#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'thor' require 'awesome_print' require 'inifile' require 'rubygems' require 'aws-sdk-core' require 'json' # ===================================================================================================================== # A little include path tom-foolery ... path = File.dirname(__FILE__) # Borrowing from "whiches" gem ... cmd = File.basename(__FILE__, '.rb') exes = [] exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |pth| exts.each { |ext| exe = File.join(pth, "#{cmd}#{ext}") exes << exe if File.executable? exe } end if exes.size > 0 path = File.dirname(exes[0]) end # add_path = File.expand_path(File.join(path, '../../lib')) # $:.unshift(add_path) # add_path = File.expand_path(File.join(path, 'lib')) add_path = path $:.unshift(add_path) # ===================================================================================================================== class UpdateBucketPolicy < Thor KNOWN = %w( ) class_option :verbose, :type => :boolean class_option :debug, :type => :boolean class_option :log_level, :type => :string, :banner => 'Log level ([:trace, :debug, :info, :step, :warn, :error, :fatal, :todo])', :default => :step class_option :bucket, :type => :string, :default => 'wgen-sto-artifacts' class_option :bucketini, :type => :string class_option :bucketprofile,:type => :string class_option :basepolicy, :type => :string class_option :policy, :type => :string class_option :iniglob, :type => :string class_option :inifile, :type => :string class_option :profiles, :type => :array class_option :color, :type => :boolean, :default => false class_option :yes, :type => :boolean attr_reader :accounts, :environments attr_accessor :logger no_commands do require 'mixins/no_commands' include Amplify::AWS::MixIns::NoCommands def get_environments logger.step 'Get environments ...' @environments = {} @nats = {} @accounts.each do |acc| @options.merge!(acc.get_options()) parse_options get_environments_for_account end logger.info "Environments:\n"+@environments.ai logger.info "NATs:\n"+@nats.ai end def get_environments_for_account logger.step "Get environments for #{@options[:account]} ..." config = @options # noinspection RubyArgCount cfn = Aws::CloudFormation::Client.new(retry_limit: 10) stacks = [] resp = cfn.list_stacks() stacks << resp[:stack_summaries] while resp[:next_token] resp = cfn.list_stacks(next_token: resp[:next_token]) logger.debug resp.size stacks << resp[:stack_summaries] end stacks.flatten! stacks = stacks.select{ |stack| stack[:stack_status].match(%r'^(UPDATE|CREATE).*?_COMPLETE$')} logger.debug stacks.ai stacks.each do |stack| env = nil resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: stack[:stack_id]) stck = resp[:stacks].shift tags = stck[:tags] tags.each do |tag| if tag[:key] == 'EnvironmentName' env = tag[:value] break end end unless env env = stack[:stack_name] end @environments[env] ||= [] @environments[env] << stack[:stack_name] resources = [] resp = cfn.describe_stack_resources(stack_name: stack[:stack_id], logical_resource_id: 'NATIPAddress') resources << resp[:stack_resources] resp = cfn.describe_stack_resources(stack_name: stack[:stack_id], logical_resource_id: 'BastionIPAddress') resources << resp[:stack_resources] resources.flatten! logger.debug resources.ai _nats = resources.map{ |r| r.to_h[:physical_resource_id] } @nats[env] = @nats[env] ? [ @nats[env], _nats ].flatten : _nats end end def get_eips_for_account logger.step "Get EIPs for #{@options[:inifile]} ..." # noinspection RubyArgCount ec2 = Aws::EC2::Client.new(retry_limit: 10) resp = ec2.describe_addresses() @eips << resp[:addresses].map{ |a| a[:public_ip] } @eips.flatten! logger.debug @eips.ai end def get_eips logger.step 'Get EIPs ...' @eips = [] @accounts.each do |acc| @options.merge!(acc.get_options()) parse_options get_eips_for_account end @eips.uniq! logger.info "EIPs:\n"+@eips.sort_by { |ip| ip.split(%r'[\./]').map{ |octet| octet.to_i} }.ai end def read_bucket_policy parse_bucket_options(__method__, [ :policy, [:bucketini, :bucketprofile], :bucket ]) logger.step "Read the current policy for #{@options[:bucket]} ..." # noinspection RubyArgCount s3 = Aws::S3::Client.new() resp = s3.get_bucket_policy(bucket: options[:bucket]) logger.debug resp.size @policies = [] resp.each do |item| json = item.policy.read @policies << JSON.load(json) logger.debug JSON.pretty_generate(@policies[-1], { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end logger.debug @policies.ai json = '' @policies.each do |pol| json += JSON.pretty_generate(pol, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end IO.write("#{options[:policy]}", json) end def inspect_bucket_policy