require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/markup_app/app') describe "AssetTagHelpers" do include Padrino::Helpers::AssetTagHelpers def app MarkupDemo end def flash @_flash ||= { :notice => "Demo notice" } end describe 'for #flash_tag method' do it 'should display flash with no given attributes' do assert_has_tag('div.notice', :content => "Demo notice") { flash_tag(:notice) } end it 'should display flash with given attributes' do actual_html = flash_tag(:notice, :class => 'notice', :id => 'notice-area') assert_has_tag('div.notice#notice-area', :content => "Demo notice") { actual_html } end it 'should display multiple flash tags with given attributes' do flash[:error] = 'wrong' flash[:success] = 'okey' actual_html = flash_tag(:success, :warning, :error, :id => 'area') assert_has_tag('div.success#area', :content => flash[:success]) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('div.error#area', :content => flash[:error]) { actual_html } assert_has_no_tag('div.notice') { actual_html } end end describe 'for #link_to method' do it 'should display link element with no given attributes' do assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register') { link_to('Sign up', '/register') } end it 'should display link element with given attributes' do actual_html = link_to('Sign up', '/register', :class => 'first', :id => 'linky') assert_has_tag('a#linky.first', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register') { actual_html } end it 'should display link element with anchor attribute' do actual_html = link_to("Anchor", "/anchor", :anchor => :foo) assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Anchor", :href => '/anchor#foo') { actual_html } end it 'should display link element with void url and options' do actual_link = link_to('Sign up', :class => "test") assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Sign up", :href => '#', :class => 'test') { actual_link } end it 'should display link element with remote option' do actual_link = link_to('Sign up', '/register', :remote => true) assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register', 'data-remote' => 'true') { actual_link } end it 'should display link element with method option' do actual_link = link_to('Sign up', '/register', :method => :delete) assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register', 'data-method' => 'delete', :rel => 'nofollow') { actual_link } end it 'should display link element with confirm option' do actual_link = link_to('Sign up', '/register', :confirm => "Are you sure?") assert_has_tag('a', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register', 'data-confirm' => 'Are you sure?') { actual_link } end it 'should display link element with ruby block' do actual_link = link_to('/register', :class => 'first', :id => 'binky') { "Sign up" } assert_has_tag('a#binky.first', :content => "Sign up", :href => '/register') { actual_link } end it 'should escape the link text' do actual_link = link_to('/register', :class => 'first', :id => 'binky') { "<&>" } assert_has_tag('a#binky.first', :href => '/register') { actual_link } assert_match "<&>", actual_link end it 'should not escape image_tag' do actual_link = link_to(image_tag("/my/fancy/image.png"), :class => 'first', :id => 'binky') assert_has_tag('img', :src => "/my/fancy/image.png") { actual_link } end it 'should display link block element in haml' do visit '/haml/link_to' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 1 No Block", :href => '/test1', :class => 'test', :id => 'test1' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 2 With Block", :href => '/test2', :class => 'test', :id => 'test2' end it 'should display link block element in erb' do visit '/erb/link_to' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 1 No Block", :href => '/test1', :class => 'test', :id => 'test1' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 2 With Block", :href => '/test2', :class => 'test', :id => 'test2' end it 'should display link block element in slim' do visit '/slim/link_to' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 1 No Block", :href => '/test1', :class => 'test', :id => 'test1' assert_have_selector :a, :content => "Test 2 With Block", :href => '/test2', :class => 'test', :id => 'test2' end it 'should not double-escape' do actual_link = link_to('test escape', '?a=1&b=2') assert_has_tag('a', :href => '?a=1&b=2') { actual_link } assert_match %r{&}, actual_link refute_match %r{&amp;}, actual_link end it 'should escape scary things' do actual_link = link_to('test escape', '?a=1&b=') refute_match(' "", :content => '') { actual_html } end it 'should display link element for mail to with caption' do actual_html = mail_to('', "My Email", :class => 'demo') assert_has_tag(:a, :href => "", :content => 'My Email', :class => 'demo') { actual_html } end it 'should display link element for mail to with caption and mail options' do actual_html = mail_to('', "My Email", :subject => 'demo test', :class => 'demo', :cc => '') assert_has_tag(:a, :class => 'demo') { actual_html } assert_match %r{mailto\:test\\?