= Grouped Validations Allows you to define validation groups in ActiveRecord for more control over what validations you want to run. This can be useful for multi-page forms or wizard style data entry. Works with Rails 2.3.5 and probably earlier. Haven't tried it with Rails 3 yet. == Installation Just install the gem gem install grouped_validations Add it to your Rails environment gems config.gem 'grouped_validations' == Usage Define validations as you would normally but inside a validation_group block which you pass a group name to. class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validation_group :name do validates_presence_of :first_name validates_presence_of :last_name end validates_presence_of :sex end You can define validations outside the group as normal. To check for errors for only a certain group of validations p = Person.new p.group_valid?(:name) # => false p.first_name = 'John' p.last_name = 'Smith' p.group_valid?(:name) # => true If you run the normal valid? method all validations, inside and outside validation groups, will be run. p.valid? # => false because sex is not present You can also check validation for multiple groups p.groups_valid?(:group1, :group2) == Credits * Adam Meehan (http://github.com/adzap) Copyright (c) 2010 Adam Meehan, released under the MIT license