--- en: activefedora: models: batch_upload_item: Works by Batch file_set: File activemodel: errors: messages: cannot_have_child_nested: cannot have child nested within it cannot_nest_in_parent: cannot nest within parent cannot_remove_relationship: permission is inadequate for removal of nesting relationship conflict: Your changes could not be saved because another user (or background job) updated this %{model} after you began editing. Please make sure all file attachments have completed successfully and try again. This form has refreshed with the most recent saved copy of the %{model}. exceeds_maximum_nesting_depth: nesting exceeds the allowed maximum nesting depth. is_not_nestable: is not nestable blacklight: search: fields: facet: admin_set_sim: Admin Set collection_type_gid_ssim: Collection Type member_of_collections_ssim: Collection resource_type_sim: Resource type suppressed_bsi: Status visibility_ssi: Visibility show: admin_set: 'In Administrative Set:' based_near_label: Location contributor: Contributors keyword: Keyword filters: title: 'Filtering by:' start_over: Start Over errors: messages: carrierwave_download_error: Couldn't download image. carrierwave_integrity_error: Not an image. carrierwave_processing_error: Cannot resize image. extension_blacklist_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}' extension_whitelist_error: 'You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}' helpers: action: accept: Accept add: Add admin_set: new: Create new administrative set batch: new: Create batch of works cancel: Cancel close: Close collection: new: Add New Collection delete: Delete edit: Edit less: Less more: More refresh: Refresh remove: Remove work: new: Add New Work submit: admin_set: create: Save update: Save changes create: Save hyrax_permission_template: create: Save update: Save hyrax_permission_template_access: create: Add proxy_deposit_request: create: Transfer update: Save changes hyrax: account_label: User active_consent_to_agreement: I have read and agree to the admin: admin_sets: delete: error_default_set: Administrative set cannot be deleted as it is the default set error_not_empty: Administrative set cannot be deleted as it is not empty notification: Administrative set successfully deleted document_list: edit: Edit no_works: The administrative set does not contain any works. title: List of items in this administrative set edit: header: 'Edit Administrative Set: %{title}' form: cancel: Cancel note: Users granted a new role will only gain the role on works that are deposited after that role has been granted. permission_destroy_errors: admin_group: The repository administrators group cannot be removed participants: The administrative set's participant rights failed to delete. permission_update_errors: error: Invalid update option for permission template. no_date: A date is required for the selected release option. no_embargo: An embargo period is required for the selected option. nothing: Select release options before pressing save. permission_update_notices: new_admin_set: The administrative set '%{name}' has been created. Use the additional tabs to define other aspects of the administrative set. participants: The administrative set's participant rights have been updated updated_admin_set: The administrative set '%{name}' has been updated. visibility: The administrative set's release & visibility settings have been updated. workflow: The administrative set's workflow has been updated. tabs: description: Description participants: Participants visibility: Release and Visibility workflow: Workflow form_participant_table: admin_users: Repository Administrators allow_all_registered: Allow all registered users to deposit depositors: action: Action agent_name: Depositors of This Set empty: No depositors have been added to this administrative set. help: Depositors can add new works to this administrative set. remove: Remove title: Depositors type: Type managers: action: Action agent_name: Managers of This Set empty: No managers have been added to this administrative set. help: Managers of this administrative set can edit the set metadata, participants, and release and visibility settings. Managers can also edit work metadata, add to or remove files from a work, and add new works to the set. remove: Remove title: Managers type: Type registered_users: Registered Users viewers: action: Action agent_name: Viewers of This Set empty: No viewers have been added to this administrative set. help: Viewers of this administrative set can view works in the set regardless of the visibility settings applied to the work. For example, viewers can view works in this set even if the works are currently embargoed or restricted. remove: Remove title: Viewers type: Type form_participants: add_group: 'Add group:' add_participants: Add Participants add_user: 'Add user:' current_participants: Current Participants form_visibility: cancel: Cancel page_description: Release and visibility settings determine the options available to depositors when submitting a work to this administrative set. Changes to these settings do not affect previously deposited works. release: description: Set embargoes and lease polices for this administrative set. fixed: Depositor must choose embargo -- delay release of all works until no_delay: Do not allow embargoes or leases title: Release varies: any: Depositor can choose any embargo length; leases are allowed between: 'Depositor can choose embargo up to date:' description: 'Allow depositor to choose settings:' embargo: 1yr: 1 year after deposit 2yrs: 2 years after deposit 3yrs: 3 years after deposit 6mos: 6 months after deposit select: Select embargo period.. period: 'Depositor can choose embargo period up to:' visibility: description: Set visibility policies for the administrative set. Setting honors embargo policies above. everyone: Public - depositor can only choose public visibility setting institution: Institution -- depositor can only select institution visibility setting restricted: Private -- depositor can only select private for visibility. Access is restricted to repository administrators, managers, and viewers of the set. Must be used with "No embargo" setting above. title: Visibility varies: All settings allowed -- depositor can choose. Must use this option to allow leases. form_workflow: cancel: Cancel no_workflows: There are no workflows to select. page_description: Each administrative set has a workflow associated with it. This workflow is applied to all works added to the administrative set. Select the workflow to be used for this administrative set below. new: header: Create New Administrative Set show: breadcrumb: View Set header: Administrative Set item_list_header: Works in This Set show_actions: confirm_delete: Are you sure you wish to delete this Administrative Set? This action cannot be undone. analytics: collection_reports: index: title: Collections Report repo_summary: The repository contains repo_summary_2: which collectively have had views: page views and: and summary: Summary monthly: Monthly custom_range: Custom Range downloads: downloads report_header: Custom Collections Report report_generated_on: This report was generated on enable_analytics: Enable Analytics To View Reports show: title: Collection Report summary: Summary monthly: Monthly custom_range: Custom Range return_to_btn: Return to Collections Report view_collection_btn: View Collection created_by: Created by last_updated: Last updated on collection_type: Collection type visibility: Visibility summary: subtitle: Summary of user activity collection_home_page_views: Collection home page views work_views: Views of works work_downloads: Downloads of works date_range: Date range today: Today this_week: This week this_month: This month this_year: This year all_time: All time monthly_summary: monthly_subtitle: Month-by-month status for last 12 months through collection_views: Collection home page views work_views: Views of works work_downloads: Downloads of works custom_range: date_range_heading: Customize Date Range summary_heading: Summary of user activity collection_home_page_views: Collection home page views work_views: Views of works work_downloads: Downloads of works top_collections: top_collections: Top Collections collection_title: Collection Title works_in_collection_views: Works In This Collection Views file_downloads_in_collection: File Set Downloads In This Collection collection_page_views: Collection Page Views deleted: Collection deleted export: Export work_reports: index: title: Works Report subtitle: Summary of user activity repo_summary: in this repository which collectively have had works: works views: views and: and access_to: You have access to summary: Summary monthly: Monthly custom_range: Custom Range downloads: downloads enable_analytics: Enable Analytics To View Reports report_generated_on: This report was generated on show: title: Work Report summary: Summary monthly: Monthly custom_range: Custom Range return_to_btn: Return to Works Report view_work_btn: View Work deposited_by: Deposited by work_type: Work type resource_type: Resource type status: Status visibility: Visibility work_files: title: Files total_downloads: Total Downloads work_counts: total_size: total size child_works: child works files: files summary: subtitle: Summary of user activity unique_visitors: Unique Visitors page_views: Page Views file_downloads: File Downloads date_range: Date range today: Today this_week: This week this_month: This month this_year: This year all_time: All time monthly_summary: monthly_subtitle: Month-by-month status for the last 12 months through page_views: Page Views file_downloads: File Downloads top_works: top_works: Top Works work_title: Work Title work_views: Work Page Views file_downloads: File Downloads export: Export top_file_set_downloads: top_downloads: Top File Downloads file_name: File Name file: File file_downloads: File Downloads custom_range: summary_heading: Summary of user activity unique_visitors: Unique Visitors page_views: Page Views file_downloads: File Downloads date_range_form: date_range_heading: Customize Date Range start_date: Start Date end_date: End Date set_date_range: Set Report Date Range reset_date_range: Reset Date Range appearances: show: header: Appearance update: flash: success: The appearance was successfully updated collection_types: create: notification: The collection type %{name} has been created. delete: notification: The collection type %{name} has been deleted. edit: header: Edit Collection Type submit: Save changes errors: no_settings_change_for_admin_sets: Collection type settings cannot be altered for the Administrative Set type no_settings_change_for_user_collections: Collection type settings cannot be altered for the User Collection type no_settings_change_if_not_empty: Collection type settings cannot be altered for a type that has collections not_empty: Collection type cannot be altered as it has collections form: tab: appearance: Badge Color metadata: Description participants: Participants settings: Settings form_participant_table: creators: action: Action agent_name: Collection Creators empty: No creators have been added to this collection type. help: Creators of collections of this type can create and manage their own collections. title: Creators type: Type managers: action: Action agent_name: Collection Managers empty: No managers have been added to this collection type. help: Managers of collections of this type can edit collections other users have created, including adding to and removing works from a collection, modifying collection metadata, and deleting collections. title: Managers type: Type form_participants: add_group: Add group add_participants: Add Participants add_user: Add user current_participants: Current Participants header: Collection Participants instructions: You can designate both groups and users as creators and managers of collections of this type remove_success: Participant Removed submit: Add update_notice: Participants Updated form_settings: instructions: These settings determine how collections of this type can be managed and discovered. warning: 'Warning: These settings cannot be changed after a collection of this type has been created.' index: breadcrumb: Collection Types create_new_button: Create new collection type description: Collection types enable you to define settings that govern collections that serve different purposes in your repository. You can define as many collection types as you need. header: Collection Types modal: can_delete_body_html: "

