require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative '../../lib/kamerling/client' require_relative '../../lib/kamerling/message' require_relative '../../lib/kamerling/project' require_relative '../../lib/kamerling/task' require_relative '../../lib/kamerling/uuid' module Kamerling describe Message do let(:mess) do Message.parse("DATA\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" \ '16B client UUID16B project UUID16B task UUIDsome payload') end describe '.build' do it 'constructs a new message' do client = project = task = message = client, payload: 'pay', project: project, task: task, type: :DATA) message.client_uuid.must_equal client.uuid message.project_uuid.must_equal project.uuid message.task_uuid.must_equal task.uuid message.payload.must_equal 'pay' message.type.must_equal :DATA end end describe '.parse' do it 'raises on unknown message types' do -> { Message.parse('MESS age') }.must_raise Message::UnknownType end it 'doesn’t raise on empty messages' do Message.parse('') end end describe '#client_type' do it 'returns the client’s type' do mess.client_type.must_equal :"\0\0\0\0" fpga_mess = Message.parse("RGSTFPGA\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" \ '16B client UUID16B project UUID' \ '16B task UUID') fpga_mess.client_type.must_equal :FPGA end end describe '#client_uuid' do it 'returns the client UUID' do mess.client_uuid.must_equal '31364220-636c-6965-6e74-202055554944' end end describe '#payload' do it 'returns the result payload' do mess.payload.must_equal 'some payload' end end describe '#project_uuid' do it 'returns the project UUID' do mess.project_uuid.must_equal '31364220-7072-6f6a-6563-742055554944' end end describe '#task_uuid' do it 'returns the task UUID' do mess.task_uuid.must_equal '31364220-7461-736b-2020-202055554944' end end describe '#to_hex' do it 'returns a hex representation of the message' do assert mess.to_hex.start_with?('44 41 54 41') assert mess.to_hex.end_with?('70 61 79 6c 6f 61 64') end end describe '#to_s' do it 'returns the raw bytes' do mess.to_s.must_equal "#{mess.type}\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" \ '16B client UUID16B project UUID16B task UUIDsome payload' end end describe '#type' do it 'returns the message type' do mess.type.must_match(/\A[A-Z]{4}\z/) end end end end