# coding: utf-8 require 'ebnf/ll1/lexer' module RDF::Turtle ## # A parser for the Turtle 2 class Reader < RDF::Reader format Format include EBNF::LL1::Parser include RDF::Turtle::Terminals # Terminals passed to lexer. Order matters! terminal(:ANON, ANON) terminal(:BLANK_NODE_LABEL, BLANK_NODE_LABEL) terminal(:IRIREF, IRIREF, unescape: true) terminal(:DOUBLE, DOUBLE) terminal(:DECIMAL, DECIMAL) terminal(:INTEGER, INTEGER) terminal(:PNAME_LN, PNAME_LN, unescape: true) terminal(:PNAME_NS, PNAME_NS) terminal(:STRING_LITERAL_LONG_SINGLE_QUOTE, STRING_LITERAL_LONG_SINGLE_QUOTE, unescape: true, partial_regexp: /^'''/) terminal(:STRING_LITERAL_LONG_QUOTE, STRING_LITERAL_LONG_QUOTE, unescape: true, partial_regexp: /^"""/) terminal(:STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, unescape: true) terminal(:STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE, STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE, unescape: true) # String terminals terminal(nil, %r([\(\),.;\[\]Aa]|\^\^|true|false)) terminal(:PREFIX, PREFIX) terminal(:BASE, BASE) terminal(:LANGTAG, LANGTAG) ## # Accumulated errors found during processing # @return [Array<String>] attr_reader :errors ## # Accumulated warnings found during processing # @return [Array<String>] attr_reader :warnings ## # Redirect for Freebase Reader # # @private def self.new(input = nil, options = {}, &block) klass = if options[:freebase] FreebaseReader else self end reader = klass.allocate reader.send(:initialize, input, options, &block) reader end ## # Initializes a new reader instance. # # Note, the spec does not define a default mapping for the empty prefix, # but it is so commonly used in examples that we define it to be the # empty string anyway, except when validating. # # @param [String, #to_s] input # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Hash] :prefixes (Hash.new) # the prefix mappings to use (for acessing intermediate parser productions) # @option options [#to_s] :base_uri (nil) # the base URI to use when resolving relative URIs (for acessing intermediate parser productions) # @option options [#to_s] :anon_base ("b0") # Basis for generating anonymous Nodes # @option options [Boolean] :validate (false) # whether to validate the parsed statements and values. If not validating, # the parser will attempt to recover from errors. # @option options [Array] :errors # array for placing errors found when parsing # @option options [Array] :warnings # array for placing warnings found when parsing # @option options [Boolean] :progress # Show progress of parser productions # @option options [Boolean, Integer, Array] :debug # Detailed debug output. If set to an Integer, output is restricted # to messages of that priority: `0` for errors, `1` for warnings, # `2` for processor tracing, and anything else for various levels # of debug. If set to an Array, information is collected in the array # instead of being output to `$stderr`. # @option options [Boolean] :freebase (false) # Use optimized Freebase reader # @return [RDF::Turtle::Reader] def initialize(input = nil, options = {}, &block) super do @options = { anon_base: "b0", validate: false, whitespace: WS, }.merge(options) @options = {prefixes: {nil => ""}}.merge(@options) unless @options[:validate] @errors = @options[:errors] || [] @warnings = @options[:warnings] || [] @depth = 0 @prod_stack = [] @options[:debug] ||= case when RDF::Turtle.debug? then true when @options[:progress] then 2 when @options[:validate] then 1 end @options[:base_uri] = RDF::URI(base_uri || "") debug("base IRI") {base_uri.inspect} debug("validate") {validate?.inspect} debug("canonicalize") {canonicalize?.inspect} debug("intern") {intern?.inspect} @lexer = EBNF::LL1::Lexer.new(input, self.class.patterns, @options) if block_given? case block.arity when 0 then instance_eval(&block) else block.call(self) end end end end def inspect sprintf("#<%s:%#0x(%s)>", self.class.name, __id__, base_uri.to_s) end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement in the input. # # @yield [statement] # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def each_statement(&block) if block_given? @recovering = false @callback = block begin while (@lexer.first rescue true) read_statement end rescue EBNF::LL1::Lexer::Error, SyntaxError, EOFError, Recovery # Terminate loop if EOF found while recovering end if validate? if !warnings.empty? && !