require 'ashikawa-core/cursor' require 'ashikawa-core/document' require 'ashikawa-core/exceptions/no_collection_provided' require 'forwardable' require 'backports' require 'rest-client' module Ashikawa module Core # Formulate a Query on a collection or on a database class Query extend Forwardable # Delegate sending requests to the connection def_delegator :@connection, :send_request # Initializes a Query # # @param [Collection, Database] connection # @return [Query] # @api public # @example Create a new query object # collection =, raw_collection) # query = def initialize(connection) @connection = connection end # Retrieves all documents for a collection # # @note It is advised to NOT use this method due to possible HUGE data amounts requested # @option options [Integer] :limit limit the maximum number of queried and returned elements. # @option options [Integer] :skip skip the first documents of the query. # @return [Cursor] # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api public # @example Get an array with all documents # query = # query.all # => # def all(options={}) simple_query_request("/simple/all", options, [:limit, :skip]) end # Looks for documents in a collection which match the given criteria # # @option example [Hash] a Hash with data matching the documents you are looking for. # @option options [Hash] a Hash with additional settings for the query. # @option options [Integer] :limit limit the maximum number of queried and returned elements. # @option options [Integer] :skip skip the first documents of the query. # @return [Cursor] # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api public # @example Find all documents in a collection that are red # query = # query.by_example({ "color" => "red" }, :options => { :limit => 1 }) #=> # def by_example(example={}, options={}) simple_query_request("/simple/by-example", { :example => example }.merge(options), [:limit, :skip, :example]) end # Looks for one document in a collection which matches the given criteria # # @param [Hash] example a Hash with data matching the document you are looking for. # @return [Document] # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api public # @example Find one document in a collection that is red # query = # query.first_example({ "color" => "red"}) # => # def first_example(example = {}) response = simple_query_request("/simple/first-example", { :example => example }, [:example]) response.first end # Looks for documents in a collection based on location # # @option options [Integer] :latitude Latitude location for your search. # @option options [Integer] :longitude Longitude location for your search. # @option options [Integer] :skip The documents to skip in the query. # @option options [Integer] :distance If given, the attribute key used to store the distance. # @option options [Integer] :limit The maximal amount of documents to return (default: 100). # @option options [Integer] :geo If given, the identifier of the geo-index to use. # @return [Cursor] # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api public # @example Find all documents at Infinite Loop # query = # query.near(:latitude => 37.331693, :longitude => -122.030468) def near(options={}) simple_query_request("/simple/near", options, [:latitude, :longitude, :distance, :skip, :limit, :geo]) end # Looks for documents in a collection within a radius # # @option options [Integer] :latitude Latitude location for your search. # @option options [Integer] :longitude Longitude location for your search. # @option options [Integer] :radius Radius around the given location you want to search in. # @option options [Integer] :skip The documents to skip in the query. # @option options [Integer] :distance If given, the attribute key used to store the distance. # @option options [Integer] :limit The maximal amount of documents to return (default: 100). # @option options [Integer] :geo If given, the identifier of the geo-index to use. # @return [Cursor] # @api public # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @example Find all documents within a radius of 100 to Infinite Loop # query = # query.within(:latitude => 37.331693, :longitude => -122.030468, :radius => 100) def within(options={}) simple_query_request("/simple/within", options, [:latitude, :longitude, :radius, :distance, :skip, :limit, :geo]) end # Looks for documents in a collection with an attribute between two values # # @option options [Integer] :attribute The attribute path to check. # @option options [Integer] :left The lower bound # @option options [Integer] :right The upper bound # @option options [Integer] :closed If true, use intervall including left and right, otherwise exclude right, but include left. # @option options [Integer] :skip The documents to skip in the query (optional). # @option options [Integer] :limit The maximal amount of documents to return (optional). # @return [Cursor] # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api public # @example Find all documents within a radius of 100 to Infinite Loop # query = # query.within(:latitude => 37.331693, :longitude => -122.030468, :radius => 100) def in_range(options={}) simple_query_request("/simple/range", options, [:attribute, :left, :right, :closed, :limit, :skip]) end # Send an AQL query to the database # # @param [String] query # @option options [Integer] :count Should the number of results be counted? # @option options [Integer] :batch_size Set the number of results returned at once # @return [Cursor] # @api public # @example Send an AQL query to the database # query = # query.execute("FOR u IN users LIMIT 2") # => # def execute(query, options = {}) post_request("/cursor", options.merge({ :query => query }), [:query, :count, :batch_size]) end # Test if an AQL query is valid # # @param [String] query # @return [Boolean] # @api public # @example Validate an AQL query # query = # query.valid?("FOR u IN users LIMIT 2") # => true def valid?(query) !!post_request("/query", { :query => query }) rescue RestClient::BadRequest false end private # The database object # # @return [Database] # @api private def database @connection.respond_to?(:database) ? @connection.database : @connection end # The collection object # # @return [collection] # @api private def collection raise NoCollectionProvidedException unless @connection.respond_to?(:database) @connection end # Removes the keys that are not allowed from an object # # @param [Hash] options # @param [Array] allowed_keys # @return [Hash] The filtered Hash # @api private def allowed_options(options, allowed_keys) options.keep_if { |key, _| allowed_keys.include?(key) } end # Transforms the keys into the required format # # @param [Hash] request_data # @return [Hash] Cleaned request data # @api private def prepare_request_data(request_data) Hash[ { |key, value| [key.to_s.gsub(/_(.)/) { $1.upcase }, value] }].reject { |_, value| value.nil? } end # Send a simple query to the server # # @param [String] path The path for the request # @param [Hash] request_data The data send to the database # @param [Array] allowed_keys The keys allowed for this request # @return [String] Server response # @raise [NoCollectionProvidedException] If you provided a database, no collection # @api private def simple_query_request(path, request_data, allowed_keys) request_data = request_data.merge({ :collection => }) put_request(path, request_data, allowed_keys << :collection) end # Perform a wrapped request # # @param [String] path The path for the request # @param [Symbol] request_method The request method to perform # @param [Hash] request_data The data send to the database # @param [Array] allowed_keys Keys allowed in request_data, if nil: All keys are allowed # @return [Cursor] # @api private def wrapped_request(path, request_method, request_data, allowed_keys) request_data = allowed_options(request_data, allowed_keys) unless allowed_keys.nil? request_data = prepare_request_data(request_data) server_response = send_request(path, { request_method => request_data }), server_response) end # Perform a wrapped put request # # @param [String] path The path for the request # @param [Hash] request_data The data send to the database # @param [Array] allowed_keys Keys allowed in request_data, if nil: All keys are allowed # @return [Cursor] # @api private def put_request(path, request_data, allowed_keys = nil) wrapped_request(path, :put, request_data, allowed_keys) end # Perform a wrapped post request # # @param [String] path The path for the request # @param [Hash] request_data The data send to the database # @param [Array] allowed_keys Keys allowed in request_data, if nil: All keys are allowed # @return [Cursor] # @api private def post_request(path, request_data, allowed_keys = nil) wrapped_request(path, :post, request_data, allowed_keys) end end end end