var Je = Object.defineProperty; var ae = (r) => { throw TypeError(r); }; var oe = (r, t) => { for (var e in t) Je(r, e, { get: t[e], enumerable: !0 }); }; var Ut = (r, t, e) => t.has(r) || ae("Cannot " + e); var O = (r, t, e) => ( Ut(r, t, "read from private field"), e ? : t.get(r) ), P = (r, t, e) => t.has(r) ? ae("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(r) : t.set(r, e), Y = (r, t, e, s) => ( Ut(r, t, "write to private field"), s ?, e) : t.set(r, e), e ), c = (r, t, e) => (Ut(r, t, "access private method"), e); var ne = {}; oe(ne, { parsers: () => ie }); var ie = {}; oe(ie, { __ng_action: () => js, __ng_binding: () => Ys, __ng_directive: () => Js, __ng_interpolation: () => Zs, }); var Z = class { constructor(t, e, s, i) { (this.input = e), (this.errLocation = s), (this.ctxLocation = i), (this.message = `Parser Error: ${t} ${s} [${e}] in ${i}`); } }, b = class { constructor(t, e) { (this.start = t), (this.end = e); } toAbsolute(t) { return new L(t + this.start, t + this.end); } }, m = class { constructor(t, e) { (this.span = t), (this.sourceSpan = e); } toString() { return "AST"; } }, J = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.nameSpan = s); } }, $ = class extends m { visit(t, e = null) {} }, K = class extends m { visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitImplicitReceiver(this, e); } }, Lt = class extends K { visit(t, e = null) { var s; return (s = t.visitThisReceiver) == null ? void 0 :, this, e); } }, X = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.expressions = s); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitChain(this, e); } }, tt = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e), (this.condition = s), (this.trueExp = i), (this.falseExp = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitConditional(this, e); } }, M = class extends J { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e, s), (this.receiver = i), ( = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitPropertyRead(this, e); } }, et = class extends J { constructor(t, e, s, i, n, a) { super(t, e, s), (this.receiver = i), ( = n), (this.value = a); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitPropertyWrite(this, e); } }, _ = class extends J { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e, s), (this.receiver = i), ( = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitSafePropertyRead(this, e); } }, st = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i) { super(t, e), (this.receiver = s), (this.key = i); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitKeyedRead(this, e); } }, U = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i) { super(t, e), (this.receiver = s), (this.key = i); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitSafeKeyedRead(this, e); } }, rt = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e), (this.receiver = s), (this.key = i), (this.value = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitKeyedWrite(this, e); } }, it = class extends J { constructor(t, e, s, i, n, a) { super(t, e, a), (this.exp = s), ( = i), (this.args = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitPipe(this, e); } }, E = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.value = s); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitLiteralPrimitive(this, e); } }, nt = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.expressions = s); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitLiteralArray(this, e); } }, at = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i) { super(t, e), (this.keys = s), (this.values = i); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitLiteralMap(this, e); } }, ot = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i) { super(t, e), (this.strings = s), (this.expressions = i); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitInterpolation(this, e); } }, A = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e), (this.operation = s), (this.left = i), (this.right = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitBinary(this, e); } }, F = class r extends A { static createMinus(t, e, s) { return new r(t, e, "-", s, "-", new E(t, e, 0), s); } static createPlus(t, e, s) { return new r(t, e, "+", s, "-", s, new E(t, e, 0)); } constructor(t, e, s, i, n, a, o) { super(t, e, n, a, o), (this.operator = s), (this.expr = i), (this.left = null), (this.right = null), (this.operation = null); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitUnary !== void 0 ? t.visitUnary(this, e) : t.visitBinary(this, e); } }, ct = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.expression = s); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitPrefixNot(this, e); } }, ht = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s) { super(t, e), (this.expression = s); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitNonNullAssert(this, e); } }, pt = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e), (this.receiver = s), (this.args = i), (this.argumentSpan = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitCall(this, e); } }, D = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super(t, e), (this.receiver = s), (this.args = i), (this.argumentSpan = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitSafeCall(this, e); } }, L = class { constructor(t, e) { (this.start = t), (this.end = e); } }, R = class extends m { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { super( new b(0, e === null ? 0 : e.length), new L(i, e === null ? i : i + e.length), ), (this.ast = t), (this.source = e), (this.location = s), (this.errors = n); } visit(t, e = null) { return t.visitASTWithSource ? t.visitASTWithSource(this, e) : this.ast.visit(t, e); } toString() { return `${this.source} in ${this.location}`; } }, W = class { constructor(t, e, s) { (this.sourceSpan = t), (this.key = e), (this.value = s); } }, ut = class { constructor(t, e, s) { (this.sourceSpan = t), (this.key = e), (this.value = s); } }, Rt = class { visit(t, e) { t.visit(this, e); } visitUnary(t, e) { this.visit(t.expr, e); } visitBinary(t, e) { this.visit(t.left, e), this.visit(t.right, e); } visitChain(t, e) { this.visitAll(t.expressions, e); } visitConditional(t, e) { this.visit(t.condition, e), this.visit(t.trueExp, e), this.visit(t.falseExp, e); } visitPipe(t, e) { this.visit(t.exp, e), this.visitAll(t.args, e); } visitImplicitReceiver(t, e) {} visitThisReceiver(t, e) {} visitInterpolation(t, e) { this.visitAll(t.expressions, e); } visitKeyedRead(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visit(t.key, e); } visitKeyedWrite(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visit(t.key, e), this.visit(t.value, e); } visitLiteralArray(t, e) { this.visitAll(t.expressions, e); } visitLiteralMap(t, e) { this.visitAll(t.values, e); } visitLiteralPrimitive(t, e) {} visitPrefixNot(t, e) { this.visit(t.expression, e); } visitNonNullAssert(t, e) { this.visit(t.expression, e); } visitPropertyRead(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e); } visitPropertyWrite(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visit(t.value, e); } visitSafePropertyRead(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e); } visitSafeKeyedRead(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visit(t.key, e); } visitCall(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visitAll(t.args, e); } visitSafeCall(t, e) { this.visit(t.receiver, e), this.visitAll(t.args, e); } visitAll(t, e) { for (let s of t) this.visit(s, e); } }; var ce; (function (r) { (r[(r.DEFAULT = 0)] = "DEFAULT"), (r[(r.LITERAL_ATTR = 1)] = "LITERAL_ATTR"), (r[(r.ANIMATION = 2)] = "ANIMATION"), (r[(r.TWO_WAY = 3)] = "TWO_WAY"); })(ce || (ce = {})); var he; (function (r) { (r[(r.Regular = 0)] = "Regular"), (r[(r.Animation = 1)] = "Animation"), (r[(r.TwoWay = 2)] = "TwoWay"); })(he || (he = {})); var pe; (function (r) { (r[(r.Property = 0)] = "Property"), (r[(r.Attribute = 1)] = "Attribute"), (r[(r.Class = 2)] = "Class"), (r[(r.Style = 3)] = "Style"), (r[(r.Animation = 4)] = "Animation"), (r[(r.TwoWay = 5)] = "TwoWay"); })(pe || (pe = {})); function ue(r) { return (r >= 9 && r <= 32) || r == 160; } function B(r) { return 48 <= r && r <= 57; } function le(r) { return (r >= 97 && r <= 122) || (r >= 65 && r <= 90); } function Ft(r) { return r === 39 || r === 34 || r === 96; } var l; (function (r) { (r[(r.Character = 0)] = "Character"), (r[(r.Identifier = 1)] = "Identifier"), (r[(r.PrivateIdentifier = 2)] = "PrivateIdentifier"), (r[(r.Keyword = 3)] = "Keyword"), (r[(r.String = 4)] = "String"), (r[(r.Operator = 5)] = "Operator"), (r[(r.Number = 6)] = "Number"), (r[(r.Error = 7)] = "Error"); })(l || (l = {})); var ks = [ "var", "let", "as", "null", "undefined", "true", "false", "if", "else", "this", ], yt = class { tokenize(t) { let e = new Gt(t), s = [], i = e.scanToken(); for (; i != null; ) s.push(i), (i = e.scanToken()); return s; } }, I = class { constructor(t, e, s, i, n) { (this.index = t), (this.end = e), (this.type = s), (this.numValue = i), (this.strValue = n); } isCharacter(t) { return this.type == l.Character && this.numValue == t; } isNumber() { return this.type == l.Number; } isString() { return this.type == l.String; } isOperator(t) { return this.type == l.Operator && this.strValue == t; } isIdentifier() { return this.type == l.Identifier; } isPrivateIdentifier() { return this.type == l.PrivateIdentifier; } isKeyword() { return this.type == l.Keyword; } isKeywordLet() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "let"; } isKeywordAs() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "as"; } isKeywordNull() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "null"; } isKeywordUndefined() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "undefined"; } isKeywordTrue() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "true"; } isKeywordFalse() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "false"; } isKeywordThis() { return this.type == l.Keyword && this.strValue == "this"; } isError() { return this.type == l.Error; } toNumber() { return this.type == l.Number ? this.numValue : -1; } toString() { switch (this.type) { case l.Character: case l.Identifier: case l.Keyword: case l.Operator: case l.PrivateIdentifier: case l.String: case l.Error: return this.strValue; case l.Number: return this.numValue.toString(); default: return null; } } }; function ge(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Character, e, String.fromCharCode(e)); } function Ns(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Identifier, 0, e); } function Ls(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.PrivateIdentifier, 0, e); } function Rs(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Keyword, 0, e); } function Wt(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Operator, 0, e); } function Ps(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.String, 0, e); } function bs(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Number, e, ""); } function Ks(r, t, e) { return new I(r, t, l.Error, 0, e); } var Bt = new I(-1, -1, l.Character, 0, ""), Gt = class { constructor(t) { (this.input = t), (this.peek = 0), (this.index = -1), (this.length = t.length), this.advance(); } advance() { this.peek = ++this.index >= this.length ? 0 : this.input.charCodeAt(this.index); } scanToken() { let t = this.input, e = this.length, s = this.peek, i = this.index; for (; s <= 32; ) if (++i >= e) { s = 0; break; } else s = t.charCodeAt(i); if (((this.peek = s), (this.index = i), i >= e)) return null; if (me(s)) return this.scanIdentifier(); if (B(s)) return this.scanNumber(i); let n = i; switch (s) { case 46: return ( this.advance(), B(this.peek) ? this.scanNumber(n) : ge(n, this.index, 46) ); case 40: case 41: case 123: case 125: case 91: case 93: case 44: case 58: case 59: return this.scanCharacter(n, s); case 39: case 34: return this.scanString(); case 35: return this.scanPrivateIdentifier(); case 43: case 45: case 42: case 47: case 37: case 94: return this.scanOperator(n, String.fromCharCode(s)); case 63: return this.scanQuestion(n); case 60: case 62: return this.scanComplexOperator(n, String.fromCharCode(s), 61, "="); case 33: case 61: return this.scanComplexOperator( n, String.fromCharCode(s), 61, "=", 61, "=", ); case 38: return this.scanComplexOperator(n, "&", 38, "&"); case 124: return this.scanComplexOperator(n, "|", 124, "|"); case 160: for (; ue(this.peek); ) this.advance(); return this.scanToken(); } return ( this.advance(), this.error(`Unexpected character [${String.fromCharCode(s)}]`, 0) ); } scanCharacter(t, e) { return this.advance(), ge(t, this.index, e); } scanOperator(t, e) { return this.advance(), Wt(t, this.index, e); } scanComplexOperator(t, e, s, i, n, a) { this.advance(); let o = e; return ( this.peek == s && (this.advance(), (o += i)), n != null && this.peek == n && (this.advance(), (o += a)), Wt(t, this.index, o) ); } scanIdentifier() { let t = this.index; for (this.advance(); Se(this.peek); ) this.advance(); let e = this.input.substring(t, this.index); return ks.indexOf(e) > -1 ? Rs(t, this.index, e) : Ns(t, this.index, e); } scanPrivateIdentifier() { let t = this.index; if ((this.advance(), !me(this.peek))) return this.error("Invalid character [#]", -1); for (; Se(this.peek); ) this.advance(); let e = this.input.substring(t, this.index); return Ls(t, this.index, e); } scanNumber(t) { let e = this.index === t, s = !1; for (this.advance(); ; ) { if (!B(this.peek)) if (this.peek === 95) { if ( !B(this.input.charCodeAt(this.index - 1)) || !B(this.input.charCodeAt(this.index + 1)) ) return this.error("Invalid numeric separator", 0); s = !0; } else if (this.peek === 46) e = !1; else if (Bs(this.peek)) { if ( (this.advance(), Ts(this.peek) && this.advance(), !B(this.peek)) ) return this.error("Invalid exponent", -1); e = !1; } else break; this.advance(); } let i = this.input.substring(t, this.index); s && (i = i.replace(/_/g, "")); let n = e ? _s(i) : parseFloat(i); return bs(t, this.index, n); } scanString() { let t = this.index, e = this.peek; this.advance(); let s = "", i = this.index, n = this.input; for (; this.peek != e; ) if (this.peek == 92) { s += n.substring(i, this.index); let o; if ((this.advance(), this.peek == 117)) { let p = n.