module Arcade module Api module Primitives # This module handles the interaction with the database through HTTPX # # ------------------------------ http ------------------------------------------------------------ # # persistent http handle to the database def http break_on = -> (response) { response.status == 500 } @http ||= HTTPX.plugin(:basic_auth).basic_auth(auth[:username], auth[:password]) .plugin(:persistent) .plugin(:circuit_breaker) # .plugin(:circuit_breaker, circuit_breaker_break_on: break_on) end # ------------------------------ get data -------------------------------------------------------- # def get_data command response = http.get( Config.base_uri + command ) response.raise_for_status JSON.parse( response.body, symbolize_names: true )[:result] # alternative to `raise for status ` # case response = http.basic_auth(auth[:username], auth[:password]).get( Config.base_uri + command ) # in { status: 200..203, body: } # puts "success: #{JSON.parse(body, symbolize_names: true)[:result]}" # in { status: 400..499, body: } # puts "client error: #{body.json}" # in { status: 500.., body: } # puts "server error: #{body.to_s}" # in { error: error } # puts "error: #{error.message}" # else # raise "unexpected: #{response}" # end # puts "result : #{response}" # puts "code: #{response.status}" # analyse_result(response, command) end # ------------------------------ post data -------------------------------------------------------- # def post_data command, payload # http = HTTPX.plugin(:basic_auth) # .basic_auth(auth[:username], auth[:password]) response = Config.base_uri + command, json: payload ) response.raise_for_status JSON.parse( response.body, symbolize_names: true )[:result] end # ------------------------------ transaction ------------------------------------------------- # # def begin_transaction database result = Config.base_uri + "begin/#{database}" @session_id = result.headers["arcadedb-session-id"] # returns the session-id end # ------------------------------ post transaction ------------------------------------------------- # def post_transaction command, params, session_id= @session_id # http = HTTPX.plugin(:basic_auth) # .basic_auth(auth[:username], auth[:password]) # .with( headers: { "arcadedb-session-id"=>session }, debug_level: 1) http_a = http.with( headers: { "arcadedb-session-id" => session_id } , debug_level: 1) response = Config.base_uri + command, json: params ) response.raise_for_status JSON.parse( response.body, symbolize_names: true )[:result] end # ------------------------------ commit ------------------------------------------------- # def commit database, session_id = @session_id http_a = http.with( headers: { "arcadedb-session-id" => session_id } , debug_level: 1) response = Config.base_uri + "commit/#{database}" ) response.raise_for_status @session_id = nil response.status # returns 204 --> success # 403 --> incalid credentials # 500 --> Transaction not begun end # ------------------------------ rollback ------------------------------------------------- # def rollback database, session_id = @session_id, publish_error=true # http = HTTPX.plugin(:basic_auth) # .basic_auth(auth[:username], auth[:password]) # .with( headers: { "arcadedb-session-id"=>session_id }, debug_level: 1) http_a = http.with( headers: { "arcadedb-session-id" => session_id } , debug_level: 1) response = Config.base_uri + "rollback/#{database}" ) response.raise_for_status @session_id = nil logger.error "A Transaction has been rolled back" # if publish_error response.status end end end end