@options[:warnings] $stderr.puts "Warnings: #{warnings.join("\n")}" end if !errors.empty? $stderr.puts "Errors: #{errors.join("\n")}" unless @options[:errors] raise RDF::ReaderError, "Errors found during processing" end end end enum_for(:each_statement) end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF triple in the input. # # @yield [subject, predicate, object] # @yieldparam [RDF::Resource] subject # @yieldparam [RDF::URI] predicate # @yieldparam [RDF::Value] object # @return [void] def each_triple(&block) if block_given? each_statement do |statement| block.call(*statement.to_triple) end end enum_for(:each_triple) end # add a statement, object can be literal or URI or bnode # # @param [Symbol] production # @param [RDF::Statement] statement the subject of the statement # @return [RDF::Statement] Added statement # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] Checks parameter types and raises if they are incorrect if parsing mode is _validate_. def add_statement(production, statement) error("Statement is invalid: #{statement.inspect.inspect}", production: produciton) if validate? && statement.invalid? @callback.call(statement) if statement.subject && statement.predicate && statement.object && (validate? ? statement.valid? : true) end # Process a URI against base def process_iri(iri) iri = iri.value[1..-2] if iri === :IRIREF value = RDF::URI(iri) value = base_uri.join(value) if value.relative? value.validate! if validate? value.canonicalize! if canonicalize? value = RDF::URI.intern(value) if intern? value rescue ArgumentError => e error("process_iri", e) end # Create a literal def literal(value, options = {}) debug("literal") do "value: #{value.inspect}, " + "options: #{options.inspect}, " + "validate: #{validate?.inspect}, " + "c14n?: #{canonicalize?.inspect}" end RDF::Literal.new(value, options.merge(validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?)) rescue ArgumentError => e error("Argument Error #{e.message}", production: :literal, token: @lexer.first) end ## # Override #prefix to take a relative IRI # # prefix directives map a local name to an IRI, also resolved against the current In-Scope Base URI. # Spec confusion, presume that an undefined empty prefix has an empty relative IRI, which uses # string contatnation rules against the in-scope IRI at the time of use def prefix(prefix, iri = nil) # Relative IRIs are resolved against @base iri = process_iri(iri) if iri super(prefix, iri) end ## # Expand a PNAME using string concatenation def pname(prefix, suffix) # Prefixes must be defined, except special case for empty prefix being alias for current @base if prefix(prefix) base = prefix(prefix).to_s elsif !prefix(prefix) error("undefined prefix", production: :pname, token: prefix) base = '' end suffix = suffix.to_s.sub(/^\#/, "") if base.index("#") debug("pname") {"base: '#{base}', suffix: '#{suffix}'"} process_iri(base + suffix.to_s) end # Keep track of allocated BNodes def bnode(value = nil) return RDF::Node.new unless value @bnode_cache ||= {} @bnode_cache[value.to_s] ||= RDF::Node.new(value) end protected # @return [void] def read_statement prod(:statement, %w{.}) do error("read_statement", "Unexpected end of file") unless token = @lexer.first case token.type when :BASE, :PREFIX read_directive || error("Failed to parse directive", production: :directive, token: token) else read_triples || error("Expected token", production: :statement, token: token) if !@recovering || @lexer.first === '.' # If recovering, we will have eaten the closing '.' token = @lexer.shift unless token && token.value == '.' error("Expected '.' following triple", production: :statement, token: token) end end end end end # @return [void] def read_directive prod(:directive, %w{.