# encoding: UTF-8 require 'image_optim/cmd' require 'image_optim/configuration_error' require 'image_optim/path' require 'image_optim/worker/class_methods' require 'shellwords' require 'English' class ImageOptim # Base class for all workers class Worker extend ClassMethods class << self # Default init for worker is new # Check example of override in gifsicle worker alias_method :init, :new end attr_accessor :pid # Configure (raises on extra options) def initialize(image_optim, options = {}) unless image_optim.is_a?(ImageOptim) fail ArgumentError, 'first parameter should be an ImageOptim instance' end @image_optim = image_optim parse_options(options) assert_no_unknown_options!(options) end # Return hash with worker options def options hash = {} self.class.option_definitions.each do |option| hash[option.name] = send(option.name) end hash end # Optimize image at src, output at dst, must be overriden in subclass # return true on success def optimize(_src, _dst) fail NotImplementedError, "implement method optimize in #{self.class}" end # List of formats which worker can optimize def image_formats format_from_name = self.class.name.downcase[/gif|jpeg|png|svg/] unless format_from_name fail "#{self.class}: can't guess applicable format from worker name" end [format_from_name.to_sym] end # Ordering in list of workers, 0 by default def run_order 0 end # List of bins used by worker def used_bins [self.class.bin_sym] end # Resolve used bins, raise exception concatenating all messages def resolve_used_bins! errors = BinResolver.collect_errors(used_bins) do |bin| @image_optim.resolve_bin!(bin) end return if errors.empty? fail BinResolver::Error, wrap_resolver_error_message(errors.join(', ')) end # Check if operation resulted in optimized file def optimized?(src, dst) dst_size = dst.size? dst_size && dst_size < src.size end # Short inspect def inspect options_string = self.class.option_definitions.map do |option| " @#{option.name}=#{send(option.name).inspect}" end.join(',') "#<#{self.class}#{options_string}>" end private def parse_options(options) self.class.option_definitions.each do |option_definition| value = option_definition.value(self, options) instance_variable_set("@#{option_definition.name}", value) end end def assert_no_unknown_options!(options) known_keys = self.class.option_definitions.map(&:name) unknown_options = options.reject{ |key, _value| known_keys.include?(key) } return if unknown_options.empty? fail ConfigurationError, "unknown options #{unknown_options.inspect} "\ "for #{self}" end # Forward bin resolving to image_optim def resolve_bin!(bin) @image_optim.resolve_bin!(bin) rescue BinResolver::Error => e raise e, wrap_resolver_error_message(e.message), e.backtrace end def wrap_resolver_error_message(message) name = self.class.bin_sym "#{name} worker: #{message}; please provide proper binary or "\ "disable this worker (--no-#{name} argument or "\ "`:#{name} => false` through options)" end # Run command setting priority and hiding output def execute(bin, *arguments) resolve_bin!(bin) cmd_args = [bin, *arguments].map(&:to_s) start = Time.now success = run_command(cmd_args) if @image_optim.verbose seconds = Time.now - start $stderr << "#{success ? '✓' : '✗'} #{seconds}s #{cmd_args.shelljoin}\n" end success end # Run command defining environment, setting nice level, removing output and # reraising signal exception def run_command(cmd_args) args = if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' || defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) %W[ env PATH=#{@image_optim.env_path.shellescape} nice -n #{@image_optim.nice} #{cmd_args.shelljoin} > #{Path::NULL} 2>&1 ].join(' ') else [ {'PATH' => @image_optim.env_path}, %W[nice -n #{@image_optim.nice}], cmd_args, {:out => Path::NULL, :err => Path::NULL}, ].flatten end Cmd.run(*args){ |pid| self.pid = pid } end end end