# :stopdoc: ENV['RC_ARCHS'] = '' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ require 'mkmf' ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..')) # # functions # def windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mingw32|mswin/ end def solaris? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /solaris/ end def darwin? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /darwin/ end def openbsd? RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /openbsd/ end def nix? ! (windows? || solaris? || darwin?) end def sh_export_path path # because libxslt 1.1.29 configure.in uses AC_PATH_TOOL which treats ":" # as a $PATH separator, we need to convert windows paths from # # C:/path/to/foo # # to # # /C/path/to/foo # # which is sh-compatible, in order to find things properly during # configuration if windows? match = Regexp.new("^([A-Z]):(/.*)").match(path) if match && match.length == 3 return File.join("/", match[1], match[2]) end end path end def do_help print < SRC else version_int = sprintf "%d%2.2d%2.2d", *(version.split(".")) <<-SRC #include #if LIBXML_VERSION < #{version_int} #error libxml2 is older than #{version} #endif SRC end try_cpp source end def add_cflags(flags) print "checking if the C compiler accepts #{flags}... " with_cflags("#{$CFLAGS} #{flags}") do if nokogiri_try_compile puts 'yes' true else puts 'no' false end end end def preserving_globals values = [ $arg_config, $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, $LIBPATH, $libs ].map(&:dup) yield ensure $arg_config, $CFLAGS, $CPPFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, $LIBPATH, $libs = values end def asplode(lib) abort "-----\n#{lib} is missing. Please locate mkmf.log to investigate how it is failing.\n-----" end def have_iconv?(using = nil) checking_for(using ? "iconv using #{using}" : 'iconv') do ['', '-liconv'].any? do |opt| preserving_globals do yield if block_given? try_link(<<-'SRC', opt) #include #include int main(void) { iconv_t cd = iconv_open("", ""); iconv(cd, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } SRC end end end end def iconv_configure_flags # If --with-iconv-dir or --with-opt-dir is given, it should be # the first priority %w[iconv opt].each do |name| if (config = preserving_globals { dir_config(name) }).any? && have_iconv?("--with-#{name}-* flags") { dir_config(name) } idirs, ldirs = config.map do |dirs| Array(dirs).flat_map do |dir| dir.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end if dirs end return [ '--with-iconv=yes', *("CPPFLAGS=#{idirs.map { |dir| '-I' + dir }.join(' ')}" if idirs), *("LDFLAGS=#{ldirs.map { |dir| '-L' + dir }.join(' ')}" if ldirs), ] end end if have_iconv? return ['--with-iconv=yes'] end if (config = preserving_globals { package_config('libiconv') }) && have_iconv?('pkg-config libiconv') { package_config('libiconv') } cflags, ldflags, libs = config return [ '--with-iconv=yes', "CPPFLAGS=#{cflags}", "LDFLAGS=#{ldflags}", "LIBS=#{libs}", ] end asplode "libiconv" end # When using rake-compiler-dock on Windows, the underlying Virtualbox shared # folders don't support symlinks, but libiconv expects it for a build on # Linux. We work around this limitation by using the temp dir for cooking. def chdir_for_build build_dir = ENV['RCD_HOST_RUBY_PLATFORM'].to_s =~ /mingw|mswin|cygwin/ ? '/tmp' : '.' Dir.chdir(build_dir) do yield end end def process_recipe(name, version, static_p, cross_p) MiniPortile.new(name, version).tap do |recipe| recipe.target = File.join(ROOT, "ports") # Prefer host_alias over host in order to use i586-mingw32msvc as # correct compiler prefix for cross build, but use host if not set. recipe.host = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"].empty? ? RbConfig::CONFIG["host"] : RbConfig::CONFIG["host_alias"] recipe.patch_files = Dir[File.join(ROOT, "patches", name, "*.patch")].sort recipe.configure_options << "--libdir=#{File.join(recipe.path, "lib")}" yield recipe env = Hash.new do |hash, key| hash[key] = "#{ENV[key]}" # (ENV[key].dup rescue '') end recipe.configure_options.flatten! recipe.configure_options.delete_if do |option| case option when /\A(\w+)=(.*)\z/ env[$1] = $2 true else false end end if static_p recipe.configure_options += [ "--disable-shared", "--enable-static", ] env['CFLAGS'] = "-fPIC #{env['CFLAGS']}" else recipe.configure_options += [ "--enable-shared", "--disable-static", ] end if cross_p recipe.configure_options += [ "--target=#{recipe.host}", "--host=#{recipe.host}", ] end if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_cpu'] == 'universal' %w[CFLAGS LDFLAGS].each do |key| unless env[key].include?('-arch') env[key] += ' ' + RbConfig::CONFIG['ARCH_FLAG'] end end end recipe.configure_options += env.map do |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" end message <<-"EOS" ************************************************************************ IMPORTANT NOTICE: Building Nokogiri with a packaged version of #{name}-#{version}#{'.' if recipe.patch_files.empty?