// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /** Used for contentIndexDisclosureState(). Indicates open branch node. */ SC.BRANCH_OPEN = 0x0011; /** Used for contentIndexDisclosureState(). Indicates closed branch node. */ SC.BRANCH_CLOSED = 0x0012; /** Used for contentIndexDisclosureState(). Indicates leaf node. */ SC.LEAF_NODE = 0x0020; /** @namespace This mixin provides standard methods used by a CollectionView to provide additional meta-data about content in a collection view such as selection or enabled state. You can apply this mixin to a class that you set as a delegate or to the object you set as content. SC.ArrayControllers automatically implement this mixin. @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.CollectionContent = { /** Used to detect the mixin by SC.CollectionView */ isCollectionContent: YES, /** Return YES if the content index should be selected. Default behavior looks at the selection property on the view. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Boolean} YES, NO, or SC.MIXED_STATE */ contentIndexIsSelected: function(view, content, idx) { var sel = view.get('selection'); return sel ? sel.contains(content, idx) : NO ; }, /** Returns YES if the content index should be enabled. Default looks at the isEnabled state of the collection view. looks at the selection property on the view. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Boolean} YES, NO, or SC.MIXED_STATE */ contentIndexIsEnabled: function(view, content, idx) { return view.get('isEnabled'); }, // .......................................................... // GROUPING // /** Optionally return an index set containing the indexes that may be group views. For each group view, the delegate will actually be asked to confirm the view is a group using the contentIndexIsGroup() method. If grouping is not enabled, return null. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the calling view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @return {SC.IndexSet} */ contentGroupIndexes: function(view, content) { return null; }, /** Returns YES if the item at the specified content index should be rendered using the groupExampleView instead of the regular exampleView. Note that a group view is different from a branch/leaf view. Group views often appear with different layout and a different look and feel. Default always returns NO. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Boolean} YES, NO, or SC.MIXED_STATE */ contentIndexIsGroup: function(view, content, idx) { return NO ; }, // .......................................................... // OUTLINE VIEWS // /** Returns the outline level for the item at the specified index. Can be used to display hierarchical lists. Default always returns -1 (no outline). @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Boolean} YES, NO, or SC.MIXED_STATE */ contentIndexOutlineLevel: function(view, content, idx) { return -1; }, /** Returns a constant indicating the disclosure state of the item. Must be one of SC.BRANCH_OPEN, SC.BRANCH_CLOSED, SC.LEAF_NODE. If you return one of the BRANCH options then the item may be rendered with a disclosure triangle open or closed. If you return SC.LEAF_NODe then the item will be rendered as a leaf node. Default returns SC.LEAF_NODE. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {Boolean} YES, NO, or SC.MIXED_STATE */ contentIndexDisclosureState: function(view, content, idx) { return SC.LEAF_NODE; }, /** Called to expand a content index item if it is currently in a closed disclosure state. The default implementation does nothing. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {void} */ contentIndexExpand: function(view, content, idx) { console.log('contentIndexExpand(%@, %@, %@)'.fmt(view,content,idx)); }, /** Called to collapse a content index item if it is currently in an open disclosure state. The default implementation does nothing. @param {SC.CollectionView} view the collection view @param {SC.Array} content the content object @param {Number} idx the content index @returns {void} */ contentIndexCollapse: function(view, content, idx) { console.log('contentIndexCollapse(%@, %@, %@)'.fmt(view,content,idx)); } };