import XCTest @testable import Grains class GrainsTests: XCTestCase { func testInvalidInput1() { XCTAssertThrowsError(try Grains.square(65)) { error in if case let Grains.GrainsError.inputTooHigh(message) = error { XCTAssertTrue(message == "Input[65] invalid. Input should be between 1 and 64 (inclusive)") } else { XCTFail("Expected error not thrown") } } } func testInvalidInput2() { XCTAssertThrowsError(try Grains.square(0)) { error in if case let Grains.GrainsError.inputTooLow(message) = error { XCTAssertTrue(message == "Input[0] invalid. Input should be between 1 and 64 (inclusive)") } else { XCTFail("Expected error not thrown") } } } func testInvalidInput3() { XCTAssertThrowsError(try Grains.square(-1)) { error in if case let Grains.GrainsError.inputTooLow(message) = error { XCTAssertTrue(message == "Input[-1] invalid. Input should be between 1 and 64 (inclusive)") } else { XCTFail("Expected error not thrown") } } } func testSquare1() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(1), 1) } func testSquare2() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(2), 2) } func testSquare3() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(3), 4) } func testSquare4() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(4), 8) } func testSquare16() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(16), 32_768) } func testSquare32() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(32), 2_147_483_648) } func testSquare64() { XCTAssertEqual(try! Grains.square(64), 9_223_372_036_854_775_808) } func testTotalGrains() { XCTAssertEqual(, 18_446_744_073_709_551_615) } static var allTests: [(String, (GrainsTests) -> () throws -> Void)] { return [ ("testInvalidInput1", testInvalidInput1), ("testInvalidInput2", testInvalidInput2), ("testInvalidInput3", testInvalidInput3), ("testSquare1", testSquare1), ("testSquare2", testSquare2), ("testSquare3", testSquare3), ("testSquare4", testSquare4), ("testSquare16", testSquare16), ("testSquare32", testSquare32), ("testSquare64", testSquare64), ("testTotalGrains", testTotalGrains), ] } }