require 'indirizzo/constants' module Indirizzo # Defines the matching of parsed address tokens. Match = { # FIXME: shouldn't have to anchor :number and :zip at start/end :number => /^(\d+\W|[a-z]+)?(\d+)([a-z]?)\b/io, :street => /(?:\b(?:\d+\w*|[a-z'-]+)\s*)+/io, :city => /(?:\b[a-z][a-z'-]+\s*)+/io, :state => State.regexp, :zip => /\b(\d{5})(?:-(\d{4}))?\b/o, :at => /\s(at|@|and|&)\s/io, :po_box => /\b[P|p]*(OST|ost)*\.*\s*[O|o|0]*(ffice|FFICE)*\.*\s*[B|b][O|o|0][X|x]\b/ } # The Address class takes a US street address or place name and # constructs a list of possible structured parses of the address # string. class Address attr_accessor :text attr_accessor :prenum, :number, :sufnum attr_accessor :street attr_accessor :city attr_accessor :state attr_accessor :zip, :plus4 attr_accessor :country attr_accessor :options # Takes an address or place name string as its sole argument. def initialize (text, options={}) @options = {:expand_streets => true}.merge(options) raise ArgumentError, "no text provided" unless text and !text.empty? if text.class == Hash @text = "" assign_text_to_address text else @text = clean text parse end end # Removes any characters that aren't strictly part of an address string. def clean (value) value.strip \ .gsub(/[^a-z0-9 ,'&@\/-]+/io, "") \ .gsub(/\s+/o, " ") end def assign_text_to_address(text) if !text[:address].nil? @text = clean text[:address] parse else @street = [] @prenum = text[:prenum] @sufnum = text[:sufnum] if !text[:street].nil? @street = text[:street].scan(Match[:street]) end @number = "" if !@street.nil? if text[:number].nil?! { |single_street| single_street.downcase! @number = single_street.scan(Match[:number])[0].reject{|n| n.nil? || n.empty?}.first.to_s single_street.sub! @number, "" single_street.sub! /^\s*,?\s*/o, "" } else @number = text[:number].to_s end @street = expand_streets(@street) if @options[:expand_streets] street_parts end @city = [] if !text[:city].nil? @city.push(text[:city]) @text = text[:city].to_s else @city.push("") end if !text[:region].nil? # @state = [] @state = text[:region] if @state.length > 2 # full_state = @state.strip # special case: New York @state = State[@state] end elsif !text[:state].nil? @state = text[:state] elsif !text[:country].nil? @state = text[:country] end @zip = text[:postal_code] @plus4 = text[:plus4] if !@zip @zip = @plus4 = "" end end end # Expands a token into a list of possible strings based on # the Geocoder::US::Name_Abbr constant, and expands numerals and # number words into their possible equivalents. def expand_numbers (string) if /\b\d+(?:st|nd|rd|th)?\b/o.match string match = $& num = $&.to_i elsif Ordinals.regexp.match string num = Ordinals[$&] match = $& elsif Cardinals.regexp.match string num = Cardinals[$&] match = $& end strings = [] if num and num < 100 [num.to_s, Ordinals[num], Cardinals[num]].each {|replace| strings << string.sub(match, replace) } else strings << string end strings end def parse_state(regex_match, text) idx = text.rindex(regex_match) @full_state = @state[0].strip # special case: New York @state = State[@full_state] @city = "Washington" if @state == "DC" && text[idx...idx+regex_match.length] =~ /washington\s+d\.?c\.?/i text end def parse text = @text.clone.downcase @zip = text.scan(Match[:zip]).last if @zip last_match = $& zip_index = text.rindex(last_match) zip_end_index = zip_index + last_match.length - 1 @zip, @plus4 = {|s| s and s.strip } else @zip = @plus4 = "" zip_index = text.length zip_end_index = -1 end @country = @text[zip_end_index+1..