Deleting this collection type will permanently remove the type and its settings from the repository. Are you sure you want to delete this collection type?

" cannot_delete_body_html: "

You cannot delete this collection type because one or more collections of this type have already been created.

To delete this collection type, first ensure that all collections of this type have been deleted.

" header_can_delete: Delete Collection Type? header_cannot_delete: Cannot Delete Collection Type view_collections: View collections of this type more_toggle_content_html: "

Typical scenarios for collection types include:

" more_toggle_header_html: "More about collection types" table: actions: Actions name: Name multiple_membership_checker: error_preamble: 'Error: You have specified more than one of the same single-membership collection type ' error_type_and_collections: "(type: %{type}, collections: %{collections})" new: header: Create New Collection Type submit: Save update: notification: The collection type %{name} has been updated. features: index: action: Action description: Description feature: Feature header: Features sidebar: activity: Activity appearance: Appearance collection_types: Collection Types collections: Collections configuration: Configuration content_blocks: Content Blocks dashboard: Dashboard delete_all: Delete All notifications: Notifications pages: Pages profile: Profile repository_objects: Repository Contents settings: Settings statistics: Statistics analytics: Analytics works_report: Works Report collections_report: Collections Report tasks: Tasks technical: Features transfers: Transfers user_activity: Your activity users: Manage Users workflow_review: Review Submissions workflow_roles: Workflow Roles works: Works works_listing: Works listing stats: deposited_form: end_label: end [defaults to now] heading: 'Display Files Deposited:' start_label: Start repository_objects: series: published: Published unknown: Unknown unpublished: Unpublished user_deposits: end_label: Ending [defaults to now] heading: Display files deposited by users start_label: Starting works: headers: main: Work Statistics total: 'Total Works:' visibility: Totals by Visibility users: index: access_label: Last access describe_users_html: one: There is %{count} user in this repository. other: There are %{count} users in this repository. id_label: Username role_label: Roles title: Manage Users workflow_roles: header: Workflow Roles index: current_roles: Current Roles delete: confirm: Are you sure? header: name: Name roles: Roles user: User new_role: Assign Role no_roles: No roles workflows: index: header: Review Submissions tabs: published: Published under_review: Under Review api: accepted: default: Your request has been accepted for processing, but processing is not complete. See job for more info. bad_request: default: Unable to process your request. See errors for more info. deleted: default: Deleted the Resource forbidden: default: You are not authorized to access this content. internal_error: default: The server encountered an error. not_found: default: Could not find a resource that matches your request. success: default: Your request was processed successfully. unauthorized: default: You must be logged in to do that! unprocessable_entity: default: The resource you attempted to modify cannot be modified according to your request. background_attribution_html: '' base: attributes: table_attribute_name: Attribute Name table_heading_attributes: Attributes table_values: Value visibility: Visibility citations: citations: Citations endnote: EndNote header: 'Citations:' mendeley: Mendeley zotero: Zotero currently_shared: currently_sharing: Currently Shared With table_title_access: Access Level table_title_user: Person/Group file_manager: back_to: Back to toolbar: Toolbar file_manager_actions: save: Save sort_alphabetically: Sort alphabetically file_manager_member_resource_options: representative_media: Representative Media thumbnail: Thumbnail form: batch_link: Batch upload batch_upload_hint: To create a separate work for each of the files, go to form_child_work_relationships: actions: remove: Remove from this work add: Add attach_new_work: Deposit new work as child of this work caption: This work currently contains these child works confirm: cancel: Cancel remove: Remove text: Removing this child work will not remove it from the repository, only from this parent work. Are you sure you want to remove this work from this parent work? header: actions: Action title: Work title form_files: add_files: Add files... add_folder: Add folder... cancel_upload: Cancel upload dropzone: Drop files here. local_upload_browse_everything_html: |

You can add one or more files to associate with this work. Add files from your local system or a cloud provider.

