b0VIM 7.4?{Xj&danok~dan/dev/gems/unicode-age/README.md 3210#"! Utpads  ('dD$ 8 7   q p a `   Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Jan Lelis . Released under the MIT license.## MIT License**2.1** | **6.1.0****2.2** | **7.0.0****2.3** | **8.0.0****2.4** | **9.0.0**-------------|----------------Ruby version | Unicode version## Supported Ruby/Unicode versionsCharacters of status "Unassigned" (Unicode General Category of **Cn**) will return `nil`.```Unicode::Age.of "\u{10FFFD}" # => 2.0Unicode::Age.of "\u{10FFFF}" # => nilUnicode::Age.of "🛒" # => 9.0Unicode::Age.of "🌮 " # => 8.0Unicode::Age.of "🛲" # => 7.0Unicode::Age.of "🚡" # => 6.0Unicode::Age.of "ℜ𝘂ᖯʏ" # => 3.1Unicode::Age.of "ℜսᖯʏ" # => 3.0Unicode::Age.of "A" # => 1.1```rubyA micromodule to detect which Unicode version is required to display a string.# Unicode::Age [![[version]](https://badge.fury.io/rb/unicode-age.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/unicode-age) [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/unicode-age.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/unicode-age)