require 'rantly' require 'pp' require 'stringio' class Rantly::Property attr_reader :failed_data, :shrunk_failed_data, :io VERBOSITY = ENV.fetch('RANTLY_VERBOSE'){ 1 }.to_i def io @io ||= if VERBOSITY >= 1 STDOUT else end end def pretty_print(object) PP.pp(object, io) end def initialize(property) @property = property end def check(n=100,limit=10,&assertion) i = 0 test_data = nil begin Rantly.singleton.generate(n,limit,@property) do |val| test_data = val if assertion io.puts "" if i % 100 == 0 io.print "." if i % 10 == 0 i += 1 end io.puts io.puts "success: #{i} tests" rescue Rantly::TooManyTries => e io.puts io.puts "too many tries: #{e.tries}" raise e rescue Exception => boom io.puts io.puts "failure: #{i} tests, on:" pretty_print test_data @failed_data = test_data if @failed_data.respond_to?(:shrink) @shrunk_failed_data = shrinkify(assertion, @failed_data) io.puts "minimal failed data is:" pretty_print @shrunk_failed_data end raise boom end end # return the first success case def shrinkify(assertion, data) # We assume that data.shrink is non-destructive return data if !data.shrinkable? val = data.shrink begin io.puts "found a reduced success:" pretty_print val return data rescue Exception io.puts "found a reduced failure case:" pretty_print val # recursively shrink failure case return shrinkify(assertion,val) end end def report distribs = self.classifiers.sort { |a,b| b[1] <=> a[1] } total = distribs.inject(0) { |sum,pair| sum + pair[1]} distribs.each do |(classifier,count)| format "%10.5f%% of => %s", count, classifier end end end