Note that if you use a cloud provider to upload a large number of files within a short period of time, the provider may not be able to accommodate your request. If you experience errors uploading from the cloud, let us know via the %{contact_href}.

local_upload_html: "

You can add one or more files to associate with this work.

" form_member_of_collections: actions: remove: Remove from collection add: Add caption: This work is currently in these collections confirm: cancel: Cancel remove: Remove text: Removing this work will not remove it from the repository, only from this collection. Are you sure you want to remove this work from the collection? header: actions: Action title: Collection title form_permission: visibility: Visibility Who should be able to view or download this content? form_permission_under_embargo: help_html: "This work is under embargo. You can change the settings of the embargo here, or you can visit the %{edit_link} to deactivate it." legend_html: Visibility Who should be able to view or download this content? management_page: Embargo Management Page form_permission_under_lease: help_html: "This work is under lease. You can change the settings of the lease here, or you can visit the %{edit_link} to deactivate it." legend_html: Visibility Who should be able to view or download this content? management_page: Lease Management Page form_progress: proxy_depositors: Proxy Depositors - Select the user on whose behalf you are depositing required_agreement: Check deposit agreement required_descriptions: Describe your work required_files: Add files requirements: Requirements saving_your_work: Saving your work. This may take a few moments yourself: Yourself form_rendering: help_html: Select file(s) to be offered as a download for every image in Universal Viewer, for example a PDF of the whole work. legend_html: Rendering form_representative: help_html: Select the file with media that represents this work. legend_html: Representative Media form_share: access_type_to_grant: Access type to grant account_label_without_suffix: "%{account_label} (without the %{suffix} part)" add_sharing: Add Sharing add_this_group_html: Add this group currently_sharing: Currently Shared With depositor: Depositor directions: Regardless of the visibility settings for this work, you can also share it with other users and groups. group: Group permissions_save_note_html: Permissions are not saved until the "Save" button is pressed at the bottom of the page. use_add_button: Use the add button to give access to one %{account_label} at a time (it will be added to the list below). Select the user, by name or %{account_label} \. Then select the access level you wish to grant and click on Add this %{account_label} to complete adding the permission. form_thumbnail: help_html: Select the file to be used as the thumbnail for this work. legend_html: Thumbnail form_visibility_component: visibility: Visibility subtitle_html: Who should be able to view or download this content? inspect_work: back_to: Back to entity_id: Entity ID id: ID name: Name object_name: Object Name persistence: Persistence processing_entity_id: Processing Entity ID proxy_for: Proxy for roles: Roles state: State state_name: State Name users: Users workflow: Workflow workflow_comments: Workflow Comments items: actions: Actions date_uploaded: Date Uploaded empty: This %{type} has no files associated with it. Click "edit" to add more files. header: Items thumbnail: Thumbnail title: Title unauthorized: There are no publicly available items in this %{type}. visibility: Visibility relationships: empty: This %{type} is not currently in any collections. header: Relationships relationships_parent_row: label: 'In %{type}:' share_with: definition_heading: Permission Definitions definitions_html: "View/Download: this file (both contents and metadata) is accessible from within %{application_name}.
Edit: this file (both contents and metadata) can be edited. You may only grant this permission to %{institution_name} users and/or groups." share_with_html: You may grant "View/Download" or "Edit" access for specific users and/or groups to files. Enter a valid %{account_name}, one at a time, select the access level for that user, and click +Add. show: items: Items last_modified: Last modified relationships: Relations show_actions: analytics: Analytics attach_child: Attach Child confirm_delete: Delete this %{work_type}? delete: Delete edit: Edit feature: Feature unfeature: Unfeature social_media: facebook: Facebook facebook_share: Share on Facebook google: Google+ google_share: Share on Google+ tumblr: Tumblr tumblr_share: Share on Tumblr twitter: Twitter twitter_share: Share on Twitter unauthorized: id: 'ID: %{id}' is_private: The %{type} you have tried to access is private page_is_private: The page you have tried to access is private unauthorized: Unauthorized work_button_row: analytics: Analytics attach: Attach %{type} delete: Delete delete_type: Delete this %{type}? edit: Edit feature: Feature unfeature: Unfeature workflow_actions: actions: Actions previous_comments: Previous Comments review_comment: Review Comment title: Review and Approval base/unauthorized: is_private: The %{type} you have tried to access is private unauthorized: Unauthorized batch: help: resource_type: You may select multiple types to apply to all files title: Filename will be the default title. Please provide a more meaningful title, and filenames will still be preserved by the system. batch_edits: check_all: select_to_access_selection_options: Select to access selection option currently_shared: share_batch_with: Share Batch With table_title_access: Access Level table_title_user: Person/Group delete_selected: button_label: Delete Selected deleting_file_from: Deleting a file from %{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this file from %{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation edit: apply_changes_to: 'Changes will be applied to: (%{x_number_of} works)' batch_edit_descriptions: Batch Edit Descriptions    Click on labels below to edit work descriptions. clear_batch: Clear Batch descriptions: Descriptions descriptions_title: 'Descriptions:' permissions: Permissions sharing: Sharing visibility: Visibility batch_uploads: disabled: Feature disabled by administrator files: button_label: Add New Work instructions: Each file will be uploaded to a separate new work resulting in one work per uploaded file. upload_type_instructions: To create a single work for all the files, go to new: breadcrumb: Create Batch of Works header: Batch Create New Works in_collections: These Works in Collections in_other_works: This Work in Other Works in_this_work: Other Works in this Work progress: header: Save Works bread_crumb: search_results: Back to search results citations: work: citation_formats: Citation Formats collection: actions: add_existing_works: desc: Add existing works to this Collection label: Add existing works to this collection add_new_nested_collection: desc: Add new collection to this Collection label: Create new collection as subcollection add_new_work: desc: Deposit new work through this collection label: Deposit new work through this collection delete: confirmation: Deleting this collection will permanently remove this collection from the repository. Any items in this collection will remain in the repository. Are you sure you want to delete this collection? desc: Delete this collection label: Delete collection edit: desc: Edit this collection label: Edit collection header: Actions nest_collections: button_label: Add a subcollection desc: Nest other collections within this Collection label: Add existing collections to this collection modal_title: Add a Subcollection to Collection select_label: Select subcollection nested_subcollection: button_label: Add to collection desc: Add existing collections to this collection modal_title: Add this Collection Within Another Collection select_label: Select collection also_belongs_to: This work also belongs to browse_view: Browse View document_list: edit: Edit no_visible_works: The collection is either empty or does not contain items to which you have access. edit: manage_items: Manage Items in this Collection edit_view: Edit View form: additional_fields: Additional fields description: Descriptions is_part_of: Is part of select_form: close: Close create: Save create_new: Add to new Collection no_collections: You do not have access to any existing collections. You may create a new collection. select_heading: 'Select the collection to add your files to:' title: Add to collection update: Save changes collections: search_form: button_label: Go label: Search Collection %{title} placeholder: Search subcollections and works in this collection show: buttons: remove_from_collection: Remove remove_this_sub_collection: Remove item_count: Item no_visible_parent_collections: There are no visible parent collections. no_visible_subcollections: There are no visible subcollections. parent_collection_header: Parent Collections show_less_parent_collections: "...show less" show_more_parent_collections: show more... subcollection_count: Subcollections works_in_collection: Works sort_and_per_page: number_of_results_to_display_per_page: Number of results to display per page results_per_page: 'Results per page:' sort_by_html: "Sort by:" collection_type: admin_set_title: Admin Set default_title: User Collection collection_types: create_service: admin_set_description: An aggregation of works that is intended to help with administrative control. Admin Sets provide a way of defining behaviors and policies around a set of works. default_description: A User Collection can be created by any user to organize their works. contact_form: button_label: Send email_label: Your Email header: Contact Form issue_types: browsing: Browsing and searching changing: Making changes to my content depositing: Depositing content general: General inquiry or request reporting: Reporting a problem message_label: Message name_label: Your Name notice: Please use the contact form to submit inquiries about this system; to report a problem you are experiencing with the system; to request assistance using the system; or to provide general feedback. See the Help page for additional information about this system. select_type: Select an Issue Type subject_label: Subject title: Contact Us type_label: Issue Type content_blocks: cancel: Cancel tabs: announcement_text: Announcement Text featured_researcher: Featured Researcher marketing_text: Marketing Text updated: Content blocks updated. controls: about: About contact: Contact help: Help home: Home dashboard: additional_notifications: See all notifications admin_sets: admin_set: Administrative Set files: Files subtitle: Recent activity title: Administrative Sets works: Works all: collections: All Collections works: All Works authorize_proxies: Authorize Proxies breadcrumbs: admin: Dashboard collections_report: Collections Report works_report: Works Report collection_type_actions: close: Close create_collection: Create collection select_type_of_collection: Select type of collection collections: collection_title: Collection Title last_updated: Last updated works: Works files: Files edit: header: 'Edit %{type_title}: %{title}' form: permission_update_errors: error: Invalid update option for permission template. sharing: The collection's sharing options failed to update. permission_update_notices: participants: The collection's sharing options have been updated. sharing: The collection's sharing options have been updated. tabs: branding: Branding description: Description discovery: Discovery relationships: Relationships sharing: Sharing form_branding: alt_text: 'Alt Text:' banner: description: An image to be displayed at the top of the collection page. For best results, upload an image (JPG, GIF or PNG) that is at least 120 pixels tall and 1200 pixels wide. label: Banner branding: description: Optionally, you can upload a banner image and/or logo images to associate with this collection. If uploaded, these images will be displayed at the top of the collection page to provide unique branding for the collection. label: Branding choose_file: Choose File link_url: 'Link URL:' logo: description: One or more images to be displayed at the top of the collection page. For best results, upload an image (JPG, GIF or PNG) that is 40 pixels in height. Larger images will be resized to 40 pixels in height. label: Logo previous: Previous remove: Remove remove_current_banner: Remove Current Banner remove_logo: Remove Logo form_discovery: para1: These settings determine who is able to discover and view this collection's landing page; they do not affect the visibility of items in the collection. para2: If you chose not to make this collection open access, you can still share the collection with specific users and groups using the Sharing tab. form_relationships: add_other_collections_as_sub_collections_description: You can manage the sub-collections of this collection. buttons: remove_from_collection: Remove remove_this_sub_collection: Remove collection_is_subcollection_description: This collection is currently a sub-collection of these collections headlines: other_collections_in_this_collection: Other Collections in This Collection this_collection_in_other_collections: This Collection in Other Collections modals: remove_from_collection_description: Removing this collection will not remove it from the repository, only as a parent of this collection. Are you sure you want to remove this collection? remove_parent_collection_deny: You do not have sufficient privileges for the parent collection to be able to remove it. remove_this_sub_collection_description: Removing this sub-collection will not remove it from the repository, only from this parent collection. Are you sure you want to remove this sub-collection? sub_collections_of_collection_description: These collections are currently sub-collections of this collection table: action: Action collection_title: Collection Title this_collection_in_other_collections_description: You can add this collection to other collections as a sub-collection. form_share: add_group: Add group add_sharing: Add Sharing add_user: Add user current_shared: Currently Shared With depositor: Depositor manager: Manager note: Regardless of the visibility settings of this collection, you can share this collection with specific groups and users. search_for_a_group: Search for a group... search_for_a_user: Search for a user... select_a_role: Select a role... viewer: Viewer form_share_table: allow_all_registered: Allow all registered depositors: action: Action agent_name: User/Group empty: No depositors have been added to this collection. help: Depositors of this collection can view the collection and add works to it, even if the visibility permissions of the collection otherwise would not permit them to view it. remove: Remove title: Depositors type: Type managers: action: Action agent_name: User/Group empty: No managers have been added to this collection. help: Managers of this collection can add to and remove works from the collection, modify collection metadata, and delete the collection. help_with_works: For collections of type %{type_title}, when works are created directly in this collection, the managers are given edit access to the new work. remove: Remove title: Managers type: Type viewers: action: Action agent_name: User/Group empty: No viewers have been added to this collection. help: Viewers of this collection can view it even if the visibility permissions of the collection otherwise would not permit them to view it. help_with_works: For collections of type %{type_title}, when works are created directly in this collection, the viewers are given read access to the new work. remove: Remove title: Viewers type: Type new: header: New %{type_title} show: header: Collection item_count: Works metadata_header: Collection Details parent_collection_header: Parent Collections public_view_label: Public view of Collection search_results: Search Results within this Collection show_less_parent_collections: "...show less" show_more_parent_collections: show more... subcollection_count: Subcollections show_descriptions: descriptions: Descriptions show_document_list: action: Action date_added: Date added list_items_in_collection: List of items in this collection owner: Owner title: Title visibility: Visibility show_document_list_menu: select: Select show_document_list_row: creator: 'Creator:' depositor: 'Depositor:' edit_access: 'Edit Access:' title: 'Collections' recent_activity: Recent activity sort_and_per_page: show_par_page_html: Show %{select} per page sort_by: 'Sort By:' work_action_menu: delete_work: Delete work deleting_from_work: Deleting a work from %{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this work from %{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation edit_work: Edit work press_to: Press to remove_from_collection: Remove from collection select_an_action: Select an action transfer_ownership_of_work: Transfer ownership of work create_work: Create Work current_proxies: Current Proxies delete_notification: Delete Notification heading_actions: close: Close create_work: Create work select_type_of_work: Select type of work manage_proxies: Manage Proxies managed: collections: Managed Collections works: Managed Works my: action: add_to_collection: Add to collection add_to_collection_only: Allowed actions are limited to adding members admin_set_confirmation: Deleting an admin set from %{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this admin set from %{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation collection_create_success: Collection was successfully created. collection_delete_fail: Collection could not be deleted collection_delete_success: Collection was successfully deleted collection_deny_add_members: You do not have sufficient privileges to add members to the collection collection_update_success: Collection was successfully updated. collections_confirmation_html: Deleting this collection will permanently remove this collection from the repository. Items in this collection will remain in the repository. Are you sure you want to delete this collection? collections_confirmation_no_items_html: Are you sure you want to delete this collection? This action cannot be undone. collections_confirmation_plural: these collections collections_confirmation_singular: this collection delete_admin_set: Delete collection delete_admin_set_deny: This collection is defined as Admin Set and is not empty. To delete this Admin Set, you must first remove (delete or move to another Admin Set collection) all items from the Admin Set. delete_collection: Delete collection delete_collection_deny: You do not have sufficient privileges to delete this collection. delete_collections: Delete collections delete_collections_deny: You do not have sufficient privileges to delete one or more collections. delete_work: Delete work edit_admin_set: Edit collection edit_collection: Edit collection edit_collection_deny: You do not have sufficient privileges to edit this collection. edit_selected: Edit Selected edit_work: Edit work highlight: Highlight work on profile members_no_access: You do not have sufficient privileges to any of the selected members nesting_not_allowed: Collections of this type do not support nesting. nesting_permission_denied: You do not have sufficient privileges to add this collection