if !Object.const_defined?('Sequel') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../sequel') end require 'postgres' class PGconn # the pure-ruby postgres adapter does not have a quote method. unless methods.include?('quote') def self.quote(obj) case obj when true: 't' when false: 'f' when nil: 'NULL' when String: "'#{obj}'" else obj.to_s end end end def connected? status == PGconn::CONNECTION_OK end def execute(sql) begin async_exec(sql) rescue PGError => e unless connected? reset async_exec(sql) else raise e end end end attr_accessor :transaction_in_progress SELECT_CURRVAL = "SELECT currval('%s')".freeze def last_insert_id(table) @table_sequences ||= {} if !@table_sequences.include?(table) pkey_and_seq = pkey_and_sequence(table) if pkey_and_seq @table_sequences[table] = pkey_and_seq[1] end end if seq = @table_sequences[table] r = async_query(SELECT_CURRVAL % seq) return r[0][0].to_i unless r.nil? || r.empty? end nil # primary key sequence not found end # Shamelessly appropriated from ActiveRecord's Postgresql adapter. SELECT_PK_AND_SERIAL_SEQUENCE = <<-end_sql SELECT attr.attname, name.nspname, seq.relname FROM pg_class seq, pg_attribute attr, pg_depend dep, pg_namespace name, pg_constraint cons WHERE seq.oid = dep.objid AND seq.relnamespace = name.oid AND seq.relkind = 'S' AND attr.attrelid = dep.refobjid AND attr.attnum = dep.refobjsubid AND attr.attrelid = cons.conrelid AND attr.attnum = cons.conkey[1] AND cons.contype = 'p' AND dep.refobjid = '%s'::regclass end_sql SELECT_PK_AND_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE = <<-end_sql SELECT attr.attname, name.nspname, split_part(def.adsrc, '''', 2) FROM pg_class t JOIN pg_namespace name ON (t.relnamespace = name.oid) JOIN pg_attribute attr ON (t.oid = attrelid) JOIN pg_attrdef def ON (adrelid = attrelid AND adnum = attnum) JOIN pg_constraint cons ON (conrelid = adrelid AND adnum = conkey[1]) WHERE t.oid = '%s'::regclass AND cons.contype = 'p' AND def.adsrc ~* 'nextval' end_sql SELECT_PK = <<-end_sql SELECT pg_attribute.attname FROM pg_class, pg_attribute, pg_index WHERE pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid AND pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND pg_index.indkey[0] = pg_attribute.attnum AND pg_index.indisprimary = 't' AND pg_class.relname = '%s' end_sql def pkey_and_sequence(table) r = async_query(SELECT_PK_AND_SERIAL_SEQUENCE % table) return [r[0].first, r[0].last] unless r.nil? or r.empty? r = async_query(SELECT_PK_AND_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE % table) return [r[0].first, r[0].last] unless r.nil? or r.empty? rescue nil end def primary_key(table) r = async_query(SELECT_PK % table) pkey = r[0].first unless r.nil? or r.empty? return pkey.to_sym if pkey rescue nil end end class String def postgres_to_bool if self == 't' true elsif self == 'f' false else nil end end def postgres_to_time Time.parse(self) end end module Sequel module Postgres PG_TYPES = { 16 => :postgres_to_bool, 20 => :to_i, 21 => :to_i, 22 => :to_i, 23 => :to_i, 700 => :to_f, 701 => :to_f, 1114 => :postgres_to_time } class Database < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :postgres def connect PGconn.connect( @opts[:host] || 'localhost', @opts[:port] || 5432, '', '', @opts[:database], @opts[:user], @opts[:password] ) end def dataset(opts = nil) Postgres::Dataset.new(self, opts) end RELATION_QUERY = {:from => [:pg_class], :select => [:relname]}.freeze RELATION_FILTER = "(relkind = 'r') AND (relname !~ '^pg|sql')".freeze SYSTEM_TABLE_REGEXP = /^pg|sql/.freeze def tables dataset(RELATION_QUERY).filter(RELATION_FILTER).map {|r| r[:relname].to_sym} end def locks dataset.from("pg_class, pg_locks"). select("pg_class.relname, pg_locks.*"). filter("pg_class.relfilenode=pg_locks.relation") end def execute(sql) @logger.info(sql) if @logger @pool.hold {|conn| conn.execute(sql)} rescue => e @logger.error(e.message) if @logger raise e end def execute_and_forget(sql) @logger.info(sql) if @logger @pool.hold {|conn| conn.execute(sql).clear} rescue => e @logger.error(e.message) if @logger raise e end def primary_key_for_table(conn, table) @primary_keys ||= {} @primary_keys[table] ||= conn.primary_key(table) end RE_CURRVAL_ERROR = /currval of sequence "(.