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5); if (/^[0-9a-f]+$/i.test(p)) o = parseInt(p, 16); else return this.error(`Invalid unicode escape [\\u${p}]`, 0); for (let u = 0; u < 5; u++) this.advance(); } else (o = Ms(this.peek)), this.advance(); (s += String.fromCharCode(o)), (i = this.index); } else { if (this.peek == 0) return this.error("Unterminated quote", 0); this.advance(); } let a = n.substring(i, this.index); return this.advance(), Ps(t, this.index, s + a); } scanQuestion(t) { this.advance(); let e = "?"; return ( (this.peek === 63 || this.peek === 46) && ((e += this.peek === 46 ? "." : "?"), this.advance()), Wt(t, this.index, e) ); } error(t, e) { let s = this.index + e; return Ks( s, this.index, `Lexer Error: ${t} at column ${s} in expression [${this.input}]`, ); } }; function me(r) { return (97 <= r && r <= 122) || (65 <= r && r <= 90) || r == 95 || r == 36; } function Se(r) { return le(r) || B(r) || r == 95 || r == 36; } function Bs(r) { return r == 101 || r == 69; } function Ts(r) { return r == 45 || r == 43; } function Ms(r) { switch (r) { case 110: return 10; case 102: return 12; case 114: return 13; case 116: return 9; case 118: return 11; default: return r; } } function _s(r) { let t = parseInt(r); if (isNaN(t)) throw new Error("Invalid integer literal when parsing " + r); return t; } var Us = [/@/, /^\s*$/, /[<>]/, /^[{}]$/, /&(#|[a-z])/i, /^\/\//]; function Ee(r, t) { if (t != null && !(Array.isArray(t) && t.length == 2)) throw new Error(`Expected '${r}' to be an array, [start, end].`); if (t != null) { let e = t[0], s = t[1]; Us.forEach((i) => { if (i.test(e) || i.test(s)) throw new Error( `['${e}', '${s}'] contains unusable interpolation symbol.`, ); }); } } var Qt = class r { static fromArray(t) { return t ? (Ee("interpolation", t), new r(t[0], t[1])) : Q; } constructor(t, e) { (this.start = t), (this.end = e); } }, Q = new Qt("{{", "}}"); var zt = class { constructor(t, e, s) { (this.strings = t), (this.expressions = e), (this.offsets = s); } }, qt = class { constructor(t, e, s) { (this.templateBindings = t), (this.warnings = e), (this.errors = s); } }, mt = class { constructor(t) { (this._lexer = t), (this.errors = []); } parseAction(t, e, s, i = Q) { this._checkNoInterpolation(t, e, i); let n = this._stripComments(t), a = this._lexer.tokenize(n), o = new z(t, e, s, a, 1, this.errors, 0).parseChain(); return new R(o, t, e, s, this.errors); } parseBinding(t, e, s, i = Q) { let n = this._parseBindingAst(t, e, s, i); return new R(n, t, e, s, this.errors); } checkSimpleExpression(t) { let e = new Ht(); return t.visit(e), e.errors; } parseSimpleBinding(t, e, s, i = Q) { let n = this._parseBindingAst(t, e, s, i), a = this.checkSimpleExpression(n); return ( a.length > 0 && this._reportError( `Host binding expression cannot contain ${a.join(" ")}`, t, e, ), new R(n, t, e, s, this.errors) ); } _reportError(t, e, s, i) { this.errors.push(new Z(t, e, s, i)); } _parseBindingAst(t, e, s, i) { this._checkNoInterpolation(t, e, i); let n = this._stripComments(t), a = this._lexer.tokenize(n); return new z(t, e, s, a, 0, this.errors, 0).parseChain(); } parseTemplateBindings(t, e, s, i, n) { let a = this._lexer.tokenize(e); return new z(e, s, n, a, 0, this.errors, 0).parseTemplateBindings({ source: t, span: new L(i, i + t.length), }); } parseInterpolation(t, e, s, i, n = Q) { let { strings: a, expressions: o, offsets: p, } = this.splitInterpolation(t, e, i, n); if (o.length === 0) return null; let u = []; for (let f = 0; f < o.length; ++f) { let S = o[f].text, g = this._stripComments(S), y = this._lexer.tokenize(g), w = new z(t, e, s, y, 0, this.errors, p[f]).parseChain(); u.push(w); } return this.createInterpolationAst( => f.text), u, t, e, s, ); } parseInterpolationExpression(t, e, s) { let i = this._stripComments(t), n = this._lexer.tokenize(i), a = new z(t, e, s, n, 0, this.errors, 0).parseChain(), o = ["", ""]; return this.createInterpolationAst(o, [a], t, e, s); } createInterpolationAst(t, e, s, i, n) { let a = new b(0, s.length), o = new ot(a, a.toAbsolute(n), t, e); return new R(o, s, i, n, this.errors); } splitInterpolation(t, e, s, i = Q) { let n = [], a = [], o = [], p = s ? Fs(s) : null, u = 0, f = !1, S = !1, { start: g, end: y } = i; for (; u < t.length; ) if (f) { let w = u, H = w + g.length, j = this._getInterpolationEndIndex(t, y, H); if (j === -1) { (f = !1), (S = !0); break; } let T = j + y.length, Nt = t.substring(H, j); Nt.trim().length === 0 && this._reportError( "Blank expressions are not allowed in interpolated strings", t, `at column ${u} in`, e, ), a.push({ text: Nt, start: w, end: T }); let Ze = ((p == null ? void 0 : p.get(w)) ?? w) + g.length; o.push(Ze), (u = T), (f = !1); } else { let w = u; (u = t.indexOf(g, u)), u === -1 && (u = t.length); let H = t.substring(w, u); n.push({ text: H, start: w, end: u }), (f = !0); } if (!f) if (S) { let w = n[n.length - 1]; (w.text += t.substring(u)), (w.end = t.length); } else n.push({ text: t.substring(u), start: u, end: t.length }); return new zt(n, a, o); } wrapLiteralPrimitive(t, e, s) { let i = new b(0, t == null ? 