require 'ruboto/sdk_versions' require 'ruboto/util/verify' module Ruboto module Util module Setup include Ruboto::Util::Verify REPOSITORY_BASE = '' REPOSITORY_URL = "#{REPOSITORY_BASE}/repository-8.xml" ######################################### # # Core Set up Method # def setup_ruboto(accept_all, api_levels = [SdkVersions::DEFAULT_TARGET_SDK]) @platform_sdk_loc = {} api_levels = [project_api_level, *api_levels].compact.uniq install_all(accept_all, api_levels) unless check_all(api_levels) config_path(accept_all) end # # OS independent "which" # From: # def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable? exe end end nil end private ######################################### # # Utility Methods # def android_package_os_id case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /^darwin(.*)/ then 'macosx' when /linux/ then 'linux' when /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ then 'windows' else ## Error nil end end def android_package_directory if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ 'AppData/Local/Android/android-sdk' else ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] ? ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] : File.join(File.expand_path('~'), "android-sdk-#{android_package_os_id}") end end def path_setup_file case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /^darwin(.*)/ then '.profile' when /linux/ then '.bashrc' when /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ then 'windows' ## Error else ## Error nil end end def get_tools_version(type="tool") require 'rexml/document' require 'open-uri' doc = version = doc.root.elements["sdk:#{type}/sdk:revision/sdk:major"].text minor = doc.root.elements["sdk:#{type}/sdk:revision/sdk:minor"] micro = doc.root.elements["sdk:#{type}/sdk:revision/sdk:micro"] version += ".#{minor.text}" if minor version += ".#{micro.text}" if micro version end ######################################### # # Check Methods # def check_all(api_levels) @existing_paths = [] @missing_paths = [] @java_loc = check_for('java', 'Java runtime') @javac_loc = check_for('javac', 'Java Compiler') @ant_loc = check_for('ant', 'Apache ANT') check_for_android_sdk check_for_emulator check_for_platform_tools check_for_build_tools api_levels.each { |api_level| check_for_android_platform(api_level) } puts ok = @java_loc && @javac_loc && @ant_loc && @android_loc && @emulator_loc && @adb_loc && @dx_loc && @platform_sdk_loc.all? { |_, path| !path.nil? } puts " #{ok ? '*** Ruboto setup is OK! ***' : '!!! Ruboto setup is NOT OK !!!'}\n\n" ok end def check_for_emulator @emulator_loc = check_for('emulator', 'Android Emulator', File.join(android_package_directory, 'tools', 'emulator')) end def check_for_platform_tools @adb_loc = check_for('adb', 'Android SDK Command adb', File.join(android_package_directory, 'platform-tools', 'adb')) end def check_for_build_tools @dx_loc = check_for('dx', 'Android SDK Command dx', Dir[File.join(android_package_directory, 'build-tools', '*', 'dx')][-1]) end def check_for_android_sdk @android_loc = check_for('android', 'Android Package Installer', File.join(android_package_directory, 'tools', 'android')) end def check_for(cmd, pretty_name=nil, alt_dir=nil) rv = which(cmd) rv = nil if rv.nil? or rv.empty? if rv @existing_paths << File.dirname(rv) elsif alt_dir and File.exists?(alt_dir) rv = alt_dir ENV['PATH'] = "#{File.dirname(rv)}:#{ENV['PATH']}" @missing_paths << "#{File.dirname(rv)}" end puts "#{'%-25s' % (pretty_name || cmd)}: #{(rv ? 'Found' : 'Not found')}" rv end def check_for_android_platform(api_level) begin @platform_sdk_loc[api_level] = File.expand_path "#{@android_loc}/../../platforms/#{api_level}" found = File.exists? @platform_sdk_loc[api_level] @platform_sdk_loc[api_level] = nil unless found puts "#{'%-25s' % "Platform SDK #{api_level}"}: #{(found ? 'Found' : 'Not found')}" rescue @platform_sdk_loc[api_level] = nil end end ######################################### # # Install Methods # def install_all(accept_all, api_levels) install_java(accept_all) unless @java_loc && @javac_loc install_ant(accept_all) unless @ant_loc install_android_sdk(accept_all) unless @android_loc check_all(api_levels) install_android_tools(accept_all) unless @dx_loc && @adb_loc && @emulator_loc # build-tools, platform-tools and tools if @android_loc api_levels.each do |api_level| install_platform(accept_all, api_level) unless @platform_sdk_loc[api_level] end end end def install_java(accept_all) case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /^darwin(.