ifdef::env-github[] NOTE: Release notes are best read in our documentation at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/current/release-notes.html[elastic.co] endif::[] //// [[release-notes-x.x.x]] ==== x.x.x (YYYY-MM-DD) [float] ===== Breaking changes - Breaking change [float] ===== Deprecated - Deprecation {pull}2526[#2526] [float] ===== Added - Feature {pull}2526[#2526] [float] ===== Changed - Change {pull}2526[#2526] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix {pull}2526[#2526] [float] [[unreleased]] ==== Unreleased //// [[release-notes-3.x]] === Ruby Agent version 3.x [[release-notes-3.9.0]] ==== 3.9.0 (2020-08-04) [float] ===== Added - Support for DynamoDB {pull}827[#827] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix Rails Engine views' paths being reported as absolute {pull}839[#839] - Fix an issue when using Elasticsearch spy without a running agent {pull}830[#830] [[release-notes-3.8.0]] ==== 3.8.0 (2020-06-18) [float] ===== Added - Add the option `capture_elasticsearch_queries` {pull}789[#789] - Add option to skip patching Kernal#require {pull}812[#812] - Add option `service_node_name` {pull}820[#820] [float] ===== Fixed - Allow underscores in hostnames in Net::HTTP spy {pull}804[#804] - Don't change log level on logger object via remote config {pull}809[#809] - Update and fix the Opentracing bridge {pull}791[#791] [[release-notes-3.7.0]] ==== 3.7.0 (2020-05-14) [float] ===== Changed - Make config values dynamic so they can be changed via the remote config {pull}747[#747] - Log the updated options from central config in addition to cumulative modifications {pull}758[#758] [float] ===== Fixed - Ensure that the log level is updated for the config's logger when value is changed {pull}755[#755] - Set config `false` values to `false`, not `nil` {pull}761[#761] - Ensure that the previously running agent's config is used in `ElasticAPM.restart` {pull}763[#763] - Handle the Resque spy's payload class value being a String or Class and update docs {pull}768[#768] - Add finalizer on ProxyPipe::Write so Zlib::GzipWriter is properly closed {pull}787[#787] [float] ===== Added - Add enabled config option, replacing active {pull}669[#669] - Add recording config option {pull}765[#765] - Add support for `SuckerPunch` {pull}775[#775] - Support forking: Detect forking and restart agent tasks and background threads {pull}783[#783] [[release-notes-3.6.0]] ==== 3.6.0 (2020-03-10) [float] ===== Added - Support for gRPC using the `grpc` gem (Experimental) {pull}669[#669] - GraphQL support (experimental) {pull}721[#721] - Add `span.context.destination.address` and `span.context.destination.port` when available. {pull}722[#722] - Add support for Resque. {pull}729[#729] [float] ===== Changed - The new SQL parser is used by default {pull}730[#730] [[release-notes-3.5.0]] ==== 3.5.0 (2020-02-12) [float] ===== Added - Pass along tracestate headers and add prefixless Traceparent header {pull}694[#694] - Add sanitize_field_names to replace custom_key_filters {pull}708[#708] - Add `rows_affected` to database related spans (Sequel only for now) {pull}668[#668] [float] ===== Changed - Rename disabled_instrumentations to disable_instrumentations {pull}695[#695] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix thread race condition in metrics collection (JRuby) {pull}669[#669] [[release-notes-3.4.0]] ==== 3.4.0 (2020-01-10) [float] ===== Added - Add `span.context.destination` fields {pull}647[#647] - Add more precise (experimental) SQL summarizer {pull}640[#640] - Add support for Shoryuken (AWS SQS) {pull}674[#674] - Add support for Sneakers (Experimental) {pull}676[#676] - Add option `api_key` (experimental) to specify an Api key to use with the apm server {pull}655[#655] [float] ===== Changed - Allow action dispatch spy to be disabled via `disabled_instrumentations` {pull}657[#657] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix