module Ona class Cli def initialize(stack) @stack = stack end def selected_servers string @stack.find_all(*string.scan(/\d+/).map { |id| id.to_i }) end def help puts " Ona -- Deployment simplified. deploy 1 # Deploy a specific server help # show this help http 1 # Open the servers in default browser. key 1 # Uploads my public ssh-key to remote server (root) ls # short list for available servers quit # termintes the ona shell. setup 1 # Upload ssh-keys and bootstrap server show 1 # detailed info for a specific server ssh 1 # Open a ssh session as deploy to a remote server ssh# 1 # Open a ssh session as root to a remote server -- Note: 1 is a server id, you can use many ids! show 1 2 3 # will display info for three servers. " end def http string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.to_http end end def key string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.setup_ssh end end def show string selected_servers(string).each do |server| puts server.to_s end end def ls @stack.to_a.each do |server| puts server.to_short_s end end def ssh_deploy string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.to_ssh 'deploy' end end def ssh_root string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.to_ssh 'root' end end def deploy string selected_servers(string).each do |server| puts server.to_s puts 'Type [yes] to continue. or anything else to skip.' print 'What to do? :' system server.say_sure_to_deploy line = gets next unless line.chomp == 'yes' system server.deploy system server.say_deployed end end def setup string install_ssh_keys string bootstrap string system server.say_finished_setup end protected def bootstrap string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.bootstrap end end def install_ssh_keys string selected_servers(string).each do |server| system server.setup_ssh end end end end