}) do token = @lexer.first case token.type when :BASE prod(:base) do @lexer.shift terminated = token.value == '@base' iri = @lexer.shift error("Expected IRIREF", production: :base, token: iri) unless iri === :IRIREF @options[:base_uri] = process_iri(iri) error("base", "#{token} should be downcased") if token.value.start_with?('@') && token.value != '@base' if terminated error("base", "Expected #{token} to be terminated") unless @lexer.first === '.' @lexer.shift elsif @lexer.first === '.' error("base", "Expected #{token} not to be terminated") else true end end when :PREFIX prod(:prefixID, %w{.}) do @lexer.shift pfx, iri = @lexer.shift, @lexer.shift terminated = token.value == '@prefix' error("Expected PNAME_NS", production: :prefix, token: pfx) unless pfx === :PNAME_NS error("Expected IRIREF", production: :prefix, token: iri) unless iri === :IRIREF debug("prefixID") {"Defined prefix #{pfx.inspect} mapping to #{iri.inspect}"} prefix(pfx.value[0..-2], process_iri(iri)) error("prefixId", "#{token} should be downcased") if token.value.start_with?('@') && token.value != '@prefix' if terminated error("prefixID", "Expected #{token} to be terminated") unless @lexer.first === '.' @lexer.shift elsif @lexer.first === '.' error("prefixID", "Expected #{token} not to be terminated") else true end end end end end # @return [Object] returns the last verb matched, or subject BNode on predicateObjectList? def read_triples prod(:triples, %w{.}) do error("read_triples", "Unexpected end of file") unless token = @lexer.first case token.type || token.value when '[' # blankNodePropertyList predicateObjectList? subject = read_blankNodePropertyList || error("Failed to parse blankNodePropertyList", production: :triples, token: @lexer.first) read_predicateObjectList(subject) || subject else # subject predicateObjectList subject = read_subject || error("Failed to parse subject", production: :triples, token: @lexer.first) read_predicateObjectList(subject) || error("Expected predicateObjectList", production: :triples, token: @lexer.first) end end end # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @return [RDF::URI] the last matched verb def read_predicateObjectList(subject) prod(:predicateObjectList, %{;}) do last_verb = nil while verb = read_verb last_verb = verb prod(:_predicateObjectList_5) do read_objectList(subject, verb) || error("Expected objectList", production: :predicateObjectList, token: @lexer.first) end break unless @lexer.first === ';' @lexer.shift while @lexer.first === ';' end last_verb end end # @return [RDF::Term] the last matched subject def read_objectList(subject, predicate) prod(:objectList, %{,}) do last_object = nil while object = prod(:_objectList_2) {read_object(subject, predicate)} last_object = object break unless @lexer.first === ',' @lexer.shift while @lexer.first === ',' end last_object end end # @return [RDF::URI] def read_verb error("read_verb", "Unexpected end of file") unless token = @lexer.first case token.type || token.value when 'a' then prod(:verb) {@lexer.shift && RDF.type} else prod(:verb) {read_iri} end end # @return [RDF::Resource] def read_subject prod(:subject) do read_iri || read_BlankNode || read_collection || error( "Expected subject", production: :subject, token: @lexer.first) end end # @return [void] def read_object(subject = nil, predicate = nil) prod(:object) do if object = read_iri || read_BlankNode || read_collection || read_blankNodePropertyList || read_literal add_statement(:object, RDF::Statement(subject, predicate, object)) if subject && predicate object end end end # @return [RDF::Literal] def read_literal error("Unexpected end of file", production: :literal) unless token = @lexer.first case token.type || token.value when :INTEGER then prod(:literal) {literal(@lexer.shift.value, datatype: RDF::XSD.integer)} when :DECIMAL prod(:litearl) do value = @lexer.shift.value value = "0#{value}" if value.start_with?(".") literal(value, datatype: RDF::XSD.decimal) end when :DOUBLE then prod(:literal) {literal(@lexer.shift.value.sub(/\.