0 : t.length); return new R(new E(i, i.toAbsolute(s), t), t, e, s, this.errors); } _stripComments(t) { let e = this._commentStart(t); return e != null ? t.substring(0, e) : t; } _commentStart(t) { let e = null; for (let s = 0; s < t.length - 1; s++) { let i = t.charCodeAt(s), n = t.charCodeAt(s + 1); if (i === 47 && n == 47 && e == null) return s; e === i ? (e = null) : e == null && Ft(i) && (e = i); } return null; } _checkNoInterpolation(t, e, { start: s, end: i }) { let n = -1, a = -1; for (let o of this._forEachUnquotedChar(t, 0)) if (n === -1) t.startsWith(s) && (n = o); else if (((a = this._getInterpolationEndIndex(t, i, o)), a > -1)) break; n > -1 && a > -1 && this._reportError( `Got interpolation (${s}${i}) where expression was expected`, t, `at column ${n} in`, e, ); } _getInterpolationEndIndex(t, e, s) { for (let i of this._forEachUnquotedChar(t, s)) { if (t.startsWith(e, i)) return i; if (t.startsWith("//", i)) return t.indexOf(e, i); } return -1; } *_forEachUnquotedChar(t, e) { let s = null, i = 0; for (let n = e; n < t.length; n++) { let a = t[n]; Ft(t.charCodeAt(n)) && (s === null || s === a) && i % 2 === 0 ? (s = s === null ? a : null) : s === null && (yield n), (i = a === "\\" ? i + 1 : 0); } } }, gt; (function (r) { (r[(r.None = 0)] = "None"), (r[(r.Writable = 1)] = "Writable"); })(gt || (gt = {})); var z = class { constructor(t, e, s, i, n, a, o) { (this.input = t), (this.location = e), (this.absoluteOffset = s), (this.tokens = i), (this.parseFlags = n), (this.errors = a), (this.offset = o), (this.rparensExpected = 0), (this.rbracketsExpected = 0), (this.rbracesExpected = 0), (this.context = gt.None), (this.sourceSpanCache = new Map()), (this.index = 0); } peek(t) { let e = this.index + t; return e < this.tokens.length ? this.tokens[e] : Bt; } get next() { return this.peek(0); } get atEOF() { return this.index >= this.tokens.length; } get inputIndex() { return this.atEOF ? this.currentEndIndex : + this.offset; } get currentEndIndex() { return this.index > 0 ? this.peek(-1).end + this.offset : this.tokens.length === 0 ? this.input.length + this.offset : + this.offset; } get currentAbsoluteOffset() { return this.absoluteOffset + this.inputIndex; } span(t, e) { let s = this.currentEndIndex; if ((e !== void 0 && e > this.currentEndIndex && (s = e), t > s)) { let i = s; (s = t), (t = i); } return new b(t, s); } sourceSpan(t, e) { let s = `${t}@${this.inputIndex}:${e}`; return ( this.sourceSpanCache.has(s) || this.sourceSpanCache.set( s, this.span(t, e).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset), ), this.sourceSpanCache.get(s) ); } advance() { this.index++; } withContext(t, e) { this.context |= t; let s = e(); return (this.context ^= t), s; } consumeOptionalCharacter(t) { return ? (this.advance(), !0) : !1; } peekKeywordLet() { return; } peekKeywordAs() { return; } expectCharacter(t) { this.consumeOptionalCharacter(t) || this.error(`Missing expected ${String.fromCharCode(t)}`); } consumeOptionalOperator(t) { return ? (this.advance(), !0) : !1; } expectOperator(t) { this.consumeOptionalOperator(t) || this.error(`Missing expected operator ${t}`); } prettyPrintToken(t) { return t === Bt ? "end of input" : `token ${t}`; } expectIdentifierOrKeyword() { let t =; return !t.isIdentifier() && !t.isKeyword() ? (t.isPrivateIdentifier() ? this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier( t, "expected identifier or keyword", ) : this.error( `Unexpected ${this.prettyPrintToken(t)}, expected identifier or keyword`, ), null) : (this.advance(), t.toString()); } expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString() { let t =; return !t.isIdentifier() && !t.isKeyword() && !t.isString() ? (t.isPrivateIdentifier() ? this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier( t, "expected identifier, keyword or string", ) : this.error( `Unexpected ${this.prettyPrintToken(t)}, expected identifier, keyword, or string`, ), "") : (this.advance(), t.toString()); } parseChain() { let t = [], e = this.inputIndex; for (; this.index < this.tokens.length; ) { let s = this.parsePipe(); if ((t.push(s), this.consumeOptionalCharacter(59))) for ( this.parseFlags & 1 || this.error("Binding expression cannot contain chained expression"); this.consumeOptionalCharacter(59); ); else if (this.index < this.tokens.length) { let i = this.index; if ((this.error(`Unexpected token '${}'`), this.index === i)) break; } } if (t.length === 0) { let s = this.offset, i = this.offset + this.input.length; return new $(this.span(s, i), this.sourceSpan(s, i)); } return t.length == 1 ? t[0] : new X(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), t); } parsePipe() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseExpression(); if (this.consumeOptionalOperator("|")) { this.parseFlags & 1 && this.error("Cannot have a pipe in an action expression"); do { let s = this.inputIndex, i = this.expectIdentifierOrKeyword(), n, a; i !== null ? (n = this.sourceSpan(s)) : ((i = ""), (a = !== -1 ? : this.input.length + this.offset), (n = new b(a, a).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset))); let o = []; for (; this.consumeOptionalCharacter(58); ) o.push(this.parseExpression()); e = new it(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t, a), e, i, o, n); } while (this.consumeOptionalOperator("|")); } return e; } parseExpression() { return this.parseConditional(); } parseConditional() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseLogicalOr(); if (this.consumeOptionalOperator("?")) { let s = this.parsePipe(), i; if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(58)) i = this.parsePipe(); else { let n = this.inputIndex, a = this.input.substring(t, n); this.error(`Conditional expression ${a} requires all 3 expressions`), (i = new $(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t))); } return new tt(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), e, s, i); } else return e; } parseLogicalOr() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseLogicalAnd(); for (; this.consumeOptionalOperator("||"); ) { let s = this.parseLogicalAnd(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), "||", e, s); } return e; } parseLogicalAnd() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseNullishCoalescing(); for (; this.consumeOptionalOperator("&&"); ) { let s = this.parseNullishCoalescing(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), "&&", e, s); } return e; } parseNullishCoalescing() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseEquality(); for (; this.consumeOptionalOperator("??"); ) { let s = this.parseEquality(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), "??", e, s); } return e; } parseEquality() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseRelational(); for (; == l.Operator; ) { let s =; switch (s) { case "==": case "===": case "!=": case "!