parse_bucket_options(__method__, [ :policy, [:bucketini, :bucketprofile], :bucket ]) logger.step "Inspect the policy for #{@options[:bucket]} ..." config = @options.dup tempfile = @options[:policy] = Tempfile.new('policy').path+'.json' read_bucket_policy() @options = config get_eips() get_environments() ips = [ @nats.values, @eips ].flatten.map{ |ip| "#{ip}/32"} ips = [ ips, KNOWN ].flatten.uniq.select{ |ip| not ip.nil? } ips = ips.sort_by { |ip| ip.split(%r'[\./]').map{ |octet| octet.to_i} }.uniq logger.info "Valid IPs: \n"+ips.ai json = '' @policies.each do |pol| unknown = 0 missing = 0 unadded = 0 if pol['Statement'] pol['Statement'].each do |smt| logger.debug smt.ai if smt['Condition'] and smt['Condition']['IpAddress'] and smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'] smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'].sort_by { |ip| ip.split(%r'[\./]').map{ |octet| octet.to_i} }.each do |entry| unless ips.include?(entry) logger.warn "#{entry} unknown" unknown += 1 end end ips.each do |entry| unless smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'].include?(entry) logger.info "#{entry} missing" missing += 1 smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'] << entry end end if missing > 0 ips.each do |entry| unless smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'].include?(entry) logger.warn "#{entry} missing" unadded += 1 end end end smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'] = smt['Condition']['IpAddress']['aws:SourceIp'].sort_by { |ip| ip.split(%r'[\./]').map{ |octet| octet.to_i} } end end else logger.warn "Policy has no Statement: #{pol.ai}" end if missing+unknown > 0 logger.warn "Policy needs to be updated for #{unknown} unknown IPs, #{missing} missing and #{unadded} IPs which failed to add" end # require 'date_time' logger.debug JSON.pretty_generate(pol, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) pol['Id'] = "Policy-#{DateTime.now.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')}" json += JSON.pretty_generate(pol, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end IO.write(options[:policy], json) end def update_bucket_policy parse_bucket_options(__method__, [ :policy, [:bucketini, :bucketprofile], :bucket ]) logger.step "Update the current policy for #{@options[:bucket]} ..." inspect_bucket_policy write_bucket_policy end def write_bucket_policy parse_bucket_options(__method__, [ :policy, [:bucketini, :bucketprofile], :bucket ]) logger.step "Write the new policy for #{@options[:bucket]} ..." @options[:inifile] = @options[:bucketini] parse_options @logger.info options.ai json = IO.read(options[:policy]) # noinspection RubyArgCount s3 = Aws::S3::Client.new() resp = s3.put_bucket_policy( bucket: options[:bucket], policy: json ) logger.debug resp.ai if resp.error logger.error resp.error end end def parse_bucket_options(method,optionset) check_missing_options(method, optionset) if @options[:bucketini] @options[:inifile] = @options[:bucketini] else @options[:profile] = @options[:bucketprofile] end parse_options @logger.info options.ai end end def initialize(args = [], local_options = {}, config = {}) super(args,local_options,config) end desc 'read', 'read the policy for BUCKET' def read() prepare_accounts read_bucket_policy n = 1 @policies.each do |pol| logger.step "#{n+=1}\n"+JSON.pretty_generate(pol, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end 0 end desc 'inspect', 'inspect the policy for BUCKET' def inspect() prepare_accounts() inspect_bucket_policy() @policies.each do |pol| logger.debug JSON.pretty_generate(pol, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end 0 end desc 'update', 'update the policy for BUCKET' def update() prepare_accounts() update_bucket_policy() 0 end desc 'write', 'write the new POLICY to BUCKET' def write() prepare_accounts @options[:inifile] = @options[:bucketini] parse_options @logger.info options.ai write_bucket_policy 0 end end # ===================================================================================================================== # UpdateBucketPolicy.start(ARGV) __END__ "aws:SourceIp": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "Policy13947375644752", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt13947375624982", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "*" }, "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::wgen-sto-artifacts/*", "Condition": { "IpAddress": { "aws:SourceIp": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } } }, { "Sid": "2", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::cloudfront:user/CloudFront Origin Access Identity EXU2IEU8NKUSP" }, "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::wgen-sto-artifacts/*" } ] }