require 'spec_helper' module Beaker describe Unix::Exec do class UnixExecTest include Unix::Exec def initialize(hash, logger) @hash = hash @logger = logger end def [](k) @hash[k] end def to_s "me" end end let (:opts) { @opts || {} } let (:logger) { double( 'logger' ).as_null_object } let (:instance) {, logger) } context "rm" do it "deletes" do path = '/path/to/delete' expect( instance ).to receive(:execute).with("rm -rf #{path}").and_return(0) expect( instance.rm_rf(path) ).to be === 0 end end context 'mv' do let(:origin) { '/origin/path/of/content' } let(:destination) { '/destination/path/of/content' } it 'rm first' do expect( instance ).to receive(:execute).with("rm -rf #{destination}").and_return(0) expect( instance ).to receive(:execute).with("mv #{origin} #{destination}").and_return(0) expect(, destination) ).to be === 0 end it 'does not rm' do expect( instance ).to receive(:execute).with("mv #{origin} #{destination}").and_return(0) expect(, destination, false) ).to be === 0 end end describe '#environment_string' do let(:host) { {'pathseparator' => ':'} } it 'returns a blank string if theres no env' do expect( instance ).to receive( :is_powershell? ).never expect( instance.environment_string( {} ) ).to be == '' end it 'takes an env hash with var_name/value pairs' do expect( instance.environment_string( {:HOME => '/', :http_proxy => 'http://foo'} ) ). to be == 'env HOME="/" http_proxy="http://foo" HTTP_PROXY="http://foo"' end it 'takes an env hash with var_name/value[Array] pairs' do expect( instance.environment_string( {:LD_PATH => ['/', '/tmp']}) ). to be == "env LD_PATH=\"/:/tmp\"" end end describe '#ssh_permit_user_environment' do context 'When called without error' do let (:directory) {'/directory'} let (:ssh_command) {"echo 'PermitUserEnvironment yes' | cat - /etc/ssh/sshd_config > #{directory}/sshd_config.permit"} let (:ssh_move) {"mv #{directory}/sshd_config.permit /etc/ssh/sshd_config"} platforms = PlatformHelpers::SYSTEMDPLATFORMS + PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS + PlatformHelpers::SYSTEMVPLATFORMS platforms.each do |platform| it "calls the correct commands for #{platform}" do opts['platform'] = platform expect(instance).to receive(:exec).twice expect(instance).to receive(:tmpdir).and_return(directory) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(ssh_move) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(ssh_command) expect(instance).to receive(:ssh_service_restart) expect{instance.ssh_permit_user_environment}.to_not raise_error end end end it 'raises an error on unsupported platforms' do opts['platform'] = 'notarealthing01-parts-arch' expect { instance.ssh_permit_user_environment }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /#{opts['platform']}/ ) end end describe '#ssh_service_restart' do PlatformHelpers::SYSTEMDPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls the correct command for #{platform}" do opts['platform'] = platform expect(instance).to receive(:exec) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("systemctl restart sshd.service") expect{instance.ssh_service_restart}.to_not raise_error end end PlatformHelpers::DEBIANPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls the correct command for #{platform}" do opts['platform'] = platform expect(instance).to receive(:exec) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("service ssh restart") expect{instance.ssh_service_restart}.to_not raise_error end end PlatformHelpers::SYSTEMVPLATFORMS.each do |platform| it "calls the correct command for #{platform}" do opts['platform'] = "#{platform}-arch" expect(instance).to receive(:exec) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("/sbin/service sshd restart") expect{instance.ssh_service_restart}.to_not raise_error end end it 'raises an error on unsupported platforms' do opts['platform'] = 'notarealthing02-parts-arch' expect { instance.ssh_service_restart }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /#{opts['platform']}/ ) end end describe '#prepend_commands' do it 'returns the pc parameter unchanged for non-cisco platforms' do allow( instance ).to receive( :[] ).with( :platform ).and_return( 'notcisco' ) answer_prepend_commands = 'pc_param_unchanged_13579' answer_test = instance.prepend_commands( 'fake_cmd', answer_prepend_commands ) expect( answer_test ).to be === answer_prepend_commands end end describe '#selinux_enabled?' do it 'calls selinuxenabled and selinux is enabled' do expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("sudo selinuxenabled").and_return(0) expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with(0, :accept_all_exit_codes => true).and_return(generate_result("test", {:exit_code => 0})) expect(instance.selinux_enabled?).to be === true end it 'calls selinuxenabled and selinux is not enabled' do expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("sudo selinuxenabled").and_return(1) expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with(1, :accept_all_exit_codes => true).and_return(generate_result("test", {:exit_code => 1})) expect(instance.selinux_enabled?).to be === false end end describe '#reboot' do # no-op response let (:response) { double( 'response' ) } let (:uptime_initial_response) { double( 'response' ) } let (:uptime_initial_stdout) { '19:52 up 14 mins, 2 users, load averages: 2.95 4.19 4.31' } let (:uptime_success_response) { double( 'response' ) } let (:uptime_success_stdout) { '19:52 up 0 mins, 2 users, load averages: 2.95 4.19 4.31' } let (:sleep_time) { 10 } before :each do # stubs enough to survive the first uptime call & output parsing # note: just stubs input-chain between calls, parsing methods still run allow(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("uptime").and_return(:uptime_command_stub) # mock initial uptime call allow(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub).and_return(uptime_initial_response).once allow(uptime_initial_response).to receive(:stdout).and_return(uptime_initial_stdout) allow(uptime_success_response).to receive(:stdout).and_return(uptime_success_stdout) allow(instance).to receive(:sleep) allow(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("/sbin/shutdown -r now").and_return(:shutdown_command_stub) end it 'raises a reboot failure when command fails' do expect(instance).not_to receive(:sleep) expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_raise(Host::CommandFailure).once expect{ instance.reboot }.to raise_error(Beaker::Host::RebootFailure, /Command failed when attempting to reboot: .