}, actual_html assert_match %r{cc=foo\@test\.com}, actual_html assert_match %r{subject\=demo\%20test}, actual_html end it 'should escape & with encoded string and & in HTML' do actual_html = mail_to('', "My&Email", :subject => "this&that") assert_match 'this%26that', actual_html assert_match 'My&Email', actual_html end it 'should not double-escape ampersands in query' do actual_html = mail_to('', "Email", :subject => 'Hi there', :bcc => '') assert_has_tag(:a, :href => '', :content => 'Email') { actual_html } assert_match %r{&}, actual_html refute_match %r{&amp;}, actual_html end it 'should display mail link element in haml' do visit '/haml/mail_to' assert_have_selector 'p.simple a', :href => '', :content => '' assert_have_selector 'p.captioned a', :href => '', :content => 'Click my Email' end it 'should display mail link element in erb' do visit '/erb/mail_to' assert_have_selector 'p.simple a', :href => '', :content => '' assert_have_selector 'p.captioned a', :href => '', :content => 'Click my Email' end it 'should display mail link element in slim' do visit '/slim/mail_to' assert_have_selector 'p.simple a', :href => '', :content => '' assert_have_selector 'p.captioned a', :href => '', :content => 'Click my Email' end end describe 'for #meta_tag method' do it 'should display meta tag with given content and name' do actual_html = meta_tag("weblog,news", :name => "keywords") assert_has_tag("meta", :name => "keywords", "content" => "weblog,news") { actual_html } end it 'should display meta tag with given content and http-equiv' do actual_html = meta_tag("text/html; charset=UTF-8", :"http-equiv" => "Content-Type") assert_has_tag("meta", :"http-equiv" => "Content-Type", "content" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8") { actual_html } end it 'should display meta tag element in haml' do visit '/haml/meta_tag' assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "weblog,news", :name => "keywords" assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", :"http-equiv" => "Content-Type" end it 'should display meta tag element in erb' do visit '/erb/meta_tag' assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "weblog,news", :name => "keywords" assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", :"http-equiv" => "Content-Type" end it 'should display meta tag element in slim' do visit '/slim/meta_tag' assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "weblog,news", :name => "keywords" assert_have_selector 'meta', "content" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8", :"http-equiv" => "Content-Type" end end describe 'for #image_tag method' do it 'should display image tag absolute link with no options' do time = stop_time_for_test assert_has_tag('img', :src => "/absolute/pic.gif") { image_tag('/absolute/pic.gif') } end it 'should display image tag relative link with specified uri root' do time = stop_time_for_test self.class.stubs(:uri_root).returns("/blog") assert_has_tag('img', :src => "/blog/images/relative/pic.gif?#{time.to_i}") { image_tag('relative/pic.gif') } end it 'should display image tag relative link with options' do time = stop_time_for_test assert_has_tag('', :src => "/images/relative/pic.gif?#{time.to_i}") { image_tag('relative/pic.gif', :class => 'photo') } end it 'should display image tag uri link with options' do time = stop_time_for_test assert_has_tag('', :src => "") { image_tag('', :class => 'photo') } end it 'should display image tag relative link with incorrect spacing' do time = stop_time_for_test assert_has_tag('', :src => "/images/%20relative/%20pic.gif%20%20?#{time.to_i}") { image_tag(' relative/ pic.gif ', :class => 'photo') } end it 'should not use a timestamp if stamp setting is false' do assert_has_tag('img', :src => "/absolute/pic.gif") { image_tag('/absolute/pic.gif') } end it 'should have xhtml convention tag' do assert_equal image_tag('/absolute/pic.gif'), '' end end describe 'for #stylesheet_link_tag method' do it 'should display stylesheet link item' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = stylesheet_link_tag('style') expected_options = { :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css" } assert_has_tag('link', expected_options.merge(:href => "/stylesheets/style.css?#{time.to_i}")) { actual_html } assert actual_html.html_safe? end it 'should display stylesheet link item for long relative path' do time = stop_time_for_test expected_options = { :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css" } actual_html = stylesheet_link_tag('example/demo/style') assert_has_tag('link', expected_options.merge(:href => "/stylesheets/example/demo/style.css?#{time.to_i}")) { actual_html } end it 'should display stylesheet link item with absolute path' do time = stop_time_for_test expected_options = { :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css" } actual_html = stylesheet_link_tag('/css/style') assert_has_tag('link', expected_options.merge(:href => "/css/style.css")) { actual_html } end it 'should display stylesheet link item with uri root' do self.class.stubs(:uri_root).returns("/blog") time = stop_time_for_test expected_options = { :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css" } actual_html = stylesheet_link_tag('style') assert_has_tag('link', expected_options.merge(:href => "/blog/stylesheets/style.css?#{time.to_i}")) { actual_html } end it 'should display stylesheet link items' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = stylesheet_link_tag('style', 'layout.css', '') assert_has_tag('link', :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css", :count => 3) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('link', :href => "/stylesheets/style.css?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('link', :href => "/stylesheets/layout.css?