) await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { return frame.contentDocument.location.href; }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT end def frame_visible_text(frame) # if node is AREA, check visibility of relevant image text = await <<~JAVASCRIPT LastResult = await AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}].executionContext().evaluate((frame) => { var node = frame.contentDocument.body; var temp_node = node; while (temp_node) { style = window.getComputedStyle(node); if (style.display === "none" || style.visibility === "hidden" || parseFloat(style.opacity) === 0) { return ''; } temp_node = temp_node.parentElement; } if (node.nodeName == "TEXTAREA" || node instanceof SVGElement) { return node.textContent; } else { return node.innerText; } }, AllElementHandles[#{frame.handle}]); JAVASCRIPT text.gsub(/\A[[:space:]&&[^\u00a0]]+/, "").gsub(/[[:space:]&&[^\u00a0]]+\z/, "").gsub(/\n+/, "\n").tr("\u00a0", " ") end private def self.close_browser(driver) cjs = <<~JAVASCRIPT CurrentBrowser.close() JAVASCRIPT proc { driver.await(cjs) } end def await(script) @context.eval <<~JAVASCRIPT (async () => { try { LastExecutionFinished = false; LastResult = null; LastErr = null; #{script} LastExecutionFinished = true; } catch(err) { LastResult = null; LastErr = err; LastExecutionFinished = true; } })() JAVASCRIPT await_result end def await_result start_time = while !execution_finished? && !timed_out?(start_time) sleep 0.01 end get_result end def chromium_require <<~JAVASCRIPT const MasterPuppeteer = require('puppeteer'); JAVASCRIPT end def determine_error(message) if message.include?('net::ERR_CERT_') || message.include?('SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE') elsif message.include?('net::ERR_NAME_') || message.include?('NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST') elsif message.include?('Unknown key: ') elsif message.include?('Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.') elsif message.include?('Evaluation failed: DOMException:') || (message.include?('Evaluation failed:') && (message.include?('is not a valid selector') || message.include?('is not a legal expression'))) else end end def execution_finished? @context.eval 'LastExecutionFinished' end def firefox_require <<~JAVASCRIPT const MasterPuppeteer = require('puppeteer-firefox'); JAVASCRIPT end def get_result res, err_msg = @context.eval 'GetLastResult()' raise determine_error(err_msg) if err_msg res end def launch_line string_options = [] options = @options.dup string_options << "ignoreHTTPSErrors: #{options.delete(:ignore_https_errors)}" if options.has_key?(:ignore_https_errors) string_options << "executablePath: '#{options.delete(:executable_path)}'" if options.has_key?(:executable_path) options.each do |option, value| string_options << "#{option.to_s.camelize(:lower)}: #{value}" end string_options << "userDataDir: '#{Dir.mktmpdir}'" unless @options.has_key?(:user_data_dir) string_options << "defaultViewport: { width: #{@width}, height: #{@height} }" string_options << "pipe: true" # string_options << "args: ['--disable-popup-blocking']" line = 'await MasterPuppeteer.launch(' unless string_options.empty? line << '{' line << string_options.join(', ') if string_options.size > 1 line << '}' end line << ')' end def puppeteer_launch # todo target_handle, puppeteer save path puppeteer_require = case @browser_type when :firefox then firefox_require when :chrome then chromium_require when :chromium then chromium_require else raise "Browser type #{@browser_type} not supported! Browser type must be one of: chrome, firefox." end <<~JAVASCRIPT #{puppeteer_require} var BrowserType = '#{@browser_type.to_s}'; var LastResult = null; var LastErr = null; var LastExecutionFinished = false; var LastHandleId = 0; var AllPageHandles = {}; var AllElementHandles = {}; var CurrentBrowser = null; var ConsoleMessages = {}; var ModalText = null; var ModalTextMatched = false; const GetLastResult = function() { if (LastExecutionFinished === true) { var err = LastErr; var res = LastResult; LastErr = null; LastRes = null; LastExecutionFinished = false; if (err) { return [null, err.message]; } else { return [res, null]; } } else { return [null, (new Error('Last command did not yet finish execution!')).message]; } }; const DialogAcceptHandler = async (dialog) => { var msg = dialog.message() ModalTextMatched = (ModalText === msg); ModalText = msg; await dialog.accept(); } const DialogDismissHandler = async (dialog) => { var msg = dialog.message() ModalTextMatched = (ModalText === msg); ModalText = msg; await dialog.dismiss(); } const RegisterElementHandle = function(element_handle) { var entries = Object.entries(AllElementHandles); for(var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i][1] === element_handle) { return entries[i][0]; } } LastHandleId++; var handle_id = LastHandleId; AllElementHandles[handle_id] = element_handle; return handle_id; }; const RegisterPage = function(page) { var entries = Object.entries(AllPageHandles); for(var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i][1] === page) { return entries[i][0]; } } LastHandleId++; var handle_id = LastHandleId; AllPageHandles[handle_id] = page; ConsoleMessages[handle_id] = []; AllPageHandles[handle_id].on('console', (msg) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: msg.type(), location: msg.location(), text: msg.text()}); }); AllPageHandles[handle_id].on('pageerror', (error) => { ConsoleMessages[handle_id].push({level: 'error', location: '', text: error.message}); }); return handle_id; }; (async () => { try { CurrentBrowser = #{launch_line} var page = (await CurrentBrowser.pages())[0]; page.setDefaultTimeout(#{@puppeteer_timeout}); if (!(BrowserType === 'firefox')) { var target =; var cdp_session = await target.createCDPSession(); await cdp_session.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {behavior: 'allow', downloadPath: '#{Isomorfeus::Puppetmaster.save_path}'}); if (#{@url_blacklist}.length > 0) { await cdp_session.send('Network.setBlockedURLs', {urls: #{@url_blacklist}}); } await cdp_session.detach(); } LastResult = RegisterPage(page); LastExecutionFinished = true; } catch (err) { LastErr = err; LastExecutionFinished = true; } })(); JAVASCRIPT end def session @session end def timed_out?(start_time) if ( - start_time) > @timeout raise "Command Execution timed out!" end false end end end end end