class DeveloperNewsCliApp::CLI @@websites = ["FreeCodeCamp", "HackerNoon", "CodeBurst", "A List Apart"] @@current_article_count = 0 @@current_website = "" @@current_articles = [] def call welcome get_articles list_websites get_article_selection end def welcome puts "Welcome to the Developer News CLI App." puts "Scrapping the websties now..." end def get_articles end def list_websites puts "" self.websites.each.with_index(1){|website, index| puts"#{index}. #{website}"} puts "" puts "Please type the number of the website to see more of its articles" puts "Or type exit to end the program" get_website_input end def get_website_input input = nil input = gets.strip if input == "1" show_FreeCodeCampArticles elsif input == "2" show_HackerNoonArticles elsif input == "3" show_CodeBurstArticles elsif input == "4" show_AListApartArticles elsif input == "exit" goodbye elsif input == "list" list_websites else puts "I'm not sure what you meant." list_websites end end def article_selection_instructions puts "\nType the number of an article to see more information about it." puts "Or type list or l to see a list of websites." puts "Or type exit to end the program." get_article_selection end def get_article_selection input = nil max_number = @@current_articles.count input = gets.strip if input.to_i <= max_number && input.to_i != 0 print_summary(@@current_articles[input.to_i - 1]) elsif input == "list" || input == "l" list_websites initial_instructions elsif input.to_i > max_number puts "I'm not sure what you meant." article_selection_instructions elsif input =="exit" goodbye else get_article_selection end end def print_summary(article) puts "---------- #{@@current_website} ----------" puts "Title: #{article.title}" if article.subtitle != nil puts "Subtitle: #{article.subtitle}" end if article.trailing != nil puts "Trailing: #{article.trailing}" end puts "Author: #{}" if != nil puts "Date: #{}" end if article.read_time != nil puts "Read Time: #{article.read_time}" end get_article_summary_input(article) end def get_article_summary_input(article) puts "\nType read or r to open the article in your browser." puts "Type back or b to go back to the list of #{@@current_website} articles." puts "Type list or l to see a list of websites." puts "Type exit to exit the program." input = gets.strip case input when "r", "read" open_url(article) print_summary(article) when "b", "back" if @@current_website == "FreeCodeCamp" show_FreeCodeCampArticles article_selection_instructions elsif @@current_website == "HackerNoon" show_HackerNoonArticles article_selection_instructions elsif @@current_website == "CodeBurst" show_CodeBurstArticles article_selection_instructions else show_AListApartArticles article_selection_instructions end when "list", "l" list_websites # initial_instructions get_website_input when "exit" goodbye else puts "I'm not sure what you meant." get_article_summary_input(article) end end def show_FreeCodeCampArticles @@current_website = "FreeCodeCamp" update_current_article_count("FreeCodeCamp") @@current_articles = DeveloperNewsCliApp::FreeCodeCampScrapper.articles puts "\nFreeCodeCamp:\n" DeveloperNewsCliApp::FreeCodeCampScrapper.articles.each.with_index(1) do |article, index| puts "#{index}. #{article.title}" end article_selection_instructions end def show_HackerNoonArticles @@current_website = "HackerNoon" update_current_article_count("HackerNoon") @@current_articles = DeveloperNewsCliApp::HackerNoonScrapper.articles puts "\nHackerNoon:\n" DeveloperNewsCliApp::HackerNoonScrapper.articles.each.with_index(1) do |article, index| puts "#{index}. #{article.title}" end article_selection_instructions end def show_CodeBurstArticles @@current_website = "CodeBurst" update_current_article_count("CodeBurst") @@current_articles = DeveloperNewsCliApp::CodeBurstScrapper.articles puts "\nCodeBurst:\n" DeveloperNewsCliApp::CodeBurstScrapper.articles.each.with_index(1) do |article, index| puts "#{index}. #{article.title}" end article_selection_instructions end def show_AListApartArticles @@current_website = "AListApart" update_current_article_count("AListApart") @@current_articles = DeveloperNewsCliApp::AListApartScrapper.articles puts "\nA List Apart:\n" DeveloperNewsCliApp::AListApartScrapper.articles.each.with_index(1) do |article, index| puts "#{index}. #{article.title}" end article_selection_instructions end def list_articles puts "Today's top developer articles:" puts "" display_summaries puts "" end def display_summaries DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.clear_current_articles puts "Free Code Camp (FCC)" DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.add_to_current_artciles(DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.display_top_three("FreeCodeCamp")) puts "HackerNoon (HN)" DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.add_to_current_artciles(DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.display_top_three("HackerNoon")) puts "CodeBurst (CB)" DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.add_to_current_artciles(DeveloperNewsCliApp::Article.display_top_three("CodeBurst")) end def open_url(article) `open #{article.url}` end def websites @@websites end def current_article_count @@current_article_count end def update_current_article_count(website) case website when "FreeCodeCamp" @@current_article_count = DeveloperNewsCliApp::FreeCodeCampScrapper.article_count when "HackerNoon" @@current_article_count = DeveloperNewsCliApp::HackerNoonScrapper.article_count when "CodeBurst" @@current_article_count = DeveloperNewsCliApp::CodeBurstScrapper.article_count when "AListApart" @@current_article_count = DeveloperNewsCliApp::AListApartScrapper.article_count end end def goodbye puts "Thanks for using Developer News!" exit end end