([eE])/, '.0\1'), datatype: RDF::XSD.double)} when "true", "false" then prod(:literal) {literal(@lexer.shift.value, datatype: RDF::XSD.boolean)} when :STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, :STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE prod(:literal) do value = @lexer.shift.value[1..-2] error("read_literal", "Unexpected end of file") unless token = @lexer.first case token.type || token.value when :LANGTAG literal(value, language: @lexer.shift.value[1..-1].to_sym) when '^^' @lexer.shift literal(value, datatype: read_iri) else literal(value) end end when :STRING_LITERAL_LONG_QUOTE, :STRING_LITERAL_LONG_SINGLE_QUOTE prod(:literal) do value = @lexer.shift.value[3..-4] error("read_literal", "Unexpected end of file") unless token = @lexer.first case token.type || token.value when :LANGTAG literal(value, language: @lexer.shift.value[1..-1].to_sym) when '^^' @lexer.shift literal(value, datatype: read_iri) else literal(value) end end end end # @return [RDF::Node] def read_blankNodePropertyList token = @lexer.first if token === '[' prod(:blankNodePropertyList, %{]}) do @lexer.shift progress("blankNodePropertyList") {"token: #{token.inspect}"} node = bnode read_predicateObjectList(node) error("blankNodePropertyList", "Expected closing ']'") unless @lexer.first === ']' @lexer.shift node end end end # @return [RDF::Node] def read_collection if @lexer.first === '(' prod(:collection, %{)}) do @lexer.shift token = @lexer.first progress("collection") {"token: #{token.inspect}"} objects = [] while object = read_object objects << object end list = RDF::List.new(nil, nil, objects) list.each_statement do |statement| add_statement("collection", statement) end error("collection", "Expected closing ')'") unless @lexer.first === ')' @lexer.shift list.subject end end end # @return [RDF::URI] def read_iri token = @lexer.first case token && token.type when :IRIREF then prod(:iri) {process_iri(@lexer.shift)} when :PNAME_LN, :PNAME_NS then prod(:iri) {pname(*@lexer.shift.value.split(':', 2))} end end # @return [RDF::Node] def read_BlankNode token = @lexer.first case token && token.type when :BLANK_NODE_LABEL then prod(:BlankNode) {bnode(@lexer.shift.value[2..-1])} when :ANON then @lexer.shift && prod(:BlankNode) {bnode} end end def prod(production, recover_to = []) @prod_stack << {prod: production, recover_to: recover_to} @depth += 1 @recovering = false progress("#{production}(start)") {"token: #{@lexer.first.inspect}"} yield rescue EBNF::LL1::Lexer::Error, SyntaxError, Recovery => e # Lexer encountered an illegal token or the parser encountered # a terminal which is inappropriate for the current production. # Perform error recovery to find a reasonable terminal based # on the follow sets of the relevant productions. This includes # remaining terms from the current production and the stacked # productions case e when EBNF::LL1::Lexer::Error @lexer.recover begin error("Lexer error", "With input '#{e.input}': #{e.message}", production: production, token: e.token) rescue SyntaxError end end raise EOFError, "End of input found when recovering" if @lexer.first.nil? debug("recovery", "current token: #{@lexer.first.inspect}", level: 4) unless e.is_a?(Recovery) # Get the list of follows for this sequence, this production and the stacked productions. debug("recovery", "stack follows:", level: 4) @prod_stack.reverse.each do |prod| debug("recovery", level: 4) {" #{prod[:prod]}: #{prod[:recover_to].inspect}"} end end # Find all follows to the top of the stack follows = @prod_stack.map {|prod| Array(prod[:recover_to])}.flatten.compact.uniq # Skip tokens until one is found in follows while (token = (@lexer.first rescue @lexer.recover)) && follows.none? {|t| token === t} skipped = @lexer.shift progress("recovery") {"skip #{skipped.inspect}"} end debug("recovery") {"found #{token.inspect} in follows"} # Re-raise the error unless token is a follows of this production raise Recovery unless Array(recover_to).any? {|t| token === t} # Skip that token to get something reasonable to start the next production with @lexer.shift ensure progress("#{production}(finish)") @depth -= 1 @prod_stack.pop end ## # Warning information, used as level `1` debug messages. # # @param [String] node Relevant location associated with message # @param [String] message Error string # @param [Hash] options # @option options [URI, #to_s] :production # @option options [Token] :token # @see {#debug} def warn(node, message, options = {}) m = "WARNING " m += "[line: #{@lineno}] " if @lineno m += message m += " (found #{options[:token].inspect})" if options[:token] m += ", production = #{options[:production].inspect}" if options[:production] @warnings << m unless @recovering debug(node, m, options.merge(level: 1)) end ## # Error information, used as level `0` debug messages. # # @overload debug(node, message, options) # @param [String] node Relevant location associated with message # @param [String] message Error string # @param [Hash] options # @option options [URI, #to_s] :production # @option options [Token] :token # @see {#debug} def error(*args) return if @recovering options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} lineno = @lineno || (options[:token].lineno if options[:token].respond_to?(:lineno)) message = "#{args.join(': ')}" m = "ERROR " m += "[line: #{lineno}] " if lineno m += message m += " (found #{options[:token].inspect})" if options[:token] m += ", production = #{options[:production].inspect}" if options[:production] @recovering = true @errors << m debug(m, options.merge(level: 0)) raise SyntaxError.new(m, lineno: lineno, token: options[:token], production: options[:production]) end ## # Progress output when debugging. # # The call is ignored, unless `@options[:debug]` is set, in which # case it records tracing information as indicated. Additionally, # if `@options[:debug]` is an Integer, the call is aborted if the # `:level` option is less than than `:level`. # # @overload debug(node, message, options) # @param [Array<String>] args Relevant location associated with message # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Integer] :depth # Recursion depth for indenting output # @option options [Integer] :level # Level assigned to message, by convention, level `0` is for # errors, level `1` is for warnings, level `2` is for parser # progress information, and anything higher is for various levels # of debug information. # # @yieldparam [:trace] trace # @yieldparam [Integer] level # @yieldparam [Integer] lineno # @yieldparam [Integer] depth Recursive depth of productions # @yieldparam [Array<String>] args # @yieldreturn [String] added to message def debug(*args) return unless @options[:debug] options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} debug_level = options.fetch(:level, 3) return if @options[:debug].is_a?(Integer) && debug_level > @options[:debug] depth = options[:depth] || @depth args << yield if block_given? message = "#{args.join(': ')}" d_str = depth > 100 ? ' ' * 100 + '+' : ' ' * depth str = "[#{lineno}](#{debug_level})#{d_str}#{message}" case @options[:debug] when Array @options[:debug] << str when TrueClass $stderr.puts str when Integer case debug_level when 0 then return if @options[:errors] when 1 then return if @options[:warnings] end $stderr.puts(str) if debug_level <= @options[:debug] end end # Used for internal error recovery class Recovery < StandardError; end class SyntaxError < RDF::ReaderError ## # The current production. # # @return [Symbol] attr_reader :production ## # The invalid token which triggered the error. # # @return [String] attr_reader :token ## # The line number where the error occurred. # # @return [Integer] attr_reader :lineno ## # Initializes a new syntax error instance. # # @param [String, #to_s] message # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Symbol] :production (nil) # @option options [String] :token (nil) # @option options [Integer] :lineno (nil) def initialize(message, options = {}) @production = options[:production] @token = options[:token] @lineno = options[:lineno] || (@token.lineno if @token.respond_to?(:lineno)) super(message.to_s) end end end # class Reader end # module RDF::Turtle