# react-rails #### Breaking Changes #### New Features #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes ## 2.6.2 #### New Features - React 16.14 - Support for ShakaPacker - Preparation for React 18 #1151 #### Bug Fixes - URI.open instead of open #1099 - No longer unmount components on Turbolinks navigation #1135 ## 2.6.1 #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - React 16.9.0 - Sprockets users get React_UJS 2.6.1 #### Deprecation - Removed tests for Rails 3, 4, 5.0 - Removed tests for Sprockets 2 - Removed tests for Webpacker 1.1, 2 #### Bug Fixes - React_UJS 2.6.1 still complies with ES5 #1027 #1026 #1016 - Support RubyGems pattern for Alpha releases when detecting sprockets version #1047 ## 2.6.0 #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - Typescript component generator #990 - Enhanced Turbolinks Support #978 #962 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - assert_react_component will not pass tests where the case was different #979 - action_controller/test_case was accidentally `required` in dev #996 ## 2.5.0 #### Breaking Changes #### New Features - React 16.8.6 prebundled #977 - Added `assert_react_component` test helper #957 - Supports Webpacker 4, Ruby 2.6 #934 - Supports camelize on ActionController::Parameters #932 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Linting fix to generated JS #941 - (Meta) Tests for react-rails updated #892 #894 #916 ## 2.4.7 #### New Features - React 16.4.2 prebundled #914 ## 2.4.6 #### New Features - React 16.4.1 prebundled #909 ## 2.4.5 #### New Features - React 16.3.2 prebundled #908 - Supports Webpacker 4.x #895 - Enhanced generator to create components in subdirectories #890 - Explicitly support Rails 5.2 #893 - Enhanced documentation for Turbolinks usage #900 ## 2.4.4 #### New Features - React 16.2 prebundled #856, #874 - Use Fragments instead of Divs by default #856 - Explicitly support Ruby 2.5 #857 - Add support for controller rendering using `camelize_props` #869 - Many readme, doc and guide updates including Typescript #873, #865, #862, #854, #852, #849 #### Deprecation - Drop explicit support for Ruby 2.1 #866 - Drop explicit support for Rails 3, 4.0, 4.1 #866 - If the gem continues to work on Ruby and Rails below what is in Travis, it is accidental. #### Bug Fixes - Correct behaviour of Turbolinks 5 mounting #868, 848 - Correct behaviour of JQuery3 removing "on" #867, 762 ## 2.4.3 #### Bug Fixes - Call ReactDOM.render() when react_component :prerender option is falsy, instead of ReactDOM.hydrate() #844, #842 ## 2.4.2 #### Bug Fixes - ReactDOM.hydrate() may not be defined for everyone, it will now use hydrate if it is defined or fallback to render #832 ## 2.4.1 #### New Features - Webpacker gets ES6 components by default #822 - ReactDOM.hydrate() #828 - Documentation updates #830 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes - Webpacker local manifest sometimes had double asset_hosts if the dev server was running #834 thanks @joeyparis ## 2.4.0 #### Breaking Changes - (Sprockets) Prebundled React upgraded to 16 #792 - (Sprockets) Addons removed #792 #### Bug Fixes - Coffeescript generator exports correctly #799, #800 - Running detector manually no longer breaks if Turbolinks is not preset #802 ## 2.3.1 #### Breaking Changes - React Deprecations for 15.4, 15.5, 15.6 in preparation for 16 handled in prebundled version #789, #798 #### New Features - Generator now makes modern style `createReactClass`(JS) or `extends React.Component`(ES6, CoffeeScript) code #### Deprecation - Next version will drop the addons option as they are not supported with React 16 - TheRubyRacer's newest version (0.12.3 at time of writing) only supports libV8 ( which is too old for some new JS features, future versions of this gem will need more modern ExecJS runtimes such as mini_racer (currently on libV8 5.9.x) #### Bug Fixes ## 2.3.0 #### New Features - Webpacker and Webpack 3 support #777 - Update to React 15.6.2 #789 #### Deprecation #### Bug Fixes ## 2.2.1 #### New Features - Support `config.react.server_renderer_directories` in initializers #729 #### Bug Fixes - Fix Railtie watcher to update its timestamp when files change #722 - Don't use `yarn` binstub because webpacker doesn't provide it anymore #717 ## 2.2.0 #### New Features - Improve error handling when components aren't found #704 #### Bug Fixes - Camelize filename when generating for webpack #703 - Include node module boilerplate when generating for webpack #710 - Don't look for non-existent `Turbolinks.EVENTS` #708 ## 2.1.0 (April 18, 2017) #### New Features - Support Rails 5.1 #697 #### Bug Fixes - Fix UJS unmounting by selector #696 ## 2.0.2 (April 13, 2017) #### New Features - Rerun events detection at any time with `ReactRailsUJS.detectEvents()` #693 - Make the NPM version of `react_ujs` match the Rubygem version `2.0.1` was skipped because a bad version of `react_ujs` was published to NPM. ## 2.0.0 (April 13, 2017) #### Breaking Changes - Server rendering loads `server_rendering.js` by default #471 . Upgrade by adding a new file which requires the previous defaults: ```js // app/assets/javascripts/server_rendering.js // = require react-server // = require components ``` #### New Features - Webpacker support: - `react_component` can find components via `require.context` + `ReactRailsUJS.useContext` #678 - Server rendering detects Webpacker and uses packs #683, #687 - `ReactRailsUJS` is available from `npm` with `yarn add react_ujs` or `npm install react_ujs` #678 - `per_request_react_rails_prerenderer` Allows you to check out a renderer for the _whole request_ instead of once-per-`react_component` #559 #### Bug Fixes - Improved watching of server-rendering JS files #687 - Fix console replay: - Put the `