*)" is not yet defined in this session/.freeze def insert_result(conn, table, values) begin result = conn.last_insert_id(table) return result if result rescue PGError => e # An error could occur if the inserted values include a primary key # value, while the primary key is serial. if e.message =~ RE_CURRVAL_ERROR raise SequelError, "Could not return primary key value for the inserted record. Are you specifying a primary key value for a serial primary key?" else raise e end end case values when Hash: values[primary_key_for_table(conn, table)] when Array: values.first else nil end end def execute_insert(sql, table, values) @logger.info(sql) if @logger @pool.hold do |conn| conn.execute(sql).clear insert_result(conn, table, values) end rescue => e @logger.error(e.message) if @logger raise e end def synchronize(&block) @pool.hold(&block) end SQL_BEGIN = 'BEGIN'.freeze SQL_COMMIT = 'COMMIT'.freeze SQL_ROLLBACK = 'ROLLBACK'.freeze def transaction @pool.hold do |conn| if conn.transaction_in_progress yield conn else @logger.info(SQL_BEGIN) if @logger conn.async_exec(SQL_BEGIN) begin conn.transaction_in_progress = true result = yield begin @logger.info(SQL_COMMIT) if @logger conn.async_exec(SQL_COMMIT) rescue => e @logger.error(e.message) if @logger raise e end result rescue => e @logger.info(SQL_ROLLBACK) if @logger conn.async_exec(SQL_ROLLBACK) rescue nil raise e ensure conn.transaction_in_progress = nil end end end end end class Dataset < Sequel::Dataset TRUE = "'t'".freeze FALSE = "'f'".freeze def literal(v) case v when String, Fixnum, Float, TrueClass, FalseClass: PGconn.quote(v) else super end end LIKE = '%s ~ %s'.freeze LIKE_CI = '%s ~* %s'.freeze def format_eq_expression(left, right) case right when Regexp: (right.casefold? ? LIKE_CI : LIKE) % [field_name(left), PGconn.quote(right.source)] else super end end FOR_UPDATE = ' FOR UPDATE'.freeze FOR_SHARE = ' FOR SHARE'.freeze def select_sql(opts = nil) row_lock_mode = opts ? opts[:lock] : @opts[:lock] sql = super case row_lock_mode when :update : sql << FOR_UPDATE when :share : sql << FOR_SHARE end sql end def for_update clone_merge(:lock => :update) end def for_share clone_merge(:lock => :share) end EXPLAIN = 'EXPLAIN '.freeze EXPLAIN_ANALYZE = 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE '.freeze QUERY_PLAN = 'QUERY PLAN'.to_sym def explain(opts = nil) analysis = [] fetch_rows(EXPLAIN + select_sql(opts)) do |r| analysis << r[QUERY_PLAN] end analysis.join("\r\n") end def analyze(opts = nil) analysis = [] fetch_rows(EXPLAIN_ANALYZE + select_sql(opts)) do |r| analysis << r[QUERY_PLAN] end analysis.join("\r\n") end LOCK = 'LOCK TABLE %s IN %s MODE;'.freeze ACCESS_SHARE = 'ACCESS SHARE'.freeze ROW_SHARE = 'ROW SHARE'.freeze ROW_EXCLUSIVE = 'ROW EXCLUSIVE'.freeze SHARE_UPDATE_EXCLUSIVE = 'SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE'.freeze SHARE = 'SHARE'.freeze SHARE_ROW_EXCLUSIVE = 'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE'.freeze EXCLUSIVE = 'EXCLUSIVE'.freeze ACCESS_EXCLUSIVE = 'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE'.freeze # Locks the table with the specified mode. def lock(mode, &block) sql = LOCK % [@opts[:from], mode] @db.synchronize do if block # perform locking inside a transaction and yield to block @db.transaction {@db.execute_and_forget(sql); yield} else @db.execute_and_forget(sql) # lock without a transaction self end end end def insert(*values) @db.execute_insert(insert_sql(*values), @opts[:from], values.size == 1 ? values.first : values) end def update(values, opts = nil) @db.synchronize do result = @db.execute(update_sql(values)) begin affected = result.cmdtuples ensure result.clear end affected end end def delete(opts = nil) @db.synchronize do result = @db.execute(delete_sql(opts)) begin affected = result.cmdtuples ensure result.clear end affected end end def fetch_rows(sql, &block) @db.synchronize do result = @db.execute(sql) begin conv = row_converter(result) result.each {|r| yield conv[r]} ensure result.clear end end end @@converters_mutex = Mutex.new @@converters = {} def row_converter(result) fields = []; translators = [] result.fields.each_with_index do |f, idx| fields << f.to_sym translators << PG_TYPES[result.type(idx)] end @columns = fields # create result signature and memoize the converter sig = [fields, translators].hash @@converters_mutex.synchronize do @@converters[sig] ||= compile_converter(fields, translators) end end def compile_converter(fields, translators) used_fields = [] kvs = [] fields.each_with_index do |field, idx| next if used_fields.include?(field) used_fields << field if translator = translators[idx] kvs << ":\"#{field}\" => ((t = r[#{idx}]) ? t.#{translator} : nil)" else kvs << ":\"#{field}\" => r[#{idx}]" end end eval("lambda {|r| {#{kvs.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR)}}}") end end end end