module Rmega class Storage attr_reader :session def initialize session @session = session end def logger Rmega.logger end # Quota-related methods def used_space quota['cstrg'] end def total_space quota['mstrg'] end def quota session.request a: 'uq', strg: 1 end # Nodes finders def nodes nodes = session.request a: 'f', c: 1 nodes['f'].map { |node_data|, node_data) } end def nodes_by_type type { |n| n.type == type } end def nodes_by_name name_regexp do |node| and =~ name_regexp end end def trash_node @trash ||= nodes_by_type(:trash).first end def root_node @root_node ||= nodes_by_type(:root).first end # Handle node download def self.chunks size list = {} p = 0 pp = 0 i = 1 while i <= 8 and p < size - (i * 0x20000) list[p] = i * 0x20000 pp = p p += list[p] i += 1 end while p < size list[p] = 0x100000 pp = p p += list[p] end if size - pp > 0 list[pp] = size - pp end list end def download public_url, path Node.initialize_by_public_url(session, public_url).download path end # Handle file upload def upload_url filesize session.request(a: 'u', s: filesize)['p'] end def upload_chunk url, start, chunk response = "#{url}/#{start}", chunk, timeout: Rmega.options.upload_timeout response.body end def upload local_path, parent_node = root_node local_path = File.expand_path local_path filesize = File.size local_path upld_url = upload_url filesize ul_key = { rand(0..0xFFFFFFFF) } aes_key = ul_key[0..3] nonce = ul_key[4..5] local_file = local_path, 'rb' file_handle = nil file_mac = [0, 0, 0, 0] Utils.show_progress :upload, filesize self.class.chunks(filesize).each do |chunk_start, chunk_size| buffer = chunk_size # TODO: should be (chunk_start/0x1000000000) >>> 0, (chunk_start/0x10) >>> 0 nonce = [nonce[0], nonce[1], (chunk_start/0x1000000000) >> 0, (chunk_start/0x10) >> 0] encrypted_buffer = Crypto::AesCtr.encrypt aes_key, nonce, buffer chunk_mac = encrypted_buffer[:mac] file_handle = upload_chunk upld_url, chunk_start, encrypted_buffer[:data] file_mac = [file_mac[0] ^ chunk_mac[0], file_mac[1] ^ chunk_mac[1], file_mac[2] ^ chunk_mac[2], file_mac[3] ^ chunk_mac[3]] file_mac = Crypto::Aes.encrypt ul_key[0..3], file_mac Utils.show_progress :upload, filesize, chunk_size end attribs = {n: File.basename(local_path)} encrypt_attribs = Utils.a32_to_base64 Crypto.encrypt_attributes(ul_key[0..3], attribs) meta_mac = [file_mac[0] ^ file_mac[1], file_mac[2] ^ file_mac[3]] key = [ul_key[0] ^ ul_key[4], ul_key[1] ^ ul_key[5], ul_key[2] ^ meta_mac[0], ul_key[3] ^ meta_mac[1], ul_key[4], ul_key[5], meta_mac[0], meta_mac[1]] encrypted_key = Utils.a32_to_base64 Crypto.encrypt_key(session.master_key, key) session.request a: 'p', t: parent_node.handle, n: [{h: file_handle, t: 0, a: encrypt_attribs, k: encrypted_key}] nil ensure local_file.close if local_file end end end