to another collection. select: Select select_all: Select Current Page select_none: Select None transfer: Transfer ownership of work unhighlight: Unhighlight work view_admin_set: View collection view_collection: View collection work_confirmation: Deleting a work from %{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this work from %{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation collections: Collections collection_list: description: 'Description:' edit_access: 'Edit Access:' groups: 'Groups:' managed_access: deposit: Deposit manage: Manage view: View users: 'Users:' facet_label: collections: 'Filter collections:' highlighted: 'Filter highlights:' shared: 'Filter shares:' works: 'Filter works:' heading: access: Access action: Actions caption: List of items in this collection collection: visibility: Visibility of Collection collection_type: Collection Type date_modified: Last Modified date_uploaded: Date Added highlighted: Highlighted items: Items last_modified: Last modified title: Title type: Type visibility: Visibility work: visibility: Visibility of Work highlighted: My Highlights shared: Works Shared with Me sr: batch_checkbox: Check to add to a collection or edit list check_all_label: Select all files to be added to a collection or edited detail_label: Display summary details of listing: Listing of items you have deposited in number_of_results_to_display_per_page: Number of results to display per page press_to: Press to results_per_page: Number of results to display per page show_label: Display all details of thumbnail: thumbnail works: Works your_collections: Your Collections your_works: Your Works nest_collections_form: create_under: "'%{child_title}' has been added to '%{parent_title}'" create_within: "'%{child_title}' has been added to '%{parent_title}'" removed_relationship: "'%{child_title}' has been removed from '%{parent_title}'" no_activity: User has no recent activity no_notifications: User has no notifications no_proxies: There are no proxies assigned no_transfer_requests: You haven't received any work transfer requests no_transfers: You haven't transferred any work profiles: edit_primary: change_picture: Change picture delete_picture: Delete picture delete_picture_data_content: If you would like to remove your picture entirely, check the box and save your profile. delete_picture_data_original_title: Delete Picture facebook_handle: Facebook Handle google_handle: Google+ Handle help_change_picture_type: JPG, GIF, or PNG (less than 2MB) save_profile: Save Profile twitter_handle: Twitter Handle proxy_activity: Proxy Activity proxy_add_deny: You cannot make yourself a proxy proxy_delete: Delete Proxy proxy_help: Select a user who can deposit works on your behalf. Both you and your proxy will be able to make changes to these works. You can revoke a proxy by clicking the Delete Proxy button. To revoke their ability to edit a work they previously submitted, remove them from the Sharing tab on each work. proxy_user: Proxy User repository_growth: collections: Collections date: Date works: Works title: Repository Growth repository_objects: status: Current Status subtitle: Current Status title: Repository Objects resource_type_graph: resource_type: Resource Type title: Resource Types count: Count work_type_graph: work_type: Work Type title: Work Types count: Count show_admin: current_registered_users: Current new_visitors: New Visitors past_30_days: Past 30 days registered_users: Registered Users returning_visitors: Returning Visitors total_visitors: Total Visitors graph_reports: Customized Graph Reports stats: collections: Collections created file_downloads: Download file_views: View files: Files deposited heading: Your Statistics joined_on: Joined on works: Works created tabs: admin_sets: Admin Sets title: Dashboard transfer_of_ownership: Transfers of Ownership transfer_works_link: Select works to transfer transfers_received: Transfers Received transfers_sent: Transfers Sent user_activity: date: Date new_users: New Users registered_users: Registered Users returning_visitors: Returning Visitors new_visitors: New Visitors subtitle: New user signups title: User Activity total_visitors: Total Visitors user_summary: User Summary user_activity_graph: date: Date new_users: New Users new_visits: New Visits return_visits: Return Visits total_visits: Total Visits user_notifications: User Notifications view_files: View Files visibility_graph: visibility: Visibility document_language: en edit_profile: Edit Profile embargoes: edit: embargo_apply: Apply Embargo embargo_cancel: Cancel and manage all embargoes embargo_deactivate: Deactivate Embargo embargo_false_html: "This %{cc} is not currently under embargo. If you would like to apply an embargo, provide the information here." embargo_return: Return to editing this %{cc} embargo_true_html: "This %{cc} is under embargo." embargo_update: Update Embargo header: current: Current Embargo past: Past Embargoes history_empty: This %{cc} has no previous embargoes applied to it. manage_embargoes_html: Manage Embargoes for %{cc} (%{cc_type}) index: active: All Active Embargoes deactivated: Deactivated Embargoes expired: Expired Active Embargoes manage_embargoes: Manage Embargoes list_expired_active_embargoes: change_all: 'Change all files within %{cc} to ' deactivate: Deactivate Embargo deactivate_selected: Deactivate Embargoes for Selected missing: There are no expired embargoes in effect at this time. select_all: Select All table_headers: release_date: Embargo Release Date title: Title type: Type of Item viz_after: Visibility will Change to viz_current: Current Visibility update: embargo_deactivated: Deactivation succeeded! featured_researchers: Featured Researchers file_manager: link_text: File Manager file_set: browse_view: Browse View show: download: Download the file downloadable_content: audio_link: Download audio audio_tag_not_supported: Your browser does not support the audio tag. default_link: Download file heading: Downloadable Content image_link: Download image office_link: Download file pdf_link: Download PDF video_link: Download video video_tag_not_supported: Your browser does not support the video tag. file_sets: actions: delete: Delete delete_confirm: Deleting %{file_set} from %{application_name} is permanent. Click OK to delete this from %{application_name}, or Cancel to cancel this operation delete_title: Delete %{file_set} download: Download download_title: Download %{file_set} edit: Edit edit_title: Edit %{file_set} header: Select an action press_to: Press to versions: Versions versions_title: Display previous versions asset_deleted_flash: message: The file has been deleted. asset_saved_flash: message: one: The file %{saved_files} has been saved. other: The files %{saved_files} have been saved. asset_updated_flash: message: The file %{link_to_file} has been updated. descriptions: save: Save Descriptions title: Descriptions edit: descriptions: Descriptions header: Edit %{file_set} permissions: Permissions versions: Versions extra_fields_modal: additional: Additional label: Additional %{label}(s) form: attach_to: Attach to %{parent} cancel: Cancel save: Save title: Title groups_description: description_html: The list of groups in the drop-down marked "Select a group" is a list of User Managed Groups that you are a member of. You may select a specific group and assign an access level for a file within %{application_name}, similarly to adding user access levels. permission: save: Save permission_form: add_new_group_skel: Add this group add_new_user_skel: Add this %{account_label} applied_to: "(applied to all files just uploaded)" bulk: Bulk depositor: Depositor enter: Enter %{account_label} (one at a time) header: Permissions new_group_help_text: Use the add button to give access to one group at a time (it will be added to the list below). new_group_name_skel: Group new_group_permission_skel: Access type to grant new_user_help_text: Use the add button to give access to one %{account_label} at a time (it will be added to the list below). Select the user, by name or %{account_label} . Then select the access level youwish to grant and click on Add this %{account_label} to complete adding the permission. new_user_name_skel: "%{account_label} (without the %{suffix} part)" new_user_permission_skel: Access type to grant optional: "(optional)" save_note_html: Permissions are not saved until the "Save" button is pressed at the bottom of the page. select_group: Select a group share_with: Share With user_search: Search for a user proxy: message: "%{sending_user} has deposited the file %{title} on your behalf." show_actions: analytics: Analytics confirm_delete_this: Delete this %{type}? delete_this: Delete This %{type} edit_this: Edit This %{type} show_details: characterization: Characterization date_modified: Date Modified date_uploaded: Date Uploaded depositor: Depositor file_details: File Details fixity_check: Fixity Check not_yet_characterized: Not Yet Characterized versioning: choose_file: Choose New Version File current: Current Version header: Versions previous: Previous remove: Remove remove_current_files: Remove Current Files remove_new_version: Remove New Version File restore: Restore Previous Version restore_from: Restore From save: Save Revision save_your_note: You must click "Save Revision" to revert a previous version of this file upload: Upload New Version help: header: User Support override_text: Use app/views/static/help.html.erb to override this file. homepage: admin_sets: link: View all collections tab_label: Explore Collections thumbnail: thumbnail title: Explore Collections featured_researcher: missing: No researchers have been featured. tab_label: Featured Researcher title: Featured Researcher