==": this.advance(); let i = this.parseRelational(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s, e, i); continue; } break; } return e; } parseRelational() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseAdditive(); for (; == l.Operator; ) { let s =; switch (s) { case "<": case ">": case "<=": case ">=": this.advance(); let i = this.parseAdditive(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s, e, i); continue; } break; } return e; } parseAdditive() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parseMultiplicative(); for (; == l.Operator; ) { let s =; switch (s) { case "+": case "-": this.advance(); let i = this.parseMultiplicative(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s, e, i); continue; } break; } return e; } parseMultiplicative() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parsePrefix(); for (; == l.Operator; ) { let s =; switch (s) { case "*": case "%": case "/": this.advance(); let i = this.parsePrefix(); e = new A(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s, e, i); continue; } break; } return e; } parsePrefix() { if ( == l.Operator) { let t = this.inputIndex, e =, s; switch (e) { case "+": return ( this.advance(), (s = this.parsePrefix()), F.createPlus(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s) ); case "-": return ( this.advance(), (s = this.parsePrefix()), F.createMinus(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s) ); case "!": return ( this.advance(), (s = this.parsePrefix()), new ct(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), s) ); } } return this.parseCallChain(); } parseCallChain() { let t = this.inputIndex, e = this.parsePrimary(); for (;;) if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(46)) e = this.parseAccessMember(e, t, !1); else if (this.consumeOptionalOperator("?.")) this.consumeOptionalCharacter(40) ? (e = this.parseCall(e, t, !0)) : (e = this.consumeOptionalCharacter(91) ? this.parseKeyedReadOrWrite(e, t, !0) : this.parseAccessMember(e, t, !0)); else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(91)) e = this.parseKeyedReadOrWrite(e, t, !1); else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(40)) e = this.parseCall(e, t, !1); else if (this.consumeOptionalOperator("!")) e = new ht(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), e); else return e; } parsePrimary() { let t = this.inputIndex; if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(40)) { this.rparensExpected++; let e = this.parsePipe(); return this.rparensExpected--, this.expectCharacter(41), e; } else { if ( return this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), null); if ( return ( this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), void 0) ); if ( return this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), !0); if ( return this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), !1); if ( return this.advance(), new Lt(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t)); if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(91)) { this.rbracketsExpected++; let e = this.parseExpressionList(93); return ( this.rbracketsExpected--, this.expectCharacter(93), new nt(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), e) ); } else { if ( return this.parseLiteralMap(); if ( return this.parseAccessMember( new K(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t)), t, !1, ); if ( { let e =; return this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), e); } else if ( { let e =; return this.advance(), new E(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t), e); } else return ? (this._reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(, null), new $(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t))) : this.index >= this.tokens.length ? (this.error(`Unexpected end of expression: ${this.input}`), new $(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t))) : (this.error(`Unexpected token ${}`), new $(this.span(t), this.sourceSpan(t))); } } } parseExpressionList(t) { let e = []; do if (! e.push(this.parsePipe()); else break; while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(44)); return e; } parseLiteralMap() { let t = [], e = [], s = this.inputIndex; if ((this.expectCharacter(123), !this.consumeOptionalCharacter(125))) { this.rbracesExpected++; do { let i = this.inputIndex, n =, a = this.expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString(), o = { key: a, quoted: n }; if ((t.push(o), n)) this.expectCharacter(58), e.push(this.parsePipe()); else if (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(58)) e.push(this.parsePipe()); else { o.isShorthandInitialized = !0; let p = this.span(i), u = this.sourceSpan(i); e.push(new M(p, u, u, new K(p, u), a)); } } while ( this.consumeOptionalCharacter(44) && ! ); this.rbracesExpected--, this.expectCharacter(125); } return new at(this.span(s), this.sourceSpan(s), t, e); } parseAccessMember(t, e, s) { let i = this.inputIndex, n = this.withContext(gt.Writable, () => { let p = this.expectIdentifierOrKeyword() ?? ""; return ( p.length === 0 && this.error("Expected identifier for property access", t.span.end), p ); }), a = this.sourceSpan(i), o; if (s) this.consumeOptionalOperator("=") ? (this.error("The '?.' operator cannot be used in the assignment"), (o = new $(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e)))) : (o = new _(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), a, t, n)); else if (this.consumeOptionalOperator("=")) { if (!(this.parseFlags & 1)) return ( this.error("Bindings cannot contain assignments"), new $(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e)) ); let p = this.parseConditional(); o = new et(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), a, t, n, p); } else o = new M(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), a, t, n); return o; } parseCall(t, e, s) { let i = this.inputIndex; this.rparensExpected++; let n = this.parseCallArguments(), a = this.span(i, this.inputIndex).toAbsolute(this.absoluteOffset); this.expectCharacter(41), this.rparensExpected--; let o = this.span(e), p = this.sourceSpan(e); return s ? new D(o, p, t, n, a) : new pt(o, p, t, n, a); } parseCallArguments() { if ( return []; let t = []; do t.push(this.parsePipe()); while (this.consumeOptionalCharacter(44)); return t; } expectTemplateBindingKey() { let t = "", e = !1, s = this.currentAbsoluteOffset; do (t += this.expectIdentifierOrKeywordOrString()), (e = this.consumeOptionalOperator("-")), e && (t += "-"); while (e); return { source: t, span: new L(s, s + t.length) }; } parseTemplateBindings(t) { let e = []; for ( e.push(...this.parseDirectiveKeywordBindings(t)); this.index < this.tokens.length; ) { let s = this.parseLetBinding(); if (s) e.push(s); else { let i = this.expectTemplateBindingKey(), n = this.parseAsBinding(i); n ? e.push(n) : ((i.source = t.source + i.source.