Given /^I am logged in as an admin$/ do User.create!(:login => 'admin', :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret', :name => 'Administrator', :admin => true) Given "I go to to \"the welcome page\"" When "I fill in \"Username\" with \"admin\"" When "I fill in \"Password\" with \"secret\"" When "I press \"Login\"" end Given /^a page "([^\"]*)" exists$/ do |title| Factory.create(:page, :title => title) end Given /^a page "([^\"]*)" exists with a "([^\"]*)" page part$/ do |title, part| page = Factory.create(:page, :title => title) Factory.create(:page_part, :name => part, :page => page) end Given /^a page "([^\"]*)" exists translated to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |title, translated_title| page = Factory.create(:page, :title => title) Factory.create(:romanian_page_translation, :page => page, :title => translated_title) end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" page should contain "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)" locale$/ do |title, content, locale| page = Page.find_by_title(title) == content end Given /^a layout "([^\"]*)" exists$/ do |name| Factory.create(:layout, :name => name) end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" layout should be saved for "([^\"]*)" locale$/ do |name, locale| layout = Layout.find_by_name(name) layout.translated_locales.should include(locale.to_sym) end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" layout should contain "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)" locale$/ do |name, content, locale| layout = Layout.find_by_name(name) layout.translations.find_by_locale(locale).content.should == content end Given /^a snippet "([^\"]*)" exists$/ do |name| Factory.create(:snippet, :name => name) end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" snippet should be saved for "([^\"]*)" locale$/ do |name, locale| snippet = Snippet.find_by_name(name) snippet.translated_locales.should include(locale.to_sym) end Then /^the "([^\"]*)" snippet should contain "([^\"]*)" for "([^\"]*)" locale$/ do |name, content, locale| snippet = Snippet.find_by_name(name) snippet.translations.find_by_locale(locale).content.should == content end