# Some things just aren't going to get better due to the inherent complexity of the AST # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength module CukeModeler # NOT A PART OF THE PUBLIC API # An adapter that can convert the output of version 9.x of the *cucumber-gherkin* gem into input that is consumable # by this gem. class Gherkin9Adapter # Adapts the given AST into the shape that this gem expects def adapt(ast) adapted_ast = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_ast, ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_ast, [[:feature], [:comments]]) adapted_ast['comments'] = adapt_comments(ast) adapted_ast['feature'] = adapt_feature(ast[:feature]) adapted_ast end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given feature node. def adapt_feature(feature_ast) return nil unless feature_ast adapted_feature = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_feature, feature_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_feature, [[:tags], [:children]]) adapted_feature['keyword'] = feature_ast[:keyword] adapted_feature['name'] = feature_ast[:name] adapted_feature['description'] = feature_ast[:description] || '' adapted_feature['line'] = feature_ast[:location][:line] adapted_feature['elements'] = adapt_child_elements(feature_ast) adapted_feature['tags'] = adapt_tags(feature_ast) adapted_feature end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given background node. def adapt_background(background_ast) adapted_background = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_background, background_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_background, [[:background, :steps]]) adapted_background['type'] = 'Background' adapted_background['keyword'] = background_ast[:background][:keyword] adapted_background['name'] = background_ast[:background][:name] adapted_background['description'] = background_ast[:background][:description] || '' adapted_background['line'] = background_ast[:background][:location][:line] adapted_background['steps'] = adapt_steps(background_ast[:background]) adapted_background end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given rule node. def adapt_rule(rule_ast) adapted_rule = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_rule, rule_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_rule, [[:rule, :children]]) adapted_rule['type'] = 'Rule' adapted_rule['keyword'] = rule_ast[:rule][:keyword] adapted_rule['name'] = rule_ast[:rule][:name] adapted_rule['description'] = rule_ast[:rule][:description] || '' adapted_rule['line'] = rule_ast[:rule][:location][:line] adapted_rule['elements'] = adapt_child_elements(rule_ast[:rule]) adapted_rule end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given scenario node. def adapt_scenario(test_ast) adapted_scenario = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_scenario, test_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_scenario, [[:scenario, :tags], [:scenario, :steps]]) adapted_scenario['type'] = 'Scenario' adapted_scenario['keyword'] = test_ast[:scenario][:keyword] adapted_scenario['name'] = test_ast[:scenario][:name] adapted_scenario['description'] = test_ast[:scenario][:description] || '' adapted_scenario['line'] = test_ast[:scenario][:location][:line] adapted_scenario['tags'] = adapt_tags(test_ast[:scenario]) adapted_scenario['steps'] = adapt_steps(test_ast[:scenario]) adapted_scenario end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given outline node. def adapt_outline(test_ast) adapted_outline = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_outline, test_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_outline, [[:scenario, :tags], [:scenario, :steps], [:scenario, :examples]]) adapted_outline['type'] = 'ScenarioOutline' adapted_outline['keyword'] = test_ast[:scenario][:keyword] adapted_outline['name'] = test_ast[:scenario][:name] adapted_outline['description'] = test_ast[:scenario][:description] || '' adapted_outline['line'] = test_ast[:scenario][:location][:line] adapted_outline['tags'] = adapt_tags(test_ast[:scenario]) adapted_outline['steps'] = adapt_steps(test_ast[:scenario]) adapted_outline['examples'] = adapt_examples(test_ast[:scenario]) adapted_outline end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given example node. def adapt_example(example_ast) adapted_example = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_example, example_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_example, [[:tags], [:table_header], [:table_body]]) adapted_example['keyword'] = example_ast[:keyword] adapted_example['name'] = example_ast[:name] adapted_example['line'] = example_ast[:location][:line] adapted_example['description'] = example_ast[:description] || '' adapted_example['rows'] = [] adapted_example['rows'] << adapt_table_row(example_ast[:table_header]) if example_ast[:table_header] example_ast[:table_body]&.each do |row| adapted_example['rows'] << adapt_table_row(row) end adapted_example['tags'] = adapt_tags(example_ast) adapted_example end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given