-1].sub(/^\s*,\s*/, '').strip @country = nil if @country == text @state = text.scan(Match[:state]).last if @state last_match = $& state_index = text.rindex(last_match) text = parse_state(last_match, text) else @full_state = "" @state = "" end @number = text.scan(Match[:number]).first # FIXME: 230 Fish And Game Rd, Hudson NY 12534 if @number # and not intersection? last_match = $& number_index = text.index(last_match) number_end_index = number_index + last_match.length - 1 @prenum, @number, @sufnum = {|s| s and s.strip} else number_end_index = -1 @prenum = @number = @sufnum = "" end # FIXME: special case: Name_Abbr gets a bit aggressive # about replacing St with Saint. exceptional case: # Sault Ste. Marie # FIXME: PO Box should geocode to ZIP street_search_end_index = [state_index,zip_index,text.length].reject(&:nil?).min-1 @street = text[number_end_index+1..street_search_end_index].scan(Match[:street]).map { |s| s and s.strip } @street = expand_streets(@street) if @options[:expand_streets] # SPECIAL CASE: 1600 Pennsylvania 20050 @street << @full_state if @street.empty? and @state.downcase != @full_state.downcase street_end_index = { |s| text.rindex(s) }.reject(&:nil?).min||0 if @city.nil? || @city.empty? @city = text[street_end_index..street_search_end_index+1].scan(Match[:city]) if !@city.empty? #@city = [@city[-1].strip] @city = [@city.last.strip] add = {|item| item.gsub(Name_Abbr.regexp) {|m| Name_Abbr[m]}} @city |= add! {|s| s.downcase} @city.uniq! else @city = [] end # SPECIAL CASE: no city, but a state with the same name. e.g. "New York" @city << @full_state if @state.downcase != @full_state.downcase end end def expand_streets(street) if !street.empty? && !street[0].nil?! {|s|s.strip} add = {|item| item.gsub(Name_Abbr.regexp) {|m| Name_Abbr[m]}} street |= add add = {|item| item.gsub(Std_Abbr.regexp) {|m| Std_Abbr[m]}} street |= add! {|item| expand_numbers(item)} street.flatten!! {|s| s.downcase} street.uniq! else street = [] end street end def street_parts strings = [] # Get all the substrings delimited by whitespace @street.each {|string| tokens = string.split(" ") strings |= (0...tokens.length).map {|i| (i...tokens.length).map {|j| tokens[i..j].join(" ")}}.flatten } strings = remove_noise_words(strings) # Try a simpler case of adding the @number in case everything is an abbr. strings += [@number] if strings.all? {|s| Std_Abbr.key? s or Name_Abbr.key? s} strings.uniq end def remove_noise_words(strings) # Don't return strings that consist solely of abbreviations. # NOTE: Is this a micro-optimization that has edge cases that will break? # Answer: Yes, it breaks on simple things like "Prairie St" or "Front St" prefix ="^" + Prefix_Type.regexp.source + "\s*", Regexp::IGNORECASE) suffix ="\s*" + Suffix_Type.regexp.source + "$", Regexp::IGNORECASE) predxn ="^" + Directional.regexp.source + "\s*", Regexp::IGNORECASE) sufdxn ="\s*" + Directional.regexp.source + "$", Regexp::IGNORECASE) good_strings = {|s| s = s.clone s.gsub!(predxn, "") s.gsub!(sufdxn, "") s.gsub!(prefix, "") s.gsub!(suffix, "") s } good_strings.reject! {|s| s.empty?} strings = good_strings if !good_strings.empty? {|s| not Std_Abbr.key?(s) and not Name_Abbr.key?(s)} strings end def city_parts strings = [] do |string| tokens = string.split(" ") strings |= (0...tokens.length) {|i| (i...tokens.length).map {|j| tokens[i..j].join(" ")}}.flatten end # Don't return strings that consist solely of abbreviations. # NOTE: Is this a micro-optimization that has edge cases that will break? # Answer: Yes, it breaks on "Prairie" strings.reject { |s| Std_Abbr.key?(s) }.uniq end def city= (strings) # NOTE: This will still fail on: 100 Broome St, 33333 (if 33333 is # Broome, MT or what) strings = expand_streets(strings) # fix for "Mountain View" -> "Mountain Vw" match ='\s*\b(?:' + strings.join("|") + ')\b\s*$', Regexp::IGNORECASE) @street = {|string| string.gsub(match, '')}.select {|s|!s.empty?} end def po_box? !Match[:po_box].match(@text).nil? end def intersection? !Match[:at].match(@text).nil? end end end