*/) end it 'raises a reboot failure when we receive an unexpected error' do expect(instance).not_to receive(:sleep) expect(instance).to receive(:exec).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_raise(Net::SSH::HostKeyError).once expect { instance.reboot }.to raise_error(Beaker::Host::RebootFailure, /Unexpected exception in reboot: .*/) end it 'raises RebootFailure if new uptime is never less than old uptime' do expect(instance).to receive(:sleep).with(sleep_time) # bypass shutdown command itself expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_return(response).once # allow the second uptime and the hash arguments in exec, repeated 18 times by default in order to replicate the previous behavior of the ping based Host.down? expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub, anything).and_return(uptime_initial_response).exactly(18).times expect { instance.reboot }.to raise_error(Beaker::Host::RebootFailure, /Uptime did not reset/) end it 'raises RebootFailure if new uptime is never less than old uptime when the number of retries is changed' do expect(instance).to receive(:sleep).with(sleep_time) # bypass shutdown command itself expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_return(response).once # allow the second uptime and the hash arguments in exec, repeated 10 times by default expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub, anything).and_return(uptime_initial_response).exactly(10).times expect { instance.reboot(wait_time=sleep_time, max_connection_tries=9, uptime_retries=10) }.to raise_error(Beaker::Host::RebootFailure, /Uptime did not reset/) end it 'passes if new uptime is less than old uptime' do expect(instance).to receive(:sleep).with(sleep_time) # bypass shutdown command itself expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_return(response).once # allow the second uptime and the hash arguments in exec expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub, anything).and_return(uptime_success_response).once expect(instance.reboot).to be(nil) end context 'with wait_time_parameter' do it 'passes if new uptime is less than old uptime' do expect(instance).to receive(:sleep).with(10) # bypass shutdown command itself expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_return(response).once # allow the second uptime and the hash arguments in exec expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub, anything).and_return(uptime_success_response).once expect(instance.reboot(10)).to be(nil) end end context 'with max_connection_tries parameter' do it 'passes if new uptime is less than old uptime' do expect(instance).to receive(:sleep).with(sleep_time) # bypass shutdown command itself expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:shutdown_command_stub, anything).and_return(response).once # allow the second uptime and the hash arguments in exec expect(instance).to receive( :exec ).with(:uptime_command_stub, hash_including(:max_connection_tries => 20)).and_return(uptime_success_response).once expect(instance.reboot(sleep_time, 20)).to be(nil) end end end describe '#enable_remote_rsyslog' do it 'always calls restart' do opts['platform'] = 'ubuntu-18-x86_64' allow(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with(anything) allow(instance).to receive(:exec) expect(Beaker::Command).to receive(:new).with("systemctl restart rsyslog") instance.enable_remote_rsyslog end end describe '#parse_uptime' do it 'parses variation of uptime string' do expect(instance.parse_uptime("19:52 up 14 mins, 2 users, load averages: 2.95 4.19 4.31")).to be == "14 mins" end it 'parses variation 2 of uptime string' do expect(instance.parse_uptime("8:03 up 52 days, 20:47, 3 users, load averages: 1.36 1.42 1.40")).to be == "52 days, 20:47" end it 'parses variation 3 of uptime string' do expect(instance.parse_uptime("22:19 up 54 days, 1 min, 4 users, load averages: 2.08 2.06 2.27")).to be == "54 days, 1 min" end it 'parses variation 4 of uptime string' do expect(instance.parse_uptime("18:44:45 up 5 min, 0 users, load average: 0.14, 0.11, 0.05")).to be == "5 min" end it 'parses solaris\'s "just up" without time message' do opts['platform'] = 'solaris-11-x86_64' expect(instance.parse_uptime("10:05am up 0 users, load average: 0.66, 0.14, 0.05")).to be == "0 min" end end describe '#uptime_int' do it 'parses time segment variation into a minute value' do expect(instance.uptime_int("14 mins")).to be == 14 end it 'parses time segment variation 2 into a minute value' do expect(instance.uptime_int("52 days, 20:47")).to be == 76127 end it 'parses time segment variation 3 into a minute value' do expect(instance.uptime_int("54 days, 1 min")).to be == 77761 end it 'parses time segment variation 4 into a minute value' do expect(instance.uptime_int("54 days")).to be == 77760 end it 'raises if we pass garbage to it' do expect { instance.uptime_int("solaris roxx my soxx") }.to raise_error end end end end