require 'spec_helper' require 'fileutils' require "#{Cuboid::Options.paths.lib}/rpc/server/agent" describe Cuboid::RPC::Server::Agent do before( :each ) do Cuboid::Options.system.max_slots = slots end let(:instance_info_keys) { %w(token application pid url owner birthdate helpers now age) } let(:slots) { 3 } let(:subject) { agent_spawn( application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) } describe '#alive?' do it 'returns true' do expect(subject.alive?).to eq(true) end end describe '#preferred' do context 'when the agent is a grid member' do context 'and strategy is' do context :horizontal do it 'returns the URL of least burdened Agent' do agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) expect(subject.preferred( :horizontal )).to eq(subject.url) end end context :vertical do it 'returns the URL of most burdened Agent' do agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) d = agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ) d.spawn( load_balance: false ) d.spawn( load_balance: false ) expect(subject.preferred( :vertical )).to eq(d.url) end end context 'default' do it 'returns the URL of least burdened Agent' do agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) expect(subject.preferred).to eq(subject.url) end end context 'other' do it 'returns :error_unknown_strategy' do agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) expect(subject.preferred( :blah )).to eq('error_unknown_strategy') end end end context 'and all Agents are at max utilization' do before :each do subject.spawn( load_balance: false ) end let(:slots) { 1 } it 'returns nil' do agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ).spawn( load_balance: false ) expect(subject.preferred).to be_nil end end end context 'when the agent is not a grid member' do it 'returns the URL of the Agent' do expect(subject.preferred).to eq(subject.url) end context 'and it is at max utilization' do before :each do subject.spawn( load_balance: false ) end let(:slots) { 1 } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.preferred).to be_nil end end end end describe '#handlers' do it 'returns an array of loaded handlers' do expect( 'test_service' )).to be_truthy end end describe '#spawn' do it 'does not leak Instances' do slots.times do subject.spawn end expect(subject.instances.size).to eq(slots) end it 'sets OptionGroups::Agent#url' do info = subject.spawn instance = instance_connect( info['url'], info['token'] ) expect(instance.agent_url).to eq subject.url end context "when #{Cuboid::OptionGroups::RPC}#server_external_address has been set" do before :each do Cuboid::Options.rpc.server_external_address = address end let(:address) { '' } it 'advertises that address' do expect(subject.spawn['url']).to start_with "#{address}:" end end context 'when not a Grid member' do it 'returns Instance info' do info = subject.spawn( owner: 'rspec' ) %w(token application pid url owner birthdate helpers).each do |k| expect(info[k]).to be_truthy end instance = instance_connect( info['url'], info['token'] ) expect(instance.alive?).to be_truthy end it 'assigns an optional owner' do owner = 'blah' expect(subject.spawn( owner: owner )['owner']).to eq(owner) end context 'when the there are no available slots' do let(:slots) { 5 } before :each do slots.times do subject.spawn end end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.spawn).to be nil end context 'and slots are freed' do let(:free) { slots - 1 } it 'returns Instance info' do subject.instances[].each do |info| service = instance_connect( info['url'], info['token'] ) service.shutdown while sleep 0.1 service.alive? rescue break end end instances = [] free.times do instances << subject.spawn end instances.compact! expect(instances.size).to eq free expect(subject.spawn).to be nil end end end end context 'when a Grid member' do let(:slots) { 4 } context 'and strategy is' do context :horizontal do it 'provides Instances from the least burdened Agent' do d1 = agent_spawn( address: '', application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 3.times do d1.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d2 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 2.times do d2.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d3 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) d3.spawn( load_balance: false ) preferred = d3.url.split( ':' ).first expect(d3.spawn(strategy: :horizontal )['url'].split( ':' ).first).to eq(preferred) expect(%W{}).to include d1.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(d2.spawn(strategy: :horizontal )['url'].split( ':' ).first).to eq(preferred) expect(%W{}).to include d3.spawn(strategy: :horizontal )['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(%W{}).to include d3.spawn(strategy: :horizontal )['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(%W{}).to include d1.spawn(strategy: :horizontal )['url'].split( ':' ).first end end context :vertical do it 'provides Instances from the most burdened Agent' do d1 = agent_spawn( address: '', application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 3.times do d1.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d2 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 2.times do d2.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d3 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) d3.spawn( load_balance: false ) preferred = d1.url.split( ':' ).first expect(d3.spawn( strategy: :vertical )['url'].split( ':' ).first).to eq(preferred) end end context 'default' do it 'provides Instances from the least burdened Agent' do d1 = agent_spawn( address: '', application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 3.times do d1.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d2 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 2.times do d2.spawn( load_balance: false ) end d3 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) d3.spawn( load_balance: false ) preferred = d3.url.split( ':' ).first expect(d3.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first).to eq(preferred) expect(%W{}).to include d1.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(d2.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first).to eq(preferred) expect(%W{}).to include d3.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(%W{}).to include d3.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first expect(%W{}).to include d1.spawn['url'].split( ':' ).first end end context 'other' do it 'returns :error_unknown_strategy' do expect(agent_spawn( peer: subject.url ). spawn( strategy: 'blah' )).to eq('error_unknown_strategy') end end end context 'when the load-balance option is set to false' do it 'returns an Instance from the requested Agent' do d1 = agent_spawn( address: '', application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) d1.spawn( load_balance: false ) d2 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) d2.spawn( load_balance: false ) d3 = agent_spawn( address: '', peer: d1.url, application: "#{fixtures_path}/mock_app.rb" ) 2.times do d3.spawn( load_balance: false ) end expect(d3.spawn( load_balance: false )['url']. split( ':' ).first).to eq('') end end end end describe '#instance' do it 'returns proc info by PID' do instance = subject.spawn( owner: 'rspec' ) info = subject.instance( instance['pid'] ) instance_info_keys.each do |k| expect(info[k]).to be_truthy end end end describe '#instances' do it 'returns proc info by PID for all instances' do slots.times { subject.spawn( owner: 'rspec' ) } subject.instances.each do |instance| instance_info_keys.each do |k| expect(instance[k]).to be_truthy end end end end describe '#running_instances' do it 'returns proc info for running instances' do slots.times { subject.spawn } expect(subject.running_instances.size).to eq(slots) end end describe '#finished_instances' do it 'returns proc info for finished instances' do 3.times { Cuboid::Processes::Manager.kill subject.spawn['pid'] } expect(subject.finished_instances.size).to eq(3) end end describe '#utilization' do it 'returns a float signifying the amount of workload' do 3.times do subject.spawn end expect(subject.utilization).to eq(3 / Float(slots)) end end describe '#statistics' do it 'returns general statistics' do subject.spawn instances = subject.instances Cuboid::Processes::Manager.kill( instances.first['pid'] ) stats = subject.statistics %w(utilization running_instances finished_instances node consumed_pids snapshots).each do |k| expect(stats[k]).to be_truthy end finished = stats['finished_instances'] expect(finished.size).to eq(1) expect(stats['node']).to eq( end context 'when there are snapshots' do it 'lists them' do info = subject.spawn instance = info['url'], info['token'] ) instance.suspend! sleep 1 while !instance.suspended? snapshot_path = instance.snapshot_path instance.shutdown expect(subject.statistics['snapshots']).to include snapshot_path end end end describe '#log' do it 'returns the contents of the log file' do expect(subject.log).to be_truthy end end end