} EOS unless recipe.patch_files.empty? message "with the following patches applied:\n" recipe.patch_files.each do |patch| message "\t- %s\n" % File.basename(patch) end end message <<-"EOS" Team Nokogiri will keep on doing their best to provide security updates in a timely manner, but if this is a concern for you and want to use the system library instead; abort this installation process and reinstall nokogiri as follows: gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries [--with-xml2-config=/path/to/xml2-config] [--with-xslt-config=/path/to/xslt-config] If you are using Bundler, tell it to use the option: bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries bundle install EOS message <<-"EOS" if name == 'libxml2' Note, however, that nokogiri is not fully compatible with arbitrary versions of libxml2 provided by OS/package vendors. EOS message <<-"EOS" ************************************************************************ EOS checkpoint = "#{recipe.target}/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}-#{recipe.host}.installed" unless File.exist?(checkpoint) chdir_for_build do recipe.cook end FileUtils.touch checkpoint end recipe.activate end end def lib_a(ldflag) case ldflag when /\A-l(.+)/ "lib#{$1}.#{$LIBEXT}" end end def using_system_libraries? arg_config('--use-system-libraries', !!ENV['NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES']) end # # main # case when arg_config('--help') do_help when arg_config('--clean') do_clean end if openbsd? && !using_system_libraries? if `#{ENV['CC'] || '/usr/bin/cc'} -v 2>&1` !~ /clang/ ENV['CC'] ||= find_executable('egcc') or abort "Please install gcc 4.9+ from ports using `pkg_add -v gcc`" end ENV['CFLAGS'] = "#{ENV['CFLAGS']} -I /usr/local/include" end RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] = ENV['CC'] if ENV['CC'] # use same c compiler for libxml and libxslt ENV['CC'] = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] $LIBS << " #{ENV["LIBS"]}" # Read CFLAGS from ENV and make sure compiling works. add_cflags(ENV["CFLAGS"]) if windows? $CFLAGS << " -DXP_WIN -DXP_WIN32 -DUSE_INCLUDED_VASPRINTF" end if solaris? $CFLAGS << " -DUSE_INCLUDED_VASPRINTF" end if darwin? # Let Apple LLVM/clang 5.1 ignore unknown compiler flags add_cflags("-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future") end if nix? $CFLAGS << " -g -DXP_UNIX" end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/i # Work around a character escaping bug in MSYS by passing an arbitrary # double quoted parameter to gcc. See https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw/bugs/2142 $CPPFLAGS << ' "-Idummypath"' end if RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] =~ /gcc/ $CFLAGS << " -O3" unless $CFLAGS[/-O\d/] $CFLAGS << " -Wall -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-noreturn -Winline" end case when using_system_libraries? message "Building nokogiri using system libraries.\n" dir_config('zlib') # Using system libraries means we rely on the system libxml2 with # regard to the iconv support. dir_config('xml2').any? or package_config('libxml-2.0') dir_config('xslt').any? or package_config('libxslt') dir_config('exslt').any? or package_config('libexslt') check_libxml_version or abort "ERROR: cannot discover where libxml2 is located on your system. please make sure `pkg-config` is installed." check_libxml_version("2.6.21") or abort "ERROR: libxml2 version 2.6.21 or later is required!" check_libxml_version("2.9.3") or warn "WARNING: libxml2 version 2.9.3 or later is highly recommended, but proceeding anyway." else message "Building nokogiri using packaged libraries.\n" # The gem version constraint in the Rakefile is not respected at install time. # Keep this version in sync with the one in the Rakefile ! require 'rubygems' gem 'mini_portile2', '~> 2.3.0' require 'mini_portile2' message "Using mini_portile version #{MiniPortile::VERSION}\n" require 'yaml' static_p = enable_config('static', true) or message "Static linking is disabled.\n" dir_config('zlib') dependencies = YAML.load_file(File.join(ROOT, "dependencies.yml")) cross_build_p = enable_config("cross-build") if cross_build_p || windows? zlib_recipe = process_recipe("zlib", dependencies["zlib"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://zlib.net/fossils/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["zlib"]["sha256"] }] class << recipe attr_accessor :cross_build_p def configure Dir.chdir work_path do mk = File.read 'win32/Makefile.gcc' File.open 'win32/Makefile.gcc', 'wb' do |f| f.puts "BINARY_PATH = #{path}/bin" f.puts "LIBRARY_PATH = #{path}/lib" f.puts "INCLUDE_PATH = #{path}/include" mk.sub!