require 'spec_helper' describe PostsController do before do reset_configuration end let(:blog_post) { build :post } describe "GET 'index'" do let(:posts) { [] } def do_get(page=nil) get :index, :use_route => :blogit, page: page.to_s end it "should set posts to Blogit::Post.for_index" do Blogit::Post.expects(:for_index).returns(posts) do_get assigns(:posts).should == posts end it "should pass the page param to for_index" do Blogit::Post.expects(:for_index).with("2").returns(posts) do_get("2") assigns(:posts).should == posts end end describe "GET /index.xml" do let(:posts) { [] } def do_get(page=nil) get :index, :use_route => :blogit, page: page.to_s, format: :xml end it "should load all posts in reverse date order" do Blogit::Post.expects(:order).with('created_at DESC').returns(posts) do_get assigns(:posts).should == posts end end describe "GET 'new'" do context "when logged in" do before do mock_login end def do_get get :new, use_route: :blogit end it "should be successful" do do_get response.should be_success end it "should set post to a new blog post" do do_get assigns(:post).should be_a(Blogit::Post) assigns(:post).should be_a_new_record end end context "when not logged in" do def do_get get :new, use_route: :blogit end # It's not really the responsibility of the gem to manage authentication # so testing for specific behaviour here is not required # at the very least though, we'd expect the status not to be 200 it "should redirect to another page" do do_get response.should_not be_success end end end describe "POST /create" do context "when logged in" do before do mock_login end context "with valid params" do let(:post_attributes) { attributes_for(:post) } def do_post post :create, use_route: :blogit, post: post_attributes end before do @blog_posts = [] @current_blogger.expects(:blog_posts).returns(@blog_posts) @blog_posts.expects(:new).with(post_attributes.stringify_keys).returns(blog_post) blog_post.expects(:save).returns(true) @pingr = mock() @pingr.stub_everything() end it "should redirect to the blog post page" do do_post response.should redirect_to(controller.posts_url) end it "should ping all search engines in ping_search_engines config if array" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = search_engines = [:google] search_engines.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_post end it "should ping all search engines in Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES if config is true" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = true Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_post end it "should not ping any search engines if ping_search_engines is false" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = false Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).never end do_post end end end end describe "GET 'edit'" do context "when logged in" do before do mock_login @current_blogger.expects(:blog_posts).returns(@blog_posts = []) @blog_posts.expects(:find).with("1").returns(blog_post) end def do_get get :edit, :id => 1, use_route: :blogit end it "should find the blog post by the ID" do do_get assigns(:post).should eql(blog_post) end end context "when not logged in" do def do_get get :edit, :id => 1, use_route: :blogit end # It's not really the responsibility of the gem to manage authentication # so testing for specific behaviour here is not required # at the very least though, we'd expect the status not to be 200 it "should redirect to another pages" do do_get response.should_not be_success end end end describe "PUT 'update'" do context "when logged in" do before do @post_attributes = { "title" => "Something new" } mock_login @current_blogger.expects(:blog_posts).returns(@blog_posts = []) @blog_posts.expects(:find).with("1").returns(blog_post) @pingr = mock() @pingr.stub_everything() end def do_put put :update, id: "1", use_route: :blogit, post: @post_attributes end it "should update the post attributes from params" do blog_post.expects(:update_attributes).with(@post_attributes).returns(true) do_put end it "should redirect to the blog post page" do do_put response.should redirect_to(controller.post_url(blog_post)) end it "should set a flash notice" do do_put flash[:notice].should be_present end it "should ping all search engines in ping_search_engines config if array" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = search_engines = [:google, :bing] search_engines.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_put end it "should ping all search engines in Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES if config is true" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = true Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_put end it "should not ping any search engines if ping_search_engines is false" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = false Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).never end do_put end end context "when not logged in" do before do @post_attributes = { "title" => "Something new" } end def do_put put :update, id: "1", use_route: :blogit, post: @post_attributes end # It's not really the responsibility of the gem to manage authentication # so testing for specific behaviour here is not required # at the very least though, we'd expect the status not to be 200 it "should redirect to another page" do do_put response.should_not be_success end end end describe "GET 'show'" do before do Blogit::Post.expects(:find).with("1").returns(blog_post) end def do_get get :show, :id => 1, use_route: :blogit end it "should find blog post by id" do do_get assigns(:post).should eql(blog_post) end end describe "DELETE 'destroy'" do def do_delete delete :destroy, id: "1", use_route: :blogit end describe "when logged in" do before do mock_login @current_blogger.expects(:blog_posts).returns(@blog_posts = []) @blog_posts.expects(:find).with("1").returns(blog_post) @pingr = mock() @pingr.stub_everything() end it "should destroy the blog post" do blog_post.expects(:destroy) do_delete end it "should redirect to the blog posts url" do do_delete response.should redirect_to(controller.posts_url) end it "should show a flash notice" do do_delete flash[:notice].should be_present end it "should ping all search engines in ping_search_engines config if array" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = search_engines = [:google, :bing] search_engines.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_delete end it "should ping all search engines in Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES if config is true" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = true Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).returns(@pingr) end do_delete end it "should not ping any search engines if ping_search_engines is false" do Blogit.configuration.ping_search_engines = false Pingr::SUPPORTED_SEARCH_ENGINES.each do |search_engine| Pingr::Request.expects(:new).with(search_engine, controller.posts_url(format: :xml)).never end do_delete end end describe "when not logged in" do it "should redirect to another page" do do_delete response.should_not be_success end end end end