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('link', :href => "") { actual_html } assert_equal actual_html, stylesheet_link_tag(['style', 'layout.css', '']) end it 'should not use a timestamp if stamp setting is false' do self.class.expects(:asset_stamp).returns(false) expected_options = { :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css" } assert_has_tag('link', expected_options.merge(:href => "/stylesheets/style.css")) { stylesheet_link_tag('style') } end it 'should display stylesheet link used custom options' do assert_has_tag('link', :rel => 'stylesheet', :media => 'screen') { stylesheet_link_tag('style', :media => 'screen') } end end describe 'for #javascript_include_tag method' do it 'should display javascript item' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/application.js?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } assert actual_html.html_safe? end it 'should respond to js_asset_folder setting' do time = stop_time_for_test self.class.stubs(:js_asset_folder).returns('js') assert_equal 'js', asset_folder_name(:js) actual_html = javascript_include_tag('application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/js/application.js?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript item for long relative path' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('example/demo/application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/example/demo/application.js?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript item for path containing js' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag 'test/jquery.json' assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/test/jquery.json?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript item for path containing period' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag 'test/jquery.min' assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/test/jquery.min.js?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript item with absolute path' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('/js/application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/js/application.js", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript item with uri root' do self.class.stubs(:uri_root).returns("/blog") time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/blog/javascripts/application.js?#{time.to_i}", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end it 'should not append extension to absolute paths' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "") { actual_html } end it 'should display javascript items' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = javascript_include_tag('application', 'base.js', '') assert_has_tag('script', :type => "text/javascript", :count => 3) { actual_html } assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/application.js?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/base.js?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } assert_has_tag('script', :src => "") { actual_html } assert_equal actual_html, javascript_include_tag(['application', 'base.js', '']) end it 'should not use a timestamp if stamp setting is false' do self.class.expects(:asset_stamp).returns(false) actual_html = javascript_include_tag('application') assert_has_tag('script', :src => "/javascripts/application.js", :type => "text/javascript") { actual_html } end end describe "for #favicon_tag method" do it 'should display favicon' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = favicon_tag('icons/favicon.png') assert_has_tag('link', :rel => 'icon', :type => 'image/png', :href => "/images/icons/favicon.png?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } end it 'should match type with file ext' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = favicon_tag('favicon.ico') assert_has_tag('link', :rel => 'icon', :type => 'image/ico', :href => "/images/favicon.ico?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } end it 'should allow option overrides' do time = stop_time_for_test actual_html = favicon_tag('favicon.png', :type => 'image/ico') assert_has_tag('link', :rel => 'icon', :type => 'image/ico', :href => "/images/favicon.png?#{time.to_i}") { actual_html } end end describe 'for #feed_tag method' do it 'should generate correctly link tag for rss' do assert_has_tag('link', :type => 'application/rss+xml', :rel => 'alternate', :href => "/blog/post.rss", :title => 'rss') { feed_tag :rss, "/blog/post.rss" } end it 'should generate correctly link tag for atom' do assert_has_tag('link', :type => 'application/atom+xml', :rel => 'alternate', :href => "/blog/post.atom", :title => 'atom') { feed_tag :atom, "/blog/post.atom" } end it 'should override options' do assert_has_tag('link', :type => 'my-type', :rel => 'my-rel', :href => "/blog/post.rss", :title => 'my-title') { feed_tag :rss, "/blog/post.rss", :type => "my-type", :rel => "my-rel", :title => "my-title" } end end describe 'for #asset_path method' do it 'should generate proper paths for js and css' do assert_match /\/javascripts\/app.js\?\d+/, asset_path(:js, 'app') assert_match /\/stylesheets\/app.css\?\d+/, asset_path(:css, 'app') end it 'should generate proper paths for images and other files' do assert_match /\/images\/app.png\?\d+/, asset_path(:images, 'app.png') assert_match /\/documents\/app.pdf\?\d+/, asset_path(:documents, 'app.pdf') end it 'should generate proper paths for public folder' do assert_match /\/files\/file.ext\?\d+/, asset_path('files/file.ext') end end end