# As2OutgoingMessage ## Example As2OutgoingMessage Object ``` { "id": 1, "as2_partner_id": 1, "as2_station_id": 1, "uuid": "", "http_headers": "", "activity_log": "", "processing_result": "", "mic": "", "mic_sha_256": "", "as2_to": "", "as2_from": "", "date": "", "message_id": "", "body_size": "", "attachment_filename": "", "created_at": "2000-01-01T01:00:00Z", "http_response_code": "", "http_response_headers": "", "mdn_received": true, "mdn_valid": true, "mdn_signature_verified": true, "mdn_message_id_matched": true, "mdn_mic_matched": true, "mdn_processing_success": true, "raw_uri": "", "smime_uri": "", "smime_signed_uri": "", "encrypted_uri": "", "mdn_response_uri": "" } ``` * `id` (int64): Id of the AS2 Partner. * `as2_partner_id` (int64): Id of the AS2 Partner associated with this message. * `as2_station_id` (int64): Id of the AS2 Station associated with this message. * `uuid` (string): UUID assigned to this message. * `http_headers` (object): HTTP Headers sent with this message. * `activity_log` (string): JSON Structure of the activity log. * `processing_result` (string): Result of processing. * `mic` (string): AS2 Message Integrity Check SHA1 * `mic_sha_256` (string): AS2 Message Integrity Check SHA256 * `as2_to` (string): AS2 TO * `as2_from` (string): AS2 FROM * `date` (string): Date Header * `message_id` (string): AS2 Message Id * `body_size` (string): Encrypted Payload Body Size * `attachment_filename` (string): Filename of the file being sent. * `created_at` (date-time): Message creation date/time * `http_response_code` (string): HTTP Response Code received for this message * `http_response_headers` (object): HTTP Headers received for this message. * `mdn_received` (boolean): Did the partner give a response body? * `mdn_valid` (boolean): Is the response in MDN format? * `mdn_signature_verified` (boolean): MDN signature verified? * `mdn_message_id_matched` (boolean): MDN message id matched? * `mdn_mic_matched` (boolean): MDN MIC matched? * `mdn_processing_success` (boolean): MDN disposition indicate a successful processing? * `raw_uri` (string): URL to download the original file contents * `smime_uri` (string): URL to download the file contents encoded as smime * `smime_signed_uri` (string): URL to download the file contents as smime with signature * `encrypted_uri` (string): URL to download the encrypted signed smime that is to sent as AS2 body * `mdn_response_uri` (string): URL to download the http response body --- ## List As2 Outgoing Messages ``` Files::As2OutgoingMessage.list( per_page: 1, as2_partner_id: 1 ) ``` ### Parameters * `cursor` (string): Used for pagination. Send a cursor value to resume an existing list from the point at which you left off. Get a cursor from an existing list via either the X-Files-Cursor-Next header or the X-Files-Cursor-Prev header. * `per_page` (int64): Number of records to show per page. (Max: 10,000, 1,000 or less is recommended). * `as2_partner_id` (int64): As2 Partner ID. If provided, will return message specific to that partner.