featured_works: document: depositor_label: Depositor depositor_missing: no depositor value keyword_label: Keywords keyword_missing: no keywords specified title_label: Title drag: Drag no_works: No works have been featured tab_label: Featured Works title: Featured Works recently_uploaded: depositor: Depositor details: Details document: depositor_label: Depositor depositor_missing: no depositor value keyword_label: Keywords keyword_missing: no keywords specified title_label: Title no_public: No public work has been contributed. tab_label: Recently Uploaded title: Recently Uploaded icons: collection: fa fa-cubes default: fa fa-cube leases: edit: header: current: Current Lease past: Past Leases history_empty: This %{cc} has no previous leases applied to it. lease_apply: Apply Lease lease_cancel: Cancel and manage all leases lease_deactivate: Deactivate Lease lease_false_html: "This %{cc} is not currently under lease. If you would like to apply a lease, provide the information here." lease_return: Return to editing this %{cc} lease_true_html: "This %{cc} is under lease." lease_update: Update Lease manage_leases_html: Manage Leases for %{cc} (%{cc_type}) index: active: All Active Leases deactivated: Deactivated Leases expired: Expired Active Leases manage_leases: Manage Leases list_expired_active_leases: change_all: 'Change all files within %{cc} to ' deactivate: Deactivate Lease deactivate_selected: Deactivate Leases for Selected missing: There are no expired leases in effect at this time. table_headers: release_date: Lease Release Date title: Title type: Type of Item viz_after: Visibility will Change to viz_current: Current Visibility mailbox: date: Date delete: Delete Message empty: No notifications found message: Message notifications_deleted: Notifications have been deleted subject: Subject manifest: download_text: Download whole resource unknown_mime_text: unknown mime type messages: failure: multiple: keyword: could not be updated. You do not have sufficient privileges to edit them. link: These files single: could not be updated. You do not have sufficient privileges to edit it. subject: Batch upload permission denied title: Files failed success: multiple: keyword: have been saved. link: These files single: has been saved. subject: Batch upload complete title: Files uploaded successfully models: file_set: File Set hyrax/pcdm_collection: Collection hyrax/work: Work my: count: collections: collections_listing: Collections listing in_repo: "%{total_count} collections in the repository" you_manage: "%{total_count} collections you can manage in the repository" you_own: "%{total_count} collections you own in the repository" works: in_repo: "%{total_count} works in the repository" works_listing: Works listing you_manage: "%{total_count} works you can manage in the repository" you_own: "%{total_count} works you own in the repository" sort_and_per_page: number_of_results_to_display_per_page: Number of results to display per page nav_safety: change_tab_message: Are you sure you want to leave this tab? Any unsaved data will be lost. notifications: batch_create_failure: message: 'The batch create for %{user} failed: %{messages}' subject: Failing batch create batch_create_success: message: The batch create for %{user} passed. subject: Passing batch create fixity_check_failure: message: The fixity check run at %{log_date} for %{file_title} (%{uri}) failed. subject: Failing Fixity Check import_url_failure: subject: File Import Error proxy_deposit_request: transfer_on_create: message: "%{user_link} wants to transfer a work to you. Review all %{transfer_link}" subject: Ownership Change Request transfer_link_label: transfer requests transfer_on_update: comments: 'Comments: %{receiver_comment}' message: Your transfer request was %{status}. subject: Ownership Change %{status} validation: open_transfer: Must close the open transfer on the work before creating a new one sender_is_not_receiver: Specify a different user to receive the work valid_username: Must be an existing user proxy_depositor_added: grantee_message: "%{grantor} has assigned you as a proxy depositor" grantor_message: You have assigned %{grantee} as a proxy depositor subject: Proxy Depositor Added workflow: changes_required: message: |- %{title} (%{link}) requires additional changes before approval. '%{comment}' subject: Your deposit requires changes deposited: message: "%{title} (%{link}) was approved by %{user}. %{comment}" subject: Deposit has been approved pending_review: message: "%{title} (%{link}) was deposited by %{user} and is awaiting approval %{comment}" subject: Deposit needs review operations: index: operations_type: Operations Type status: Status title: Operations updated: Updated pages: cancel: Cancel tabs: about_page: About Page agreement_page: Deposit Agreement help_page: Help Page terms_page: Terms of Use updated: Pages updated. passive_consent_to_agreement: By saving this work I agree to the permission_levels: edit: Edit access options: edit: Edit none: Choose Access read: View/Download owner: edit: Edit access read: View/Download read_only: The repository is in read-only mode for maintenance. No submissions or edits can be made at this time. search: button: html: Go text: Search form: option: all: label_long: All of %{application_name} label_short: All my_collections: label_long: My Collections label_short: My Collections my_shares: label_long: My Shares label_short: My Shares my_works: label_long: My Works label_short: My Works q: label: Search %{application_name} placeholder: Enter search terms select_type: description: General purpose worktype name: Work share_button: Share Your Work single_use_links: button: Create Single-Use Link copy: button: Copy tooltip: Copied! delete: Delete download: type: Download expiration: lesser_time: in less than one hour time: in %{value} hours expiration_message: Link %{link} expires %{time} show: type: Show table: actions: Actions expires: Expires key: Key link: Link no_links: No links have been generated title: Single-Use Links single_use_links_viewer: single_use_error: help: '%{application_name} could not locate the single use link. This link either expired or had been used previously. We apologize for the inconvenience. You might be interested in using the help page for looking up solutions.' link_expired_not_found: Single Use Link Expired or Not Found link_not_found: Single use link Not Found sort_label: Sort the listing of items stats: work: header: Work Analytics pageviews: Pageviews downloads: Downloads pageviews: pageviews: Page Views downloads: downloads: Downloads static: mendeley: contact_form: Contact Form export_to_mendeley: Export to Mendeley export_to_mendeley_details: 'Exporting to Mendeley is supported via embedded metadata. If Mendeley does not automatically pick up metadata for deposited files, please report the issue via the ' zotero: contact_form: Contact Form export_to_zotero: Export to Zotero export_to_zotero_details: 'Exporting to Zotero is supported via embedded metadata. If Zotero does not automatically pick up metadata for deposited files, please report the issue via the ' toolbar: dashboard: menu: Dashboard language_switch: Switch language notifications: many: You have %{count} unread notifications one: You have one unread notification zero: You have no unread notifications profile: login: Login logout: Logout sr_action: View sr_target: profile transfers: new: confirm: Are you sure you want to transfer ownership of this work to another user? Click Ok to transfer or Cancel to return to the transfer screen header: Transfer Ownership placeholder: Search for a user sr_only_description: Select a user to transfer "%{work_title}" to, add optional comments and then press transfer. title: Transfer Ownership of "%{work_title}" received: accept: Accept accept_the_file_and_allow_the_original_depositor_to_retain_access_and_authorize: Accept the file and allow the original depositor to retain access and authorize the original depositor as a proxy to deposit file on your behalf. accept_the_file_and_allow_the_original_depositor_to_retain_access_to_edit_the_file_and_metadata: Accept the file and allow the original depositor to retain access to edit the file and metadata. accept_the_file_remove_access_from_the_original_depositor: Accept the file remove access from the original depositor. allow_depositor_to_retain_edit_access: Allow depositor to retain edit access are_you_sure_you_want_to_reject_this_request: Are you sure you want to reject this request? authorize_depositor_as_proxy: Authorize depositor as proxy comments: Comments date: Date from: From reject: Reject remove_depositor_access: Remove depositor access status: Status title: Title sent: are_you_sure_you_want_to_cancel_this_request: Are you sure you want to cancel this request? cancel: Cancel comments: Comments date: Date from: From status: Status title: Title upload: alert: contact_href_text: contact form fail_html: There was a problem during upload, none of your files uploaded correctly. Please %{reload_href}. Use the %{contact_href} to report the error if it persists. fail_restart_href_text: start over partial_fail_html: One or more files did not upload successfully. To continue using the files that uploaded %{metadata_href}.
Use the %{contact_href} to report the error if it persists. partial_fail_metadata_href_text: edit their metadata browse_everything: browse_files_button: Add cloud files... files_selected: files selected sr_tab_label: Access Files from tab_label: Cloud Providers change_access_flash_message: Updating file access levels. This may take a few minutes. You may want to refresh your browser or return to this record later to see the updated file access levels. change_access_message_html: "