tag node. def adapt_tag(tag_ast) adapted_tag = {} # Saving off the original data save_original_data(adapted_tag, tag_ast) adapted_tag['name'] = tag_ast[:name] adapted_tag['line'] = tag_ast[:location][:line] adapted_tag end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given comment node. def adapt_comment(comment_ast) adapted_comment = {} # Saving off the original data save_original_data(adapted_comment, comment_ast) adapted_comment['text'] = comment_ast[:text] adapted_comment['line'] = comment_ast[:location][:line] adapted_comment end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given step node. def adapt_step(step_ast) adapted_step = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_step, step_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_step, [[:data_table], [:doc_string]]) adapted_step['keyword'] = step_ast[:keyword] adapted_step['name'] = step_ast[:text] adapted_step['line'] = step_ast[:location][:line] if step_ast[:doc_string] adapted_step['doc_string'] = adapt_doc_string(step_ast[:doc_string]) elsif step_ast[:data_table] adapted_step['table'] = adapt_step_table(step_ast[:data_table]) end adapted_step end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given doc string node. def adapt_doc_string(doc_string_ast) adapted_doc_string = {} # Saving off the original data save_original_data(adapted_doc_string, doc_string_ast) adapted_doc_string['value'] = doc_string_ast[:content] adapted_doc_string['content_type'] = doc_string_ast[:media_type] adapted_doc_string['line'] = doc_string_ast[:location][:line] adapted_doc_string end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given table node. def adapt_step_table(step_table_ast) adapted_step_table = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_step_table, step_table_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_step_table, [[:rows]]) adapted_step_table['rows'] = [] step_table_ast[:rows].each do |row| adapted_step_table['rows'] << adapt_table_row(row) end adapted_step_table['line'] = step_table_ast[:location][:line] adapted_step_table end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given row node. def adapt_table_row(table_row_ast) adapted_table_row = {} # Saving off the original data and removing parsed data for child elements in order to avoid duplicating data save_original_data(adapted_table_row, table_row_ast) clear_child_elements(adapted_table_row, [[:cells]]) adapted_table_row['line'] = table_row_ast[:location][:line] adapted_table_row['cells'] = [] table_row_ast[:cells].each do |row| adapted_table_row['cells'] << adapt_table_cell(row) end adapted_table_row end # Adapts the AST sub-tree that is rooted at the given cell node. def adapt_table_cell(cell_ast) adapted_cell = {} # Saving off the original data save_original_data(adapted_cell, cell_ast) adapted_cell['value'] = cell_ast[:value] adapted_cell['line'] = cell_ast[:location][:line] adapted_cell end private def adapt_comments(file_ast) return [] unless file_ast[:comments] file_ast[:comments].map { |comment| adapt_comment(comment) } end def adapt_tags(element_ast) return [] unless element_ast[:tags] element_ast[:tags].map { |tag| adapt_tag(tag) } end def adapt_steps(element_ast) return [] unless element_ast[:steps] element_ast[:steps].map { |step| adapt_step(step) } end def adapt_examples(element_ast) return [] unless element_ast[:examples] element_ast[:examples].map { |example| adapt_example(example) } end def adapt_child_elements(element_ast) return [] unless element_ast[:children] adapted_children = [] element_ast[:children].each do |child_element| adapted_children << if child_element[:background] adapt_background(child_element) elsif child_element[:rule] adapt_rule(child_element) else adapt_test(child_element) end end adapted_children end def adapt_test(test_ast) if (test_node?(test_ast) && test_has_examples?(test_ast)) || (test_node?(test_ast) && test_uses_outline_keyword?(test_ast)) adapt_outline(test_ast) elsif test_node?(test_ast) adapt_scenario(test_ast) else raise(ArgumentError, "Unknown test type with keys: #{test_ast.keys}") end end def save_original_data(adapted_ast, raw_ast) adapted_ast['cuke_modeler_parsing_data'] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(raw_ast)) end def clear_child_elements(ast, child_paths) child_paths.each do |traversal_path| # Wipe the value if it's there but don't add any keys to the hash if it didn't already have them if ast['cuke_modeler_parsing_data'].dig(*traversal_path) bury(ast['cuke_modeler_parsing_data'], traversal_path, nil) end end end def bury(hash, traversal_path, value) keys = *traversal_path current = hash (keys.count - 1).times do |index| current = hash[keys[index]] end current[keys.last] = value end def test_node?(ast_node) !ast_node[:scenario].nil? end def test_has_examples?(ast_node) !ast_node[:scenario][:examples].nil? end def test_uses_outline_keyword?(test_ast) Parsing.dialects[Parsing.dialect]['scenarioOutline'].include?(test_ast[:scenario][:keyword]) end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength