doctype 5 / This should really be a media query in the css html lang=(attr :lang, 'en' unless attr? :nolang) class="aspect-#{attr 'dzslides-aspect', '4-3'}" head meta charset=(attr :encoding) meta name='generator' content="Asciidoctor #{attr 'asciidoctor-version'}, dzslides backend" title=((doctitle :sanitize => true) || (attr 'untitled-label')) - {:description => 'description', :author => 'author', :copyright => 'copyright', :revdate => 'presdate', :corpname => 'company'}.each do |key, name| - if attr? key meta name=name content=(attr key) link rel='stylesheet' href="{attr 'dzslides-fonts', 'family=Oswald'}" - if attr? :icons, 'font' - if !(attr 'iconfont-remote', '').nil? link rel='stylesheet' href=(attr 'iconfont-cdn', '') - else link rel='stylesheet' href=normalize_web_path("#{attr 'iconfont-name', 'font-awesome'}.css", (attr :stylesdir, '')) - if attr? 'source-highlighter' link rel='stylesheet' href="./dzslides/themes/highlight/#{attr 'dzslides-highlight', 'default'}.css" link rel='stylesheet' href="./dzslides/themes/style/#{attr 'dzslides-style', 'default'}.css" /FIXME move this CSS into stylesheet style |section:not(.topic) > h2 { | display: none; |} /bug in full screen image if include dzslides.css before ours link rel='stylesheet' href='./dzslides/core/dzslides.css' link rel='stylesheet' href="./dzslides/themes/transition/#{attr 'dzslides-transition', 'horizontal-slide'}.css" - if attr? 'math' script type='text/x-mathjax-config' |MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['\\(','\\)']], displayMath: [['\\[','\\]']], ignoreClass: 'nomath|nolatexmath' }, asciimath2jax: { delimiters: [['\\$','\\$']], ignoreClass: 'nomath|noasciimath' } }); script type='text/javascript' src='' script type='text/javascript' |document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', MathJax.Hub.TypeSet) =docinfo '.html' body id=@id section.title h1=@header.title footer #{attr :author}#{(attr :corpname) && " - #{attr :corpname}"} - if attr? :email ' =sub_macros(attr :email) - if (authorcount = (attr :authorcount).to_i) > 1 - (2..authorcount).each do |idx| span.divider  · =(attr "author_#{idx}") - if attr? "email_#{idx}" ' =sub_macros(attr "email_#{idx}") - if attr? :hashtag span.hashtag=(attr :hashtag) =content script src='./dzslides/core/dzslides.js' - if attr? 'dzslides-highlight' script src='./dzslides/highlight/highlight.pack.js' script hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()