Rails Console detection when top-level `Console` constant defined {pull}664[#664] - Fix Ruby 2.7 related deprecation warnings {pull}667[#667] - Fix HTTP response header values not being converted to strings {pull}675[#675] [[release-notes-3.3.0]] ==== 3.3.0 (2019-12-05) [float] ===== Added - Add option `disable_metrics` {pull}625[#625] [float] ===== Fixed - Make Filters thread-safe {pull}624[#624] - Omit passwords in outgoing urls {pull}629[#629] - Add missing mutex to Counter metrics {pull}636[#636] - Correct span context collection name for Mongo getMore commands {pull}637[#637] [[release-notes-3.2.0]] ==== 3.2.0 (2019-11-19) [float] ===== Added - Add Grape support. {pull}562[#562] - Add Breakdown Metrics {pull}526[#526] [float] ===== Changes - Set remote_addr to immediate socket {pull}615[#615] [float] ===== Fixed - Fixed pulling config from Kibana {pull}594[#594] - Fixed a bug where the agent would alter the original cookies hash {pull}616[#616] [[release-notes-3.1.0]] ==== 3.1.0 (2019-10-21) [float] ===== Added - Add `ElasticAPM::Sinatra.start` API. {pull}556[#566] [float] ===== Changes - Log 404s from CentralConfig on debug level {pull}553[#553] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix Central Config url path {pull}578[#578] [[release-notes-3.0.0]] ==== 3.0.0 (2019-10-08) [float] ===== Breaking Changes The following changes are breaking, as they may change the way data is grouped or shown in Kibana or how your app defines agent settings. - Decrease stack_trace_limit to 50 {pull}515[#515] - Errors' `message` no longer include their `type` {pull}323[#323] - External request spans now have type `external.http.{library}` {pull}514[#514] - Durations are measured using monotonic time {pull}550[#550] - Rename set_tag to set_label {pull}543[#543] - Rename disabled_spies to disabled_instrumentations {pull}539[#539] [[release-notes-2.x]] === Ruby Agent version 2.x [[release-notes-2.12.0]] ==== 2.12.0 (2019-10-01) [float] ===== Changed - `disabled_spies` renamed to `disabled_instrumentations` with fallback {pull}539[#539] - Rename `set_tag` to `set_label` and deprecate `set_tag` {pull}543[#543] - Allow non-String label values {pull}543[#543] [float] ===== Fixed - Handles a case where stacktrace frames are empty {pull}538[#538] [float] ===== Deprecated - Deprecate `set_tag` {pull}543[#543] [[release-notes-2.11.0]] ==== 2.11.0 (2019-09-23) [float] ===== Added - Add `Rails` module with `#start` method to run Rails setup explicitly {pull}522[#522] - Support for log/trace correlation {pull}527[#527] [float] ===== Changed - Split dot-separated `span.type` into `.type`, `.subtype` and `.action` (auto-upgrades dot style) {pull}531[#531] [[release-notes-2.10.1]] ==== 2.10.1 [float] ===== Fixed - Fixed loading options from a config file specified by `ELASTIC_APM_CONFIG_FILE` {pull}518[#518] - Fixed an issue with CentralConfig polling not starting {pull}525[#525] [float] ===== Added - Support for chained exceptions {pull}488[#488] [[release-notes-2.10.0]] ==== 2.10.0 [float] ===== Added - Add Ruby specific metrics {pull}437[#437] - Support for APM Agent Configuration via Kibana {pull}464[#464] - Change span name format and add command to context's db.statement for `MongoSpy` {pull}488[#488] [float] ===== Changed - `ElasticAPM.report` and `ElasticAPM.report_message` return the string ID of the generated `Error` objects {pull}507[#507] [[release-notes-2.9.1]] ==== 2.9.1 (2019-06-28) [float] ===== Fixed - Use system CA certificate if none is specified {pull}460[#460] [[release-notes-2.9.0]] ==== 2.9.0 (2019-06-25) [float] ===== Security - **NB:** If you are using a custom CA cert via `server_ca_cert`, versions of the agent prior to 2.9.0 may not have validated the certificate of APM Server correctly. [float] ===== Added - Add `transaction.type` to errors {pull}434[#434] - Add cookies to `request.cookies` {pull}448[#448] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix support for older versions of Http.rb {pull}438[#438] - Strip `Cookie` and `Set-Cookie` from headers {pull}448[#448] - Fix disabling SSL verification {pull}449[#449] [[release-notes-2.8.1]] ==== 2.8.1 (2019-05-29) [float] ===== Fixed - Database statements are properly truncated {pull}431[#431] [[release-notes-2.8.0]] ==== 2.8.0 (2019-05-20) [float] ===== Added - The option `stack_trace_limit` {pull}424[#424] [float] ===== Changed - Use standardized User-Agent {pull}419[#419] [float] ===== Fixed - `error.culprit` is properly truncated to 1024 characters {pull}418[#418] - Force convert `transaction.context.response.status_code` to integer {pull}423[#423] [[release-notes-2.7.0]] ==== 2.7.0 (2019-05-07) [float] ===== Added - Added `disable_start_message` for those wanting complete silence on boot {pull}397[#397] [float] ===== Changed - Attempt to strip secrets from `request.env` {pull}410[#410] [float] ===== Fixed - Rewritten most of the internal transport code, streaming events to APM Server {pull}372[#372] - Re-added `default_tags` {pull}395[#395] - A bug in the Faraday spy when disabling the Net::HTTP spy {pull}396[#396] - Fix disabling the ActionDispatch spy {pull}399[#399] [[release-notes-2.6.1]] ==== 2.6.1 (2019-03-28) [float] ===== Fixed - Setting `config_file` via `ELASTIC_APM_CONFIG_FILE` {pull}363[#363] - Stopping the Metrics collector when it is disabled {pull}357[#357] - HTTP proxy settings can now be set by ENV variable {pull}367[#367] [[release-notes-2.6.0]] ==== 2.6.0 (2019-03-19) [float] ===== Deprecated - `ElasticAPM.build_context` now takes two keyword arguments instead of a single, normal argument. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/2.x/api.html#api-agent-build-context[Docs]. - The option `capture_body` has a string value instead of boolean. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/2.x/configuration.html#config-capture-body[Docs]. Both APIs are backwards compatible with fallbacks and deprecation warnings, scheduled for removal in next major release. [float] ===== Added - Configuration options to use an HTTP proxy {pull}352[#352] [float] ===== Changed - Errors get their own contexts, perhaps leading to slightly different (but more correct) results. {pull}335[#335] - The agent no longer starts automatically inside Rails' console {pull}343[#343] [float] ===== Fixed - Fixed reading available memory on older Linux kernels {pull}351[#351] - Don't apply filters to original response headers {pull}354[#354] [[release-notes-2.5.0]] ==== 2.5.0 (2019-03-01) [float] ===== Added - Added the option `active` that will prevent the agent from starting if set to `false` {pull}338[#338] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix error with `capture_body` and nested request bodies {pull}339[#339] [[release-notes-2.4.0]] ==== 2.4.0 (2019-02-27) [float] ===== Added - Added option to specify a custom server CA certificate {pull}315[#315] [float] ===== Changed - **NB:** Default value of option `capture_body` flipped to `false` to align with other agents. Set `capture_body: true` in your configuration to get them back. {pull}324[#324] [float] ===== Fixed - Reading CPU stats from `/proc/stat` on RHEL {pull}312[#312] - Change TraceContext to differentiate between `id` and `parent_id` {pull}326[#326] - `capture_body` will now force encode text bodies to utf-8 when possible {pull}332[#332] [[release-notes-2.3.1]] ==== 2.3.1 (2019-01-31) [float] ===== Added - Read container info from Docker or Kupernetes {pull}303[#303] [float] ===== Fixed - Fix logging exceptions when booting via Railtie {pull}306[#306] [[release-notes-2.3.0]] ==== 2.3.0 (2019-01-29) [float] ===== Added - Support for Metrics {pull}276[#276] [[release-notes-2.2.0]] ==== 2.2.0 (2019-01-22) [float] ===== Added - Support for https://opentracing.io[OpenTracing] {pull}273[#273] - Add