Features at a glance
Including the files
First of all, as jsTree is a jQuery component, you need to include jQuery itself. jsTree v.1.0 requires jQuery version 1.4.4
<script type="text/javascript" src="_lib/jquery.js"></script>
Then you need to include jstree itself
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.jstree.js"></script>
You may change the path to whatever you like, but it is recommended not to rename jquery.tree.js (or jquery.tree.min.js) as the filename may be used for path autodetection (for example in the jstree.themes.js plugin, however all official plugins will provide an alternative way of specifying any needed path manually).
Additionally some plugins have dependencies. If a plugin detects that a dependency is missing, it will throw an error.
Creating and configuring an instance
You can create a tree in the following manner ($().jstree) :
jQuery("some-selector-to-container-node-here").jstree([ config_object ]);
In the optional config object you specify all the options that you want to set. Each plugin will describe its configuration and defaults. Each plugin’s options (even the core) are set in their own subobject, which is named after the plugin. For example all of the core’s options are set in the core key of the config object.
jQuery("some-selector-to-container-node-here") .jstree({ core : { /* core options go here */ } });
Please note that if your options for a given plugin are the same as the defaults you may omit those options or omit the subobject completely (if you do not need to modify the defaults).
The special plugins config option is not part of any plugin, it defines a list of active plugins for the instance being created. Although many plugins may be included, only the ones listed in this option will be active.
jQuery("some-selector-to-container-node-here") .jstree({ core : { /* core options go here */ }, plugins : [ "themes", "html_data", "some-other-plugin" ] });
Interacting with the tree
To perform an operation programatically on a given instance you can use two methods ($().jstree, $.jstree._reference).
/* METHOD ONE */ jQuery("some-selector-to-container-node-here") .jstree("operation_name" [, argument_1, argument_2, ...]); /* METHOD TWO */ jQuery.jstree._reference(needle) .operation_name([ argument_1, argument_2, ...]);
jsTree uses events to notify of any changes happening in the tree. All events fire on the tree container in the jstree namespace and are named after the function that triggered them.
jQuery("some-container") .jstree({ /* configuration here */ }) .bind("__ready.jstree", function (event, data) { alert("TREE IS LOADED"); })
Please note the second parameter data. Read the documentation on each event to see what it contains.
TODO: a step by step guide to: HTML (no data plugin), HTML with plugin + AJAX, JSON, JSON + AJAX, XML, XML + AJAX TODO: progressive render / unload
TODO: explain about passing states along with the data and the special data-jstree- attributes.