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.source.substring(1)), e.push(...this.parseDirectiveKeywordBindings(i))); } this.consumeStatementTerminator(); } return new qt(e, [], this.errors); } parseKeyedReadOrWrite(t, e, s) { return this.withContext(gt.Writable, () => { this.rbracketsExpected++; let i = this.parsePipe(); if ( (i instanceof $ && this.error("Key access cannot be empty"), this.rbracketsExpected--, this.expectCharacter(93), this.consumeOptionalOperator("=")) ) if (s) this.error("The '?.' operator cannot be used in the assignment"); else { let n = this.parseConditional(); return new rt(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), t, i, n); } else return s ? new U(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), t, i) : new st(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e), t, i); return new $(this.span(e), this.sourceSpan(e)); }); } parseDirectiveKeywordBindings(t) { let e = []; this.consumeOptionalCharacter(58); let s = this.getDirectiveBoundTarget(), i = this.currentAbsoluteOffset, n = this.parseAsBinding(t); n || (this.consumeStatementTerminator(), (i = this.currentAbsoluteOffset)); let a = new L(t.span.start, i); return e.push(new ut(a, t, s)), n && e.push(n), e; } getDirectiveBoundTarget() { if ( === Bt || this.peekKeywordAs() || this.peekKeywordLet()) return null; let t = this.parsePipe(), { start: e, end: s } = t.span, i = this.input.substring(e, s); return new R(t, i, this.location, this.absoluteOffset + e, this.errors); } parseAsBinding(t) { if (!this.peekKeywordAs()) return null; this.advance(); let e = this.expectTemplateBindingKey(); this.consumeStatementTerminator(); let s = new L(t.span.start, this.currentAbsoluteOffset); return new W(s, e, t); } parseLetBinding() { if (!this.peekKeywordLet()) return null; let t = this.currentAbsoluteOffset; this.advance(); let e = this.expectTemplateBindingKey(), s = null; this.consumeOptionalOperator("=") && (s = this.expectTemplateBindingKey()), this.consumeStatementTerminator(); let i = new L(t, this.currentAbsoluteOffset); return new W(i, e, s); } consumeStatementTerminator() { this.consumeOptionalCharacter(59) || this.consumeOptionalCharacter(44); } error(t, e = null) { this.errors.push( new Z(t, this.input, this.locationText(e), this.location), ), this.skip(); } locationText(t = null) { return ( t == null && (t = this.index), t < this.tokens.length ? `at column ${this.tokens[t].index + 1} in` : "at the end of the expression" ); } _reportErrorForPrivateIdentifier(t, e) { let s = `Private identifiers are not supported. Unexpected private identifier: ${t}`; e !== null && (s += `, ${e}`), this.error(s); } skip() { let t =; for ( ; this.index < this.tokens.length && !t.isCharacter(59) && !t.isOperator("|") && (this.rparensExpected <= 0 || !t.isCharacter(41)) && (this.rbracesExpected <= 0 || !t.isCharacter(125)) && (this.rbracketsExpected <= 0 || !t.isCharacter(93)) && (!(this.context & gt.Writable) || !t.isOperator("=")); ) && this.errors.push( new Z(, this.input, this.locationText(), this.location, ), ), this.advance(), (t =; } }, Ht = class extends Rt { constructor() { super(...arguments), (this.errors = []); } visitPipe() { this.errors.push("pipes"); } }; function Fs(r) { let t = new Map(), e = 0, s = 0, i = 0; for (; i < r.length; ) { let n = r[i]; if (n.type === 9) { let [a, o] =; (e += o.length), (s += a.length); } else { let a =, p) => o + p.length, 0); (s += a), (e += a); } t.set(s, e), i++; } return t; } function Ce({ start: r, end: t }, e) { let s = r, i = t; for (; i !== s && /\s/.test(e[i - 1]); ) i--; for (; s !== i && /\s/.test(e[s]); ) s++; return { start: s, end: i }; } function Ws({ start: r, end: t }, e) { let s = r, i = t; for (; i !== e.length && /\s/.test(e[i]); ) i++; for (; s !== 0 && /\s/.test(e[s - 1]); ) s--; return { start: s, end: i }; } function Gs(r, t) { return t[r.start - 1] === "(" && t[r.end] === ")" ? { start: r.start - 1, end: r.end + 1 } : r; } function Ae(r, t, e) { let s = 0, i = { start: r.start, end: r.end }; for (;;) { let n = Ws(i, t), a = Gs(n, t); if (n.start === a.start && n.end === a.end) break; (i.start = a.start), (i.end = a.end), s++; } return { hasParens: (e ? s - 1 : s) !== 0, outerSpan: Ce(e ? { start: i.start + 1, end: i.end - 1 } : i, t), innerSpan: Ce(r, t), }; } function Oe(r) { return typeof r == "string" ? (t) => t === r : (t) => r.test(t); } function Ie(r, t, e) { let s = Oe(t); for (let i = e; i >= 0; i--) { let n = r[i]; if (s(n)) return i; } throw new Error( `Cannot find front char ${t} from index ${e} in ${JSON.stringify(r)}`, ); } function ke(r, t, e) { let s = Oe(t); for (let i = e; i < r.length; i++) { let n = r[i]; if (s(n)) return i; } throw new Error( `Cannot find character ${t} from index ${e} in ${JSON.stringify(r)}`, ); } function Ne(r) { return r.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + r.slice(1); } function Ct(r) { let { start: t, end: e } = r; return { start: t, end: e, range: [t, e] }; } var Vs = (r) => mt.prototype._commentStart(r); function Qs(r, t) { let e = t ? Vs(r) : null; if (e === null) return { text: r, comments: [] }; let s = { type: "CommentLine", value: r.slice(e + 2), ...Ct({ start: e, end: r.length }), }; return { text: r.slice(0, e), comments: [s] }; } function At(r, t = !0) { return (e) => { let s = new yt(), i = new mt(s), { text: n, comments: a } = Qs(e, t), o = r(n, i); if (o.errors.length !== 0) { let [{ message: p }] = o.errors; throw new SyntaxError( p.replace(/^Parser Error: | at column \d+ in [^]*$/g, ""), ); } return { result: o, comments: a, text: n }; }; } var Le = At((r, t) => t.parseBinding(r, "", 0)), zs = At((r, t) => t.parseSimpleBinding(r, "", 0)), Re = At((r, t) => t.parseAction(r, "", 0)), Pe = At((r, t) => t.parseInterpolationExpression(r, "", 0)), be = At((r, t) => t.parseTemplateBindings("", r, "", 0, 0), !1); var Hs = (r, t, e) => { if (!(r && t == null)) return Array.isArray(t) || typeof t == "string" ? t[e < 0 ? t.length + e : e] :; }, Tt = Hs; var jt = class { text; constructor(t) { this.text = t; } getCharacterIndex(t, e) { return ke(this.text, t, e); } getCharacterLastIndex(t, e) { return Ie(this.text, t, e); } transformSpan(t, { stripSpaces: e = !1, hasParentParens: s = !1 } = {}) { if (!e) return Ct(t); let { outerSpan: i, innerSpan: n, hasParens: a } = Ae(t, this.text, s), o = Ct(n); return ( a && (o.extra = { parenthesized: !0, parenStart: i.start, parenEnd: i.end, }), o ); } createNode(t, { stripSpaces: e = !0, hasParentParens: s = !1 } = {}) { let { type: i, start: n, end: a } = t, o = { ...t, ...this.transformSpan( { start: n, end: a }, { stripSpaces: e, hasParentParens: s }, ), }; switch (i) { case "NumericLiteral": case "StringLiteral": { let p = this.text.slice(o.start, o.end), { value: u } = o; o.extra = { ...o.extra, raw: p, rawValue: u }; break; } case "ObjectProperty": { let { shorthand: p } = o; p && (o.extra = { ...o.extra, shorthand: p }); break; } } return o; } }, Ke = jt; function Zt(r) { var t; return !!