# Overrides Tracker
Overrides Tracker keeps track of all overriding methods in your project and allows for comparison across branches.
## Contact
*Code and Bug Reports*
* [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/SyborgStudios/overrides_tracker/issues)
Getting started
1. Add OverridesTracker to your Gemfile and bundle install:
gem 'overrides_tracker', group: [:test, :development]
2. Add `overrides_tracker/*.otf` to your .gitignore file because you want to keep hold of your report file when switching branches.
3. Track you overrides by running:
bundle exec overrides_tracker track
The output will look like this.
Reading all methods...
Method is a new instance method: AClass#a_new_method
Method is instance override: AClass#a_instance_method_override
Method is a new singleton method: YClass#a_new_method
Method is singleton override: YClass#a_singelton_method_override
Report saved to /PATH_TO_PROJECT/overrides_tracker/BRANCH_NAME#LAST_COMMIT_ID.otf
4. This will create a folder called overrides_tracker and a file containing all methods you override as well as your overrides in that branch.
5. Switch branch and follow steps 1-3 again. If you want to compare multiple branches you need to redo these steps for every branch.
6. Now you have at least 2 files in the overrides_tracker folder
7. It's time to compare these overrides accross branches.
bundle exec overrides_tracker compare
8. The result gives you an overview on what has changed and what not.
1) Override: OrdinaryGem::AnotherTypicalClass#a_singleton_method_that_stays_the_same
def self.a_singleton_method_that_stays_the_same
"This is the implementation of a simple singleton method."
"This method will stay the same in the next version."
in BUNDLE_PATH/bundler/gems/ordinary-gem-e67e062189bb/lib/ordinary_gem/another_typical_class.rb:19
def self.a_singleton_method_that_stays_the_same
"This is our override of a simple singleton method."
"This method should stay the same in the next version."
in: APP_PATH/app/models/ordinary_gem/another_typical_class_monkey_patch.rb:2
def self.a_singleton_method_that_stays_the_same
"This is the implementation of a simple singleton method."
"This method will stay the same in the next version."
in BUNDLE_PATH/bundler/gems/ordinary-gem-f92e5a1a70a6/lib/ordinary_gem/another_typical_class.rb:13
def self.a_singleton_method_that_stays_the_same
"This is our override of a simple singleton method."
"This method should stay the same in the next version."
in: APP_PATH/app/models/ordinary_gem/another_typical_class_monkey_patch.rb:2
Method not available
Investigated methods: 70
Diffences on overrides: 42
Diffences on added methods: 28
## Overrides.io integration
Overrides.io is a service that monitors code you override for changes. It notifies you whenever those changes occur.
Additionally it gives you a beautiful overview of all the methods you have overridden as well as your overrides side by side.