capture\_\* options {pull}279[#279] - Evaluate the config file as ERB {pull}288[#288] [float] ===== Changed - Rename `Traceparent` object to `TraceContext` {pull}271[#271] [float] ===== Fixed - An issue where Spans would not get Stacktraces attached {pull}282[#282] - Skip `caller` unless needed {pull}287[#287] [[release-notes-2.1.2]] ==== 2.1.2 (2018-12-07) [float] ===== Fixed - Fix truncation of `transaction.request.url` values {pull}267[#267] - Fix Faraday calls with `url_prefix` {pull}263[#263] - Force `span.context.http.status_code` to be an integer [[release-notes-2.1.1]] ==== 2.1.1 (2018-12-04) [float] ===== Fixed - Set traceparent span.id to transaction id when span is missing {pull}261[#261] [[release-notes-2.1.0]] ==== 2.1.0 (2018-12-04) [float] ===== Added - Support for Faraday {pull}249[#249] [float] ===== Fixed - Truncate keyword fields to 1024 chars {pull}240[#240] - Lazy boot worker threads on first event. Fixes apps using Puma's `preload_app!` {pull}239[#239] - Fix missing `disable_send` implementation {pull}257[#257] - Add warnings for invalid config options {pull}254[#254] [[release-notes-2.0.1]] ==== 2.0.1 (2018-11-15) [float] ===== Fixed - Stop sending `span.start` {pull}234[#234] [[release-notes-2.0.0]] ==== 2.0.0 (2018-11-14) Version adds support for APM Server 6.5 and needs at least that. [float] ===== Added - Support for APM Server 6.5 (Intake v2) - Support for Distributed Tracing (beta) - Support for RUM Agent correlation (Distributed Tracing) - Support for https://github.com/httprb/http[HTTP.rb] (Instrumentation + Distributed Tracing) [float] ===== Changed - Custom instrumentation APIs {pull}209[#209] - Tag keys will convert disallowed chars to `_` - Default log level changed to `info` - Laxed version requirement of concurrent-ruby - Change `log_level` to only concern agent log [float] ===== Deprecated *APIs:* - `ElasticAPM.transaction` - `ElasticAPM.span` *Options:* - `compression_level` - `compression_minimum_size` - `debug_http` - `debug_transactions` - `flush_interval` - `http_open_timeout` - `http_read_timeout` - `enabled_environments` - `disable_environment_warning` Some options that used to take a certain unit for granted now expects explicit units – but will fall back to old default. [float] ===== Removed - Support for APM Server versions prior to 6.5. - Support for Ruby 2.2 (eol) [[release-notes-1.x]] === Ruby Agent version 1.x [[release-notes-1.1.0]] ==== 1.1.0 (2018-09-07) [float] ===== Added - Rake task instrumentation {pull}192[#192] - `default_tags` option {pull}183[#183] [float] ===== Fixed - Fallback from missing JRUBY_VERSION {pull}180[#180] [[release-notes-1.0.2]] ==== 1.0.2 (2018-09-07) Should've been a minor release -- see 1.1.0 [[release-notes-1.0.1]] ==== 1.0.1 (2018-07-30) [float] ===== Fixed - Fixed internal LRU cache to be threadsafe {pull}178[#178] [[release-notes-1.0.0]] ==== 1.0.0 (2018-06-29) [float] ===== Added - Added config.disable_send {pull}156[#156] [float] ===== Changed - Set the default `span_frame_min_duration` to 5ms [float] ===== Fixed - Fixed some Elasticsearch spans not validating JSON Schema {pull}157[#157] [[release-notes-0.x]] === Ruby Agent version 0.x [[release-notes-0.8.0]] ==== 0.8.0 (2018-06-13) [float] ===== Added - Added an option to disable metrics collection {pull}145[#145] - Filters can cancel the entire payload by returning `nil` {pull}148[#148] - Added `ENV` version of the logging options {pull}146[#146] - Added `config.ignore_url_patterns` {pull}151[#151] [float] ===== Changed - Use concurrent-ruby's TimerTask instead of `Thread#sleep`. Adds dependency on `concurrent-ruby`. {pull}141[#141] [float] ===== Fixed - Remove newline on `hostname` - Fixed ActionMailer spans renaming their transaction [[release-notes-0.7.4]] ==== 0.7.4 - 2018-06-07 Beginning of this document [float] ===== Fixed - Fix overwriting custom logger with Rails'