import; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyClass; import org.jruby.RubyHash; import org.jruby.RubyModule; import org.jruby.RubyNumeric; import org.jruby.RubyObjectAdapter; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.javasupport.JavaEmbedUtils; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.CallbackFactory; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; import org.jruby.runtime.load.BasicLibraryService; public class HpricotScanService implements BasicLibraryService { public static String NO_WAY_SERIOUSLY="*** This should not happen, please send a bug report with the HTML you're parsing to So sorry!"; private static RubyObjectAdapter rubyApi; public void ELE(IRubyObject N) { if (te > ts || text) { IRubyObject raw_string = runtime.getNil(); ele_open = false; text = false; if (ts != -1 && N != cdata && N != sym_text && N != procins && N != comment) { raw_string = runtime.newString(new String(buf,ts,te-ts)); } rb_yield_tokens(N, tag[0], attr, raw_string, taint); } } public void SET(IRubyObject[] N, int E) { int mark = 0; if(N == tag) { if(mark_tag == -1 || E == mark_tag) { tag[0] = runtime.newString(""); } else if(E > mark_tag) { tag[0] = runtime.newString(new String(buf,mark_tag, E-mark_tag)); } } else if(N == akey) { if(mark_akey == -1 || E == mark_akey) { akey[0] = runtime.newString(""); } else if(E > mark_akey) { akey[0] = runtime.newString(new String(buf,mark_akey, E-mark_akey)); } } else if(N == aval) { if(mark_aval == -1 || E == mark_aval) { aval[0] = runtime.newString(""); } else if(E > mark_aval) { aval[0] = runtime.newString(new String(buf,mark_aval, E-mark_aval)); } } } public void CAT(IRubyObject[] N, int E) { if(N[0].isNil()) { SET(N,E); } else { int mark = 0; if(N == tag) { mark = mark_tag; } else if(N == akey) { mark = mark_akey; } else if(N == aval) { mark = mark_aval; } ((RubyString)(N[0])).append(runtime.newString(new String(buf, mark, E-mark))); } } public void SLIDE(Object N) { int mark = 0; if(N == tag) { mark = mark_tag; } else if(N == akey) { mark = mark_akey; } else if(N == aval) { mark = mark_aval; } if(mark > ts) { if(N == tag) { mark_tag -= ts; } else if(N == akey) { mark_akey -= ts; } else if(N == aval) { mark_aval -= ts; } } } public void ATTR(IRubyObject K, IRubyObject V) { if(!K.isNil()) { if(attr.isNil()) { attr = RubyHash.newHash(runtime); } ((RubyHash)attr).op_aset(runtime.getCurrentContext(),K,V); // ((RubyHash)attr).aset(K,V); } } public void ATTR(IRubyObject[] K, IRubyObject V) { ATTR(K[0],V); } public void ATTR(IRubyObject K, IRubyObject[] V) { ATTR(K,V[0]); } public void ATTR(IRubyObject[] K, IRubyObject[] V) { ATTR(K[0],V[0]); } public void TEXT_PASS() { if(!text) { if(ele_open) { ele_open = false; if(ts > -1) { mark_tag = ts; } } else { mark_tag = p; } attr = runtime.getNil(); tag[0] = runtime.getNil(); text = true; } } public void EBLK(IRubyObject N, int T) { CAT(tag, p - T + 1); ELE(N); } public void rb_raise(RubyClass error, String message) { throw new RaiseException(runtime, error, message, true); } public IRubyObject rb_str_new2(String s) { return runtime.newString(s); } %%{ machine hpricot_scan; action newEle { if (text) { CAT(tag, p); ELE(sym_text); text = false; } attr = runtime.getNil(); tag[0] = runtime.getNil(); mark_tag = -1; ele_open = true; } action _tag { mark_tag = p; } action _aval { mark_aval = p; } action _akey { mark_akey = p; } action tag { SET(tag, p); } action tagc { SET(tag, p-1); } action aval { SET(aval, p); } action aunq { if (buf[p-1] == '"' || buf[p-1] == '\'') { SET(aval, p-1); } else { SET(aval, p); } } action akey { SET(akey, p); } action xmlver { SET(aval, p); ATTR(rb_str_new2("version"), aval); } action xmlenc { SET(aval, p); ATTR(rb_str_new2("encoding"), aval); } action xmlsd { SET(aval, p); ATTR(rb_str_new2("standalone"), aval); } action pubid { SET(aval, p); ATTR(rb_str_new2("public_id"), aval); } action sysid { SET(aval, p); ATTR(rb_str_new2("system_id"), aval); } action new_attr { akey[0] = runtime.getNil(); aval[0] = runtime.getNil(); mark_akey = -1; mark_aval = -1; } action save_attr { ATTR(akey, aval); } include hpricot_common "hpricot_common.rl"; }%% %% write data nofinal; public final static int BUFSIZE=16384; private void rb_yield_tokens(IRubyObject sym, IRubyObject tag, IRubyObject attr, IRubyObject raw, boolean taint) { IRubyObject ary; if (sym == runtime.newSymbol("text")) { raw = tag; } ary = runtime.newArray(new IRubyObject[]{sym, tag, attr, raw}); if (taint) { ary.setTaint(true); tag.setTaint(true); attr.setTaint(true); raw.setTaint(true); } block.yield(runtime.getCurrentContext(), ary, null, null, false); } int cs, act, have = 0, nread = 0, curline = 1, p=-1; boolean text = false; int ts=-1, te; int eof=-1; char[] buf; Ruby runtime; IRubyObject attr, bufsize; IRubyObject[] tag, akey, aval; int mark_tag, mark_akey, mark_aval; boolean done = false, ele_open = false; int buffer_size = 0; boolean taint = false; Block block = null; IRubyObject xmldecl, doctype, procins, stag, etag, emptytag, comment, cdata, sym_text; IRubyObject hpricot_scan(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject port) { attr = bufsize = runtime.getNil(); tag = new IRubyObject[]{runtime.getNil()}; akey = new IRubyObject[]{runtime.getNil()}; aval = new IRubyObject[]{runtime.getNil()}; RubyClass rb_eHpricotParseError = runtime.getModule("Hpricot").getClass("ParseError"); taint = port.isTaint(); if ( !port.respondsTo("read")) { if ( port.respondsTo("to_str")) { port = port.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(),"to_str"); } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("bad Hpricot argument, String or IO only please."); } } buffer_size = BUFSIZE; if (rubyApi.getInstanceVariable(recv, "@buffer_size") != null) { bufsize = rubyApi.getInstanceVariable(recv, "@buffer_size"); if (!bufsize.isNil()) { buffer_size = RubyNumeric.fix2int(bufsize); } } buf = new char[buffer_size]; %% write init; while( !done ) { IRubyObject str; p = have; int pe; int len, space = buffer_size - have; if ( space == 0 ) { /* We've used up the entire buffer storing an already-parsed token * prefix that must be preserved. Likely caused by super-long attributes. * See ticket #13. */ buffer_size += BUFSIZE; char[] new_buf = new char[buffer_size]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, new_buf, 0, buf.length); buf = new_buf; space = buffer_size - have; } if (port.respondsTo("read")) { str = port.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(),"read",runtime.newFixnum(space)); } else { str = ((RubyString)port).substr(nread,space); } str = str.convertToString(); String sss = str.toString(); char[] chars = sss.toCharArray(); System.arraycopy(chars,0,buf,p,chars.length); len = sss.length(); nread += len; if ( len < space ) { len++; done = true; } pe = p + len; char[] data = buf; %% write exec; if ( cs == hpricot_scan_error ) { if(!tag[0].isNil()) { rb_raise(rb_eHpricotParseError, "parse error on element <"+tag.toString()+">, starting on line "+curline+".\n" + NO_WAY_SERIOUSLY); } else { rb_raise(rb_eHpricotParseError, "parse error on line "+curline+".\n" + NO_WAY_SERIOUSLY); } } if ( done && ele_open ) { ele_open = false; if(ts > -1) { mark_tag = ts; ts = -1; text = true; } } if(ts == -1) { have = 0; /* text nodes have no ts because each byte is parsed alone */ if(mark_tag != -1 && text) { if (done) { if(mark_tag < p-1) { CAT(tag, p-1); ELE(sym_text); } } else { CAT(tag, p); } } mark_tag = 0; } else { have = pe - ts; System.arraycopy(buf,ts,buf,0,have); SLIDE(tag); SLIDE(akey); SLIDE(aval); te = (te - ts); ts = 0; } } return runtime.getNil(); } public static IRubyObject __hpricot_scan(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject port, Block block) { Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime(); HpricotScanService service = new HpricotScanService(); service.runtime = runtime; service.xmldecl = runtime.newSymbol("xmldecl"); service.doctype = runtime.newSymbol("doctype"); service.procins = runtime.newSymbol("procins"); service.stag = runtime.newSymbol("stag"); service.etag = runtime.newSymbol("etag"); service.emptytag = runtime.newSymbol("emptytag"); service.comment = runtime.newSymbol("comment"); service.cdata = runtime.newSymbol("cdata"); service.sym_text = runtime.newSymbol("text"); service.block = block; return service.hpricot_scan(recv, port); } public boolean basicLoad(final Ruby runtime) throws IOException { Init_hpricot_scan(runtime); return true; } public static void Init_hpricot_scan(Ruby runtime) { RubyModule mHpricot = runtime.defineModule("Hpricot"); mHpricot.getMetaClass().attr_accessor(runtime.getCurrentContext(),new IRubyObject[]{runtime.newSymbol("buffer_size")}); CallbackFactory fact = runtime.callbackFactory(HpricotScanService.class); mHpricot.getMetaClass().defineMethod("scan",fact.getSingletonMethod("__hpricot_scan",IRubyObject.class)); mHpricot.defineClassUnder("ParseError",runtime.getClass("StandardError"),runtime.getClass("StandardError").getAllocator()); rubyApi = JavaEmbedUtils.newObjectAdapter(); } }