module TelphinApi # A module that handles method result processing. # # It implements method blocks support, result typecasting and raises `TelphinApi::Error` in case of an error response. module Result class << self # The main method result processing. # @param [Hashie::Mash] response The server response in mash format. # @param [Symbol] type The expected result type (`:boolean` or `:anything`). # @param [Proc] block A block passed to the API method. # @return [Array, Hashie::Mash] The processed result. # @raise [TelphinApi::Error] raised when Telphin returns an error response. def process(response, type, block) result = extract_result(response) if result.respond_to?(:each) # enumerable result receives :map with a block when called with a block # or is returned untouched otherwise block.nil? ? result : else # non-enumerable result is typecasted # (and yielded if block_given?) result = typecast(result, type) block.nil? ? result : end end private def extract_result(response) if response.error? raise else response end end def typecast(parameter, type) case type when :boolean # '1' becomes true, '0' becomes false ! else parameter end end end end end