(/^PREFIX\s*=\s*$/, "PREFIX = #{host}-") if cross_build_p f.puts mk end end end def configured? Dir.chdir work_path do !! (File.read('win32/Makefile.gcc') =~ /^BINARY_PATH/) end end def compile execute "compile", "make -f win32/Makefile.gcc" end def install execute "install", "make -f win32/Makefile.gcc install" end end recipe.cross_build_p = cross_build_p end libiconv_recipe = process_recipe("libiconv", dependencies["libiconv"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/libiconv/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libiconv"]["sha256"] }] recipe.configure_options += [ "CPPFLAGS=-Wall", "CFLAGS=-O2 -g", "CXXFLAGS=-O2 -g", "LDFLAGS=" ] end else if darwin? && !have_header('iconv.h') abort <<'EOM'.chomp ----- The file "iconv.h" is missing in your build environment, which means you haven't installed Xcode Command Line Tools properly. To install Command Line Tools, try running `xcode-select --install` on terminal and follow the instructions. If it fails, open Xcode.app, select from the menu "Xcode" - "Open Developer Tool" - "More Developer Tools" to open the developer site, download the installer for your OS version and run it. ----- EOM end end unless windows? preserving_globals { have_library('z', 'gzdopen', 'zlib.h') } or abort 'zlib is missing; necessary for building libxml2' end libxml2_recipe = process_recipe("libxml2", dependencies["libxml2"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://xmlsoft.org/sources/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libxml2"]["sha256"] }] recipe.configure_options += [ "--without-python", "--without-readline", *(zlib_recipe ? ["--with-zlib=#{zlib_recipe.path}", "CFLAGS=-I#{zlib_recipe.path}/include"] : []), *(libiconv_recipe ? "--with-iconv=#{libiconv_recipe.path}" : iconv_configure_flags), "--with-c14n", "--with-debug", "--with-threads" ] end libxslt_recipe = process_recipe("libxslt", dependencies["libxslt"]["version"], static_p, cross_build_p) do |recipe| recipe.files = [{ url: "http://xmlsoft.org/sources/#{recipe.name}-#{recipe.version}.tar.gz", sha256: dependencies["libxslt"]["sha256"] }] recipe.configure_options += [ "--without-python", "--without-crypto", "--with-debug", "--with-libxml-prefix=#{sh_export_path(libxml2_recipe.path)}" ] end $CFLAGS << ' ' << '-DNOKOGIRI_USE_PACKAGED_LIBRARIES' $LIBPATH = ["#{zlib_recipe.path}/lib"] | $LIBPATH if zlib_recipe $LIBPATH = ["#{libiconv_recipe.path}/lib"] | $LIBPATH if libiconv_recipe have_lzma = preserving_globals { have_library('lzma') } $libs = $libs.shellsplit.tap do |libs| [libxml2_recipe, libxslt_recipe].each do |recipe| libname = recipe.name[/\Alib(.+)\z/, 1] File.join(recipe.path, "bin", "#{libname}-config").tap do |config| # call config scripts explicit with 'sh' for compat with Windows $CPPFLAGS = `sh #{config} --cflags`.strip << ' ' << $CPPFLAGS `sh #{config} --libs`.strip.shellsplit.each do |arg| case arg when /\A-L(.+)\z/ # Prioritize ports' directories if $1.start_with?(ROOT + '/') $LIBPATH = [$1] | $LIBPATH else $LIBPATH = $LIBPATH | [$1] end when /\A-l./ libs.unshift(arg) else $LDFLAGS << ' ' << arg.shellescape end end end # Defining a macro that expands to a C string; double quotes are significant. $CPPFLAGS << ' ' << "-DNOKOGIRI_#{recipe.name.upcase}_PATH=\"#{recipe.path}\"".inspect $CPPFLAGS << ' ' << "-DNOKOGIRI_#{recipe.name.upcase}_PATCHES=\"#{recipe.patch_files.map { |path| File.basename(path) }.join(' ')}\"".inspect case libname when 'xml2' # xslt-config --libs or pkg-config libxslt --libs does not include # -llzma, so we need to add it manually when linking statically. if static_p && have_lzma # Add it at the end; GH #988 libs << '-llzma' end when 'xslt' # xslt-config does not have a flag to emit options including # -lexslt, so add it manually. libs.unshift('-lexslt') end end end.shelljoin if static_p $libs = $libs.shellsplit.map do |arg| case arg when '-lxml2' File.join(libxml2_recipe.path, 'lib', lib_a(arg)) when '-lxslt', '-lexslt' File.join(libxslt_recipe.path, 'lib', lib_a(arg)) else arg end end.shelljoin end end { "xml2" => ['xmlParseDoc', 'libxml/parser.h'], "xslt" => ['xsltParseStylesheetDoc', 'libxslt/xslt.h'], "exslt" => ['exsltFuncRegister', 'libexslt/exslt.h'], }.each do |lib, (func, header)| have_func(func, header) || have_library(lib, func, header) || have_library("lib#{lib}", func, header) or asplode("lib#{lib}") end have_func('xmlHasFeature') or abort "xmlHasFeature() is missing." have_func('xmlFirstElementChild') have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetParserStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlRelaxNGSetValidStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlSchemaSetValidStructuredErrors') have_func('xmlSchemaSetParserStructuredErrors') create_makefile('nokogiri/nokogiri') if enable_config('clean', true) # Do not clean if run in a development work tree. File.open('Makefile', 'at') do |mk| mk.print <