You have changed the access level on work %{curation_concern}, making it accessible to other users or groups to view or edit.

Would you like change all of the files within the work to have the same access users, groups and visibility as well?

" change_access_no_message: No. I'll update it manually. change_access_title_html: Apply changes to contents? change_access_yes_message: Yes please. change_permissions_message_html: "

You have changed the permissions on this %{curation_concern_human_readable_type}, %{curation_concern}, making it visible to %{visibility_badge}.

Would you like change all of the files within the %{curation_concern_human_readable_type} to %{visibility_badge} as well?

" local_ingest: tab_label: Network/Server Location my_computer: sr_instructions: Agree to the deposit agreement and then select files. Press the Start Upload Button once all files have been selected. sr_tab_label: Access Files from tab_label: My Computer permissions_message: Updating file permissions. This may take a few minutes. You may want to refresh your browser or return to this record later to see the updated file permissions. processing: File is being processed; you may edit when processing has completed uploads: js_templates: display_label: Display label error: Error set_all_to_this_resource_type: Set all to this Resource Type start: Start js_templates_branding: alt_text: 'Alt Text:' error: Error link_url: 'Link URL:' previous: previous remove: Remove remove_new_banner: Remove New Banner remove_new_logo: Remove New Logo js_templates_versioning: display_label: Display label error: Error options: messages: accept_file_types: File type not allowed max_file_size: File is too large max_number_of_files: Maximum number of files exceeded min_file_size: File is too small previous: previous remove: Remove remove_new_version: Remove New Version File set_all_to_this_resource_type: Set all to this Resource Type start: Start user_profile: orcid: alt: ORCID icon label: ORCID Profile tab_activity: Activity tab_highlighted: Highlighted tab_profile: Profile zotero: alt: Zotero icon connected: Connected! label: Zotero Profile unlinked: Link with Zotero users: activity_log: date: Date user_activity: User Activity index: avatar: Avatar department: Department user_id: User Id user_name: User Name users: Users works_created: Works Created left_sidebar: view_users: View Users proxies: proxies: Proxies search_form: go: Go search_users: Search Users visibility: authenticated: note_html: Restrict access to %{institution}. text: "%{institution}" embargo: note_html: Set date for future release. text: Embargo lease: note_html: Set date for future reduced access. text: Lease open: note_html: Make available to all. text: Public warning_html: '

Please note, making something visible to the world (i.e. marking this as %{label}) may be viewed as publishing which could impact your ability to:

Check out SHERPA/RoMEO for more information about publisher copyright policies.