((t = r.extra) != null && t.parenthesized); } function k(r) { return Zt(r) ? r.extra.parenStart : r.start; } function N(r) { return Zt(r) ? r.extra.parenEnd : r.end; } function Be(r) { return ( (r.type === "OptionalCallExpression" || r.type === "OptionalMemberExpression") && !Zt(r) ); } function Te(r, t) { let { start: e, end: s } = r.sourceSpan; return e >= s || /^\s+$/.test(t.slice(e, s)); } var kt, St, h, d, Ot, v, Yt, It = class extends Ke { constructor(e, s) { super(s); P(this, h); P(this, kt); P(this, St); Y(this, kt, e), Y(this, St, s); } get node() { return c(this, h, v).call(this, O(this, kt)); } transformNode(e) { return c(this, h, Yt).call(this, e); } }; (kt = new WeakMap()), (St = new WeakMap()), (h = new WeakSet()), (d = function (e, { stripSpaces: s = !0, hasParentParens: i = !1 } = {}) { return this.createNode(e, { stripSpaces: s, hasParentParens: i }); }), (Ot = function ( e, s, { computed: i, optional: n, end: a = N(s), hasParentParens: o = !1 }, ) { if (Te(e, O(this, St)) || e.sourceSpan.start === s.start) return s; let p = c(this, h, v).call(this, e), u = Be(p); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: n || u ? "OptionalMemberExpression" : "MemberExpression", object: p, property: s, computed: i, ...(n ? { optional: !0 } : u ? { optional: !1 } : void 0), start: k(p), end: a, }, { hasParentParens: o }, ); }), (v = function (e, s = !1) { return c(this, h, Yt).call(this, e, s); }), (Yt = function (e, s = !1) { if (e instanceof ot) { let { expressions: i } = e; if (i.length !== 1) throw new Error("Unexpected 'Interpolation'"); return c(this, h, v).call(this, i[0]); } if (e instanceof F) return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "UnaryExpression", prefix: !0, argument: c(this, h, v).call(this, e.expr), operator: e.operator, ...e.sourceSpan, }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); if (e instanceof A) { let { left: i, operation: n, right: a } = e, o = c(this, h, v).call(this, i), p = c(this, h, v).call(this, a), u = k(o), f = N(p), S = { left: o, right: p, start: u, end: f }; return n === "&&" || n === "||" || n === "??" ? c(this, h, d).call( this, { ...S, type: "LogicalExpression", operator: n }, { hasParentParens: s }, ) : c(this, h, d).call( this, { ...S, type: "BinaryExpression", operator: n }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof it) { let { exp: i, name: n, args: a } = e, o = c(this, h, v).call(this, i), p = k(o), u = N(o), f = this.getCharacterIndex(/\S/, this.getCharacterIndex("|", u) + 1), S = c(this, h, d).call(this, { type: "Identifier", name: n, start: f, end: f + n.length, }), g = => c(this, h, v).call(this, y)); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "NGPipeExpression", left: o, right: S, arguments: g, start: p, end: N(g.length === 0 ? S : Tt(!1, g, -1)), }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof X) return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "NGChainedExpression", expressions: => c(this, h, v).call(this, i)), ...e.sourceSpan, }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); if (e instanceof tt) { let { condition: i, trueExp: n, falseExp: a } = e, o = c(this, h, v).call(this, i), p = c(this, h, v).call(this, n), u = c(this, h, v).call(this, a); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "ConditionalExpression", test: o, consequent: p, alternate: u, start: k(o), end: N(u), }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof $) return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "NGEmptyExpression", ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); if (e instanceof K) return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "ThisExpression", ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); if (e instanceof st || e instanceof U) return c(this, h, Ot).call( this, e.receiver, c(this, h, v).call(this, e.key), { computed: !0, optional: e instanceof U, end: e.sourceSpan.end, hasParentParens: s, }, ); if (e instanceof nt) return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "ArrayExpression", elements: => c(this, h, v).call(this, i)), ...e.sourceSpan, }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); if (e instanceof at) { let { keys: i, values: n } = e, a = => c(this, h, v).call(this, p)), o ={ key: p, quoted: u }, f) => { let S = a[f], g = k(S), y = N(S), w = this.getCharacterIndex( /\S/, f === 0 ? e.sourceSpan.start + 1 : this.getCharacterIndex(",", N(a[f - 1])) + 1, ), H = g === w ? y : this.getCharacterLastIndex( /\S/, this.getCharacterLastIndex(":", g - 1) - 1, ) + 1, j = { start: w, end: H }, T = u ? c(this, h, d).call(this, { type: "StringLiteral", value: p, ...j, }) : c(this, h, d).call(this, { type: "Identifier", name: p, ...j }), Nt = T.end < T.start || w === g; return c(this, h, d).call(this, { type: "ObjectProperty", key: T, value: S, shorthand: Nt, computed: !1, start: k(T), end: y, }); }); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "ObjectExpression", properties: o, ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof E) { let { value: i } = e; switch (typeof i) { case "boolean": return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "BooleanLiteral", value: i, ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); case "number": return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "NumericLiteral", value: i, ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); case "object": return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "NullLiteral", ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); case "string": return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "StringLiteral", value: i, ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); case "undefined": return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "Identifier", name: "undefined", ...e.sourceSpan }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); default: throw new Error(`Unexpected LiteralPrimitive value type ${typeof i}`); } } if (e instanceof pt || e instanceof D) { let i = e instanceof D, { receiver: n, args: a } = e, o = a.length === 1 ? [c(this, h, v).call(this, a[0], !0)] : => c(this, h, v).call(this, S)), p = c(this, h, v).call(this, n), u = Be(p), f = i || u ? "OptionalCallExpression" : "CallExpression"; return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: f, callee: p, arguments: o, optional: f === "OptionalCallExpression" ? i : void 0, start: k(p), end: e.sourceSpan.end, }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof ht) { let i = c(this, h, v).call(this, e.expression); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "TSNonNullExpression", expression: i, start: k(i), end: e.sourceSpan.end, }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof ct) { let i = c(this, h, v).call(this, e.expression); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "UnaryExpression", prefix: !0, operator: "!", argument: i, start: e.sourceSpan.start, end: N(i), }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof M || e instanceof _) { let { receiver: i, name: n } = e, a = this.getCharacterLastIndex(/\S/, e.sourceSpan.end - 1) + 1, o = c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "Identifier", name: n, start: a - n.length, end: a }, Te(i, O(this, St)) ? { hasParentParens: s } : {}, ); return c(this, h, Ot).call(this, i, o, { computed: !1, optional: e instanceof _, hasParentParens: s, }); } if (e instanceof rt) { let i = c(this, h, v).call(this, e.key), n = c(this, h, v).call(this, e.value), a = c(this, h, Ot).call(this, e.receiver, i, { computed: !0, optional: !1, end: this.getCharacterIndex("]", N(i)) + 1, }); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: a, operator: "=", right: n, start: k(a), end: N(n), }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } if (e instanceof et) { let { receiver: i, name: n, value: a } = e, o = c(this, h, v).call(this, a), p = this.getCharacterLastIndex( /\S/, this.getCharacterLastIndex("=", k(o) - 1) - 1, ) + 1, u = c(this, h, d).call(this, { type: "Identifier", name: n, start: p - n.length, end: p, }), f = c(this, h, Ot).call(this, i, u, { computed: !1, optional: !1 }); return c(this, h, d).call( this, { type: "AssignmentExpression", left: f, operator: "=", right: o, start: k(f), end: N(o), }, { hasParentParens: s }, ); } throw Object.assign(new Error("Unexpected node"), { node: e }); }); function Me(r, t) { return new It(r, t).node; } function _e(r) { return r instanceof ut; } function Ue(r) { return r instanceof W; } var wt, q, x, Fe, C, Xt, te, ee, De, We, Ge, Ve, Jt = class extends It { constructor(e, s) { super(void 0, s); P(this, x); P(this, wt); P(this, q); Y(this, wt, e), Y(this, q, s); for (let i of e) c(this, x, De).call(this, i); } get expressions() { return c(this, x, Ge).call(this); } }; (wt = new WeakMap()), (q = new WeakMap()), (x = new WeakSet()), (Fe = function () { return O(this, wt)[0].key; }), (C = function (e, { stripSpaces: s = !0 } = {}) { return this.createNode(e, { stripSpaces: s }); }), (Xt = function (e) { return this.transformNode(e); }), (te = function (e) { return Ne(e.slice(O(this, x, Fe).source.length)); }), (ee = function (e) { let s = O(this, q); if (s[e.start] !== '"' && s[e.start] !== "'") return; let i = s[e.start], n = !1; for (let a = e.start + 1; a < s.length; a++) switch (s[a]) { case i: if (!n) { e.end = a + 1; return; } default: n = !1; break; case "\\": n = !n; break; } }), (De = function (e) { c(this, x, ee).call(this, e.key.span), Ue(e) && e.value && c(this, x, ee).call(this, e.value.span); }), (We = function (e) { if (!e.value || e.value.source) return e.value; let s = this.getCharacterIndex(/\S/, e.sourceSpan.start); return { source: "$implicit", span: { start: s, end: s } }; }), (Ge = function () { let e = O(this, wt), [s] = e, i = O(this, q).slice(s.sourceSpan.start, s.sourceSpan.end).trim().length === 0 ? e.slice(1) : e, n = [], a = null; for (let [o, p] of i.entries()) { if (a && _e(a) && Ue(p) && p.value && p.value.source === a.key.source) { let u = c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: p.key.source, ...p.key.span, }), f = (y, w) => ({ ...y, ...this.transformSpan({ start: y.start, end: w }), }), S = (y) => ({ ...f(y, u.end), alias: u }), g = n.pop(); if (g.type === "NGMicrosyntaxExpression") n.push(S(g)); else if (g.type === "NGMicrosyntaxKeyedExpression") { let y = S(g.expression); n.push(f({ ...g, expression: y }, y.end)); } else throw new Error(`Unexpected type ${g.type}`); } else n.push(c(this, x, Ve).call(this, p, o)); a = p; } return c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntax", body: n, ...(n.length === 0 ? e[0].sourceSpan : { start: n[0].start, end: Tt(!1, n, -1).end }), }); }), (Ve = function (e, s) { if (_e(e)) { let { key: i, value: n } = e; return n ? s === 0 ? c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxExpression", expression: c(this, x, Xt).call(this, n.ast), alias: null, ...n.sourceSpan, }) : c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKeyedExpression", key: c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: c(this, x, te).call(this, i.source), ...i.span, }), expression: c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxExpression", expression: c(this, x, Xt).call(this, n.ast), alias: null, ...n.sourceSpan, }), start: i.span.start, end: n.sourceSpan.end, }) : c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: c(this, x, te).call(this, i.source), ...i.span, }); } else { let { key: i, sourceSpan: n } = e; if (/^let\s$/.test(O(this, q).slice(n.start, n.start + 4))) { let { value: o } = e; return c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxLet", key: c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: i.source, ...i.span, }), value: o ? c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: o.source, ...o.span, }) : null, start: n.start, end: o ? o.span.end : i.span.end, }); } else { let o = c(this, x, We).call(this, e); return c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxAs", key: c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: o.source, ...o.span, }), alias: c(this, x, C).call(this, { type: "NGMicrosyntaxKey", name: i.source, ...i.span, }), start: o.span.start, end: i.span.end, }); } } }); function Qe(r, t) { return new Jt(r, t).expressions; } function Mt({ result: { ast: r }, text: t, comments: e }) { return Object.assign(Me(r, t), { comments: e }); } function ze({ result: { templateBindings: r }, text: t }) { return Qe(r, t); } var qe = (r) => Mt(Le(r)); var He = (r) => Mt(Pe(r)), se = (r) => Mt(Re(r)), je = (r) => ze(be(r)); function re(r) { var s, i, n; let t = ((s = r.range) == null ? void 0 : s[0]) ?? r.start, e = (n = ((i = r.declaration) == null ? void 0 : i.decorators) ?? r.decorators) == null ? void 0 : n[0]; return e ? Math.min(re(e), t) : t; } function Ye(r) { var t; return ((t = r.range) == null ? void 0 : t[1]) ?? r.end; } function _t(r) { return { astFormat: "estree", parse(t) { let e = r(t); return { type: "NGRoot", node: r === se && e.type !== "NGChainedExpression" ? { ...e, type: "NGChainedExpression", expressions: [e] } : e, }; }, locStart: re, locEnd: Ye, }; } var js = _t(se), Ys = _t(qe), Zs = _t(He), Js = _t(je); var Ur = ne; export { Ur as default, ie as parsers };