require "set" require "relaton_bib" module Metanorma module Standoc module Cleanup def ref_dl_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//clause[@bibitem = 'true']").each do |c| bib = dl_bib_extract(c) or next validate_ref_dl(bib, c) bibitemxml = RelatonBib::BibliographicItem.from_hash(bib).to_xml or next bibitem = Nokogiri::XML(bibitemxml) bibitem.root["id"] = c["id"] if c["id"] && !/^_/.match(c["id"]) c.replace(bibitem.root) end end # do not accept implicit id def validate_ref_dl(bib, clause) id = bib["id"] id ||= clause["id"] unless /^_/.match?(clause["id"]) unless id @log.add("Anchors", clause, "The following reference is missing an anchor:\n"\ "#{clause.to_xml}") return end @refids << id validate_ref_dl1(bib, id, clause) end def validate_ref_dl1(bib, id, clause) bib["title"] or @log.add("Bibliography", clause, "Reference #{id} is missing a title") bib["docid"] or @log.add("Bibliography", clause, "Reference #{id} is missing a document identifier (docid)") end def extract_from_p(tag, bib, key) return unless bib[tag] "<#{key}>#{bib[tag].at('p').children}#{key}>" end # if the content is a single paragraph, replace it with its children # single links replaced with uri def p_unwrap(para) elems = para.elements if elems.size == 1 && elems[0].name == "p" link_unwrap(elems[0]).children.to_xml.strip else para.to_xml.strip end end def link_unwrap(para) elems = para.elements if elems.size == 1 && elems[0].name == "link""./link").replace(elems[0]["target"].strip) end para end def dd_bib_extract(dtd) return nil if dtd.children.empty?"./dl") and return dl_bib_extract(dtd) elems = dtd.remove.elements return p_unwrap(dtd) unless elems.size == 1 && %w(ol ul).include?(elems[0].name) elems[0].xpath("./li").each_with_object([]) do |li, ret| ret << p_unwrap(li) end end def add_to_hash(bib, key, val) Metanorma::Utils::set_nested_value(bib, key.split("."), val) end # definition list, with at most one level of unordered lists def dl_bib_extract(clause, nested = false) dl ="./dl") or return key = "" bib = dl.xpath("./dt | ./dd").each_with_object({}) do |dtd, m| ( == "dt" and key = dtd.text.sub(/:+$/, "")) or add_to_hash(m, key, dd_bib_extract(dtd)) end clause.xpath("./clause").each do |c1| key = c1&.at("./title")&.text&.downcase&.strip next unless %w(contributor relation series).include? key add_to_hash(bib, key, dl_bib_extract(c1, true)) end dl_bib_extract_title(bib, clause, nested) end def dl_bib_extract_title(bib, clause, nested) (!nested &&"./title")) or return bib title ="./title").remove.children.to_xml bib["title"] = [bib["title"]] if bib["title"].is_a?(Hash) || bib["title"].is_a?(String) bib["title"] ||= [] bib["title"] << title if !title.empty? bib end # --- def formattedref_spans(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//bibitem[formattedref//span]").each do |b| spans_to_bibitem(b, spans_preprocess(extract_content(b))) end end def extract_content(bib) extract_docid(bib) + extract_spans(bib) end def extract_spans(bib) bib.xpath("./formattedref//span").each_with_object([]) do |s, m| keys = s["class"].split(".", 2) m << { key: keys[0], type: keys[1], val: s.children.to_xml } (s["class"] == "type" and s.remove) or s.replace(s.children) end end def extract_docid(bib) bib.xpath("./docidentifier").each_with_object([]) do |d, m| m << { key: "docid", type: d["type"], val: d.text } d.remove end end def spans_preprocess(spans) ret = { contributor: [], docid: [], uri: [], date: [] } spans.each do |s| case s[:key] when "uri", "docid" ret[s[:key].to_sym] << { type: s[:type], val: s[:val] } when "pubyear" then ret[:date] << { type: "published", val: s[:val] } when "pubplace", "title", "type" then ret[s[:key].to_sym] = s[:val] when "publisher" ret[:contributor] << { role: "publisher", entity: "organization", name: s[:val] } when "surname", "initials", "givenname", "formatted-initials" ret[:contributor] = spans_preprocess_contrib(s, ret[:contributor]) end end ret end def spans_preprocess_contrib(span, contrib) span[:key] = "formatted-initials" if span[:key] == "initials" spans_preprocess_new_contrib?(span, contrib) and contrib << { role: span[:type] || "author", entity: "person" } contrib[-1][span[:key].to_sym] = span[:val] contrib end def spans_preprocess_new_contrib?(span, contrib) contrib.empty? || (if span[:key] == "surname" then contrib[-1][:surname] else (contrib[-1][:"formatted-initials"] || contrib[-1][:givenname]) end) || contrib[-1][:role] != (span[:type] || "author") end def spans_to_bibitem(bib, spans) ret = "" spans[:title] and ret += "