' open_title_attr: Change the visibility of this resource restricted: note_html: Keep to myself with option to share. text: Private restricted_title_attr: Change the visibility of this resource unknown: text: Unknown work_button_row: attach_child: Attach Child workflow: default: deposit: Deposit load: state_error: 'The workflow: %{workflow_name} has not been updated. You are removing a state: %{state_name} with %{entity_count} entity/ies. A state may not be removed while it has active entities!' unauthorized: The work is not currently available because it has not yet completed the approval process unauthorized_parent: The file is not currently available because its parent work has not yet completed the approval process works: create: after_create_html: Your files are being processed by %{application_name} in the background. The metadata and access controls you specified are being applied. You may need to refresh this page to see these updates. breadcrumb: Add New Work header: Add New %{type} edit: breadcrumb: Edit form: additional_fields: Additional fields in_collections: Collections in_other_works: This Work in Other Works in_this_work: Other Works in this Work tab: files: Files metadata: Descriptions relationships: Relationships share: Sharing visibility_until: until missing_title: No Title progress: header: Save Work show: no_preview: No preview available update: header: Edit Work simple_form: hints: admin_set: description: A brief overarching description that applies to all works collected in this set. For example, "Theses and supplementary files created by the School of Earth Sciences graduate students." title: A name to aid in identifying the Administrative Set and to distinguish it from other Administrative Sets in the repository. collection: based_near: A place name related to the collection, such as its site of publication, or the city, state, or country the collection contents are about. Calls upon the GeoNames web service. contributor: A person or group you want to recognize for playing a role in the creation of the collection, but not the primary role. creator: 'The person or group responsible for the collection. Usually this is the author of the content. Personal names should be entered with the last name first: Smith, John' date_created: The date on which the collection was created. description: Free-text notes about the collection. Examples include abstracts of a paper or citation information for a journal article. identifier: A unique handle identifying the collection. An example would be a DOI for a journal article, or an ISBN or OCLC number for a book. keyword: Words or phrases you select to describe what the collection is about. These are used to search for content. language: The language of the collection's content. license: Licensing and distribution information governing access to the collection. Select from the provided drop-down list. publisher: The person or group making the collection available. Generally this is the institution. related_url: A link to a website or other specific content (audio, video, PDF document) related to the collection. An example is the URL of a research project from which the collection was derived. resource_type: Pre-defined categories to describe the type of content being uploaded, such as "article" or "dataset." More than one type may be selected. subject: Headings or index terms describing what the collection is about; these do need to conform to an existing vocabulary. title: A name to aid in identifying a collection. collection_type: allow_multiple_membership: Allow works to belong to multiple collections of this type assigns_visibility: Allow collections of this type to assign initial visibility settings to a new work assigns_workflow: Allow collections of this type to assign workflow to a new work brandable: Allow collections of this type to be branded description: A brief statement of the general purpose of this collection type. Users will see this if they have more than one collection type to choose from when creating a new collection. discoverable: Allow collections of this type to be discoverable nestable: Allow collections of this type to be nested (a collection can contain other collections) require_membership: A work must belong to at least one collection of this type sharable: Allow users to assign collection managers, depositors, and viewers for collections they manage share_applies_to_new_works: When new works are created directly in the collection, grant sharing users and groups permissions for the new work according to their collection roles. title: '' defaults: abstract: A brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject. access_right: Contains information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. based_near: A place name related to the work, such as its site of publication, or the city, state, or country the work contents are about. Calls upon the GeoNames web service. contributor: A person or group you want to recognize for playing a role in the creation of the work, but not the primary role. creator: The person or group responsible for the work. Usually this is the author of the content. Personal names should be entered with the last name first, e.g. "Smith, John.". date_created: The date on which the work was created. description: Free-text notes about the work. Examples include abstracts of a paper or citation information for a journal article. identifier: A unique handle identifying the work. An example would be a DOI for a journal article, or an ISBN or OCLC number for a book. keyword: Words or phrases you select to describe what the work is about. These are used to search for content. language: The language of the work's content. license: Licensing and distribution information governing access to the work. Select from the provided drop-down list. publisher: The person or group making the work available. Generally this is the institution. related_url: A link to a website or other specific content (audio, video, PDF document) related to the work. An example is the URL of a research project from which the work was derived. resource_type: Pre-defined categories to describe the type of content being uploaded, such as "article" or "dataset." More than one type may be selected. rights_notes: Contains information about rights held in and over the resource. subject: Headings or index terms describing what the work is about; these do need to conform to an existing vocabulary. title: A name to aid in identifying a work. labels: collection: size: Size total_items: Total items collection_type: allow_multiple_membership: MULTIPLE MEMBERSHIP assigns_visibility: VISIBILITY assigns_workflow: WORKFLOW badge_color: Badge Color brandable: BRANDING description: Type description discoverable: DISCOVERY nestable: NESTING require_membership: REQUIRE MEMBERSHIP sharable: SHARING share_applies_to_new_works: APPLY TO NEW WORKS title: Type name defaults: abstract: Abstract access_right: Access Rights admin_set_id: Administrative Set based_near: Location creator: Creator date_created: Date Created description: Description embargo_release_date: until files: Upload a file keyword: Keyword lease_expiration_date: until license: License member_of_collection_ids: Add to collection related_url: Related URL rights_notes: Rights notes rights_statement: Rights statement title: Title visibility_after_embargo: then open it up to visibility_after_lease: then restrict it to visibility_during_embargo: Restricted to visibility_during_lease: Is available to proxy_deposit_request: sender_comment: Comments transfer_to: User placeholders: defaults: find_child_work: Search for a work… member_of_collection_ids: Select a collection… required: html: required total_view: one: This work has 1 total view other: This work has %{count} total views download: one: and 1 download other: and %{count} downloads