*)/ when /linux/ when /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ # FIXME(uwe): Detect and warn if we are not "elevated" with adminstrator rights. #set IS_ELEVATED=0 #whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level" | findstr /c:"Enabled group" > nul: && set IS_ELEVATED=1 #if %IS_ELEVATED%==0 ( # echo You must run the command prompt as administrator to install. # exit /b 1 #) puts 'Java JDK was not found.' unless accept_all print 'Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n): ' a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? java_installer_file_name = 'jdk-7-windows-x64.exe' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' resp = nil @cookies = %w( puts 'Downloading...' Net::HTTP.start('') do |http| resp, _ = http.get("/otn-pub/java/jdk/7/#{java_installer_file_name}", cookie_header) resp.body end resp = process_response(resp) open(java_installer_file_name, 'wb') { |file| file.write(resp.body) } puts "Installing #{java_installer_file_name}..." system java_installer_file_name raise "Unexpected exit code while installing Java: #{$?}" unless $? == 0 FileUtils.rm_f java_installer_file_name else puts puts 'You can download and install the Java JDK manually from' puts '' puts end unless check_for('javac') ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = 'c:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0' if Dir.exists?(ENV['JAVA_HOME']) @javac_loc = "#{ENV['JAVA_HOME'].gsub('\\', '/')}/bin/javac" puts "Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable to #{ENV['JAVA_HOME']}" system %Q{setx JAVA_HOME "#{ENV['JAVA_HOME']}"} @missing_paths << "#{File.dirname(@javac_loc)}" end end else raise "Unknown host os: #{RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']}" end end def install_ant(accept_all) case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /^darwin(.*)/ when /linux/ when /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ # FIXME(uwe): Detect and warn if we are not "elevated" with adminstrator rights. #set IS_ELEVATED=0 #whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level" | findstr /c:"Enabled group" > nul: && set IS_ELEVATED=1 #if %IS_ELEVATED%==0 ( # echo You must run the command prompt as administrator to install. # exit /b 1 #) puts 'Apache ANT was not found.' unless accept_all print 'Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n): ' a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? Dir.chdir Dir.home do ant_package_file_name = 'apache-ant-1.9.0-bin.tar.gz' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' puts 'Downloading...' Net::HTTP.start('') do |http| resp, _ = http.get("/ant/binaries/#{ant_package_file_name}") open(ant_package_file_name, 'wb') { |file| file.write(resp.body) } end puts "Installing #{ant_package_file_name}..." require 'rubygems/package' require 'zlib' do |entry| puts entry.full_name if FileUtils.mkdir_p entry.full_name elsif entry.file? FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(entry.full_name), 'wb') { |f| f << } end end FileUtils.rm_f ant_package_file_name end else puts puts 'You can download and install Apache ANT manually from' puts '' puts end unless check_for('ant') ENV['ANT_HOME'] = File.expand_path(File.join('~', 'apache-ant-1.9.0')).gsub('/', '\\') if Dir.exists?(ENV['ANT_HOME']) @ant_loc = "#{ENV['ANT_HOME'].gsub('\\', '/')}/bin/ant" puts "Setting the ANT_HOME environment variable to #{ENV['ANT_HOME']}" system %Q{setx ANT_HOME "#{ENV['ANT_HOME']}"} @missing_paths << "#{File.dirname(@ant_loc)}" end end else raise "Unknown host os: #{RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']}" end end def cookie_header return {} if @cookies.empty? {'Cookie' => @cookies.join(';')} end def store_cookie(response) return unless response['set-cookie'] header = response['set-cookie'] header.gsub! /expires=.{3},/, '' header.split(',').each do |cookie| cookie_value = cookie.strip.slice(/^.*?;/).chomp(';') if cookie_value =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/ name = $1 @cookies.delete_if { |c| c =~ /^#{name}=/ } end @cookies << cookie_value unless cookie_value =~ /^.*?=$/ end @cookies.uniq! end def process_response(response) store_cookie(response) if response.code == '302' redirect_url = response['location'] puts "Following redirect to #{redirect_url}" url = URI.parse(redirect_url) if redirect_url =~ /^http:\/\// Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) do |http| response = http.get(redirect_url, cookie_header) response.body end else http =, url.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE response = http.get(redirect_url, cookie_header) response.body end return process_response(response) elsif response.code != '200' raise "Got response code #{response.code}" end response end def install_android_sdk(accept_all) unless @android_loc puts 'Android package installer not found.' unless accept_all print 'Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n): ' a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? Dir.chdir File.expand_path('~/') do case RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /^darwin(.*)/ asdk_file_name = "android-sdk_r#{get_tools_version}-#{android_package_os_id}.zip" system "wget{asdk_file_name}" system "unzip #{'-o ' if accept_all}#{asdk_file_name}" system "rm #{asdk_file_name}" when /linux/ asdk_file_name = "android-sdk_r#{get_tools_version}-#{android_package_os_id}.tgz" system "wget{asdk_file_name}" system "tar -xzf #{asdk_file_name}" system "rm #{asdk_file_name}" when /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ # FIXME(uwe): Detect and warn if we are not "elevated" with adminstrator rights. #set IS_ELEVATED=0 #whoami /groups | findstr /b /c:"Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level" | findstr /c:"Enabled group" > nul: && set IS_ELEVATED=1 #if %IS_ELEVATED%==0 ( # echo You must run the command prompt as administrator to install. # exit /b 1 #) asdk_file_name = "installer_r#{get_tools_version}-#{android_package_os_id}.exe" require 'net/http' Net::HTTP.start('') do |http| puts 'Downloading...' resp = http.get("/android/#{asdk_file_name}") open(asdk_file_name, 'wb') { |file| file.write(resp.body) } end puts "Installing #{asdk_file_name}..." system asdk_file_name raise "Unexpected exit code while installing the Android SDK: #{$?}" unless $? == 0 FileUtils.rm_f asdk_file_name return else raise "Unknown host os: #{RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']}" end end end check_for_android_sdk unless @android_loc.nil? ENV['ANDROID_HOME'] = (File.expand_path File.dirname(@android_loc)+"/..").gsub(File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR) puts "Setting the ANDROID_HOME environment variable to #{ENV['ANDROID_HOME']}" if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ system %Q{setx ANDROID_HOME "#{ENV['ANDROID_HOME']}"} end @missing_paths << "#{File.dirname(@android_loc)}" end end end def install_android_tools(accept_all) if @android_loc and (@dx_loc.nil? || @adb_loc.nil? || @emulator_loc.nil?) puts 'Android tools not found.' unless accept_all print 'Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n): ' a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? update_cmd = "android --silent update sdk --no-ui --filter build-tools-#{get_tools_version('build-tool')},platform-tool,tool -a --force" update_sdk(update_cmd, accept_all) check_for_build_tools check_for_platform_tools check_for_emulator end end end def install_platform(accept_all, api_level) puts "Android platform SDK for #{api_level} not found." unless accept_all print 'Would you like to download and install it? (Y/n): ' a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? update_cmd = "android update sdk --no-ui --filter #{api_level},sysimg-#{api_level.slice(/\d+$/)} --all" update_sdk(update_cmd, accept_all) check_for_android_platform(api_level) end end def update_sdk(update_cmd, accept_all) if accept_all IO.popen(update_cmd, 'r+') do |cmd_io| begin output = '' question_pattern = /.*Do you accept the license '[a-z-]+-[0-9a-f]{8}' \[y\/n\]: /m STDOUT.sync = true cmd_io.each_char do |text| print text output << text if output =~ question_pattern cmd_io.puts 'y' output.sub! question_pattern, '' end end rescue Errno::EIO # This probably just means that the process has finished giving output. end end else system update_cmd end end ######################################### # # Path Config Method # def config_path(accept_all) unless @missing_paths.empty? if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^mswin32|windows(.*)/ puts "\nYou are missing some paths. Execute these lines to add them:\n\n" @missing_paths.each do |path| puts %Q{ set PATH="#{path.gsub '/', '\\'};%PATH%"} end system %Q{setx PATH "%PATH%;#{ { |path| path.gsub '/', '\\' }.join(';')}"} else puts "\nYou are missing some paths. Execute these lines to add them:\n\n" @missing_paths.each do |path| puts %Q{ export PATH="#{path}:$PATH"} end puts unless accept_all print "\nWould you like to append these lines to your configuration script? (Y/n): " a = STDIN.gets.chomp.upcase end if accept_all || a == 'Y' || a.empty? unless accept_all print "What script do you use to configure your PATH? (#{path_setup_file}): " a = STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase end rubotorc = '~/.rubotorc', 'w') do |f| (@existing_paths + @missing_paths - %w(/usr/bin)).uniq.sort.each do |path| f << %Q{PATH="#{path}:$PATH"\n} end end config_file_name = File.expand_path("~/#{a.nil? || a.empty? ? path_setup_file : a}") old_config = new_config = old_config.dup new_config.gsub! /\n*# BEGIN Ruboto setup\n.*?\n# END Ruboto setup\n*/m, '' new_config << "\n\n# BEGIN Ruboto setup\n" new_config << "source #{rubotorc}\n" new_config << "# END Ruboto setup\n\n", 'wb') { |f| f << new_config } puts "Updated #{config_file_name} to load the #{rubotorc} config file." puts 'Please close your command window and reopen, or run' puts puts " source #{rubotorc}" puts end end end end end end end