# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # This is a document extension meant to be mixed into a # Blacklight::Solr::Document class, such as SolrDocument. It provides support # for restoration of MARC data (xml or binary) from a Solr stored field, and # then provides various transformations/exports of that Marc via the included # Blacklight::Solr::Document::MarcExport module. # # This extension would normally be registered using # Blacklight::Solr::Document#use_extension. eg: # # SolrDocument.use_extension( Blacklight::Solr::Document::Marc ) { |document| my_logic_for_document_has_marc?( document ) } # # This extension also expects a :marc_source_field and :marc_format_type to # be registered with the hosting classes extension_parameters. In an initializer # or other startup code: # SolrDocument.extension_paramters[:marc_source_field] = "name_of_solr_stored_field" # SolrDocument.extension_parameters[:marc_format_type] = :marc21 # or :marcxml require 'marc' module Blacklight::Solr::Document::Marc include Blacklight::Solr::Document::MarcExport # All our export_as stuff based on to_marc. class UnsupportedMarcFormatType < RuntimeError; end def self.extended(document) # Register our exportable formats, we inherit these from MarcExport Blacklight::Solr::Document::MarcExport.register_export_formats( document ) end # ruby-marc object def to_marc @_ruby_marc_obj ||= load_marc end protected def marc_source @_marc_source ||= fetch(_marc_source_field) end def load_marc case _marc_format_type.to_s when 'marcxml' records = MARC::XMLReader.new(StringIO.new( fetch(_marc_source_field) )).to_a return records[0] when 'marc21' return MARC::Record.new_from_marc( fetch(_marc_source_field) ) else raise UnsupportedMarcFormatType.new("Only marcxml and marc21 are supported, this documents format is #{_marc_format_type} and the current extension parameters are #{self.class.extension_parameters.inspect}") end end def _marc_helper @_marc_helper ||= ( Blacklight::Marc::Document.new fetch(_marc_source_field), _marc_format_type ) end def _marc_source_field self.class.extension_parameters[:marc_source_field] end def _marc_format_type #TODO: Raise